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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Soil Relative Density on Scouring of Seabed due to Ocean Wave
指導教授(外文):Yu-Shu Kuo
外文關鍵詞:initial motionscourrelative densitywave
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本研究探討海床土壤性質差異對波浪引致淘刷之影響,將土體相對密度性質納入海床淘刷行為作為考量項目,以渥太華無凝聚性標準砂鋪設成試驗海床,並透過改變不同土體相對密度方式配合三種粒徑條件,分析不同相對密度土體對於淘刷所需起動剪應力值之影響。並將試驗結果進行薛爾茲參數轉換,計算成不同波浪條件下臨界起動之無因次剪應力,並與Shields (1936)所作之薛爾茲曲線進行比較。

This thesis takes the relative density of the soil properties into account and studies on the effect of scouring. Through the way of experiment, this thesis firstly changes the different relative density to analysis the initial motion effect of three kinds of particle conditions. Then, take the experimental results into converting to the shields parameters for discussing that how much shear stress is required to start into initial motion. After that, compare with the original shields curves by Shields. Finally, use the Mohr Coulomb failure criteria to analysis the seabed particles that how to get into initial motion by shear stress acts and understanding which mechanisms of scouring due to wave.
The results of experiment showed that under the conditions of the particle size for different relative densities, the high relative density soil that needed critical shear stress is higher than the low relative density soil. Namely, it means that the high relative density soil in the ability to resist scouring is better than the low relative density soil due to wave. On the converted of shields curves, the results of experiment appears that the same particle size shows different ranges due to different relative densities. Afterwards taking the result into mechanical analysis found that the theoretical calculated value is much less than the actual scouring value. Based on the results above, inferring the seabed scouring caused by the fluid may not only suffers from the shear stress but also has contained more complex mechanisms. Therefore, if users simply take the shear stress to research the initial motion of sediment and calculate the scouring depth, there will perhaps come out inaccuracies.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號表 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 試驗流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 泥砂起動定義 4
2-2 底床剪應力 6
2-2-1 波浪引致之底床剪應力 6
2-2-2 水流引致之底床剪應力 10
2-2-3 水流及波浪混合條件之底床剪應力 11
2-3 土壤之抗剪強度 12
2-3-1 莫爾庫倫破壞準則 12
2-4 薛爾茲曲線之討論 15
2-4-1 薛爾茲曲線 15
2-4-2 波浪作用下之薛爾茲曲線 18
2-4-3 無因次化粒徑參數與無因次化剪應力參數之推估 22
第三章 室內試驗與試驗方法 23
3-1 室內試驗 23
3-1-1 試驗設備 23
3-1-2 試驗模型 27
3-1-3 試驗配置 32
3-2 試驗方法 33
3-2-1 底床砂土材料相對密度試驗 33
3-2-2 材料剪力強度試驗 36
3-2-3 波浪底床剪應力試驗 38
第四章 試驗結果分析與討論 40
4-1 不同粒徑之波浪臨界剪應力分析結果 41
4-2 波浪作用力下之薛爾茲曲線 45
4-3 底床抗剪強度與其激發摩擦角 48
第五章 結論與建議 53
5-1 結論 53
5-2 建議 54
參考文獻 55

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