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論文名稱(外文):Solution-phase synthesis and tunable bandgap of Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals
指導教授(外文):W.T. Lin
外文關鍵詞:nanocrystalsone-pot systemSn1-xGexSetunable bandgap materials
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本研究探討Ge摻雜對Sn1-xGexSe(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7)奈米晶的合成及能隙的影響。於單一反應器系統在油胺溶劑中,230-260°C、5-24 小時下可合成出Sn1-xGexSe 奈米晶。Ge摻雜係使用三種不同的Ge前驅體如Ge、GeI4 和GeCl4來進行。結果顯示,相較於其他兩種Ge前驅體,來自於GeCl4之Ge較容易摻雜進入SnSe晶體。隨著Ge摻雜物的含量增加,要形成SnSe純相而無雜質在Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶中,需提高溫度或增加時間,此顯示出在單一反應器系統合成中,SnSe的生成速率較GeSe快,即使SnCl2 、GeCl4前驅物分別為固態和液態。Sn1-xGexSe 奈米晶隨著Ge的濃度( 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7 )的增加,間接能隙從0.92 eV增加至1.17 eV 而直接能隙可由1.37 eV增加至1.53 eV。本研究顯示Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶在單一反應器系統油胺溶劑中可簡單地合成出而無需添加其他還原劑如hexamethyl-disilazane。除此之外,可調控能隙Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶為一個很有潛力的光伏材料。
The effects of Ge-doping on the synthesis and bandgap of Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7 were studied. Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals were synthesized at 230-260°C for 5-24 h in the oleylamine (OLA) solvent in a one-pot system. Three different Ge precursors such as Ge, GeI4 and GeCl4 were used for Ge-doping. The result showed that the Ge dopant from the GeCl4 precursor can be more readily incorporated into the SnSe lattice as compared with the other two Ge precursors. The synthesis temperature and time required to form single SnSe phase without the impurities in the Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals increased with the amount (x) of Ge dopant, revealing that during synthesis in the one-pot system the formation rate of SnSe is faster than that of GeSe even though the Sn precursor, SnCl2, is in the solid state and the Ge precursor, GeCl4, is in the liquid state. The indirect and direct bandgaps of Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals could be tuned from 0.92 to 1.17 eV and from 1.37 to 1.53 eV, respectively, by increasing the Ge concentration (x) from 0 to 0.7. This study reveals that the Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals can be simply synthesized in the OLA solvent in a one-pot system without introduction of other reduction agents such as hexamethyl-disilazane. In addition, the tunable band gap of Sn1-xGexSe nanocrystals may make them potential candidates as the photovoltaic materials.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 引言 1
第二章 光電基礎理論與文獻回顧 3
2.1基本光電原理 3
2.1.1光電導效應 3
2.1.2光伏特效應 3
2.1.3太陽能材料的歷史發展 4
2.2太陽能材料的介紹 5
2.2.1光電材料物理特性需求 5
2.2.2光電材類分類 6
2.2.3提升材料光電轉換效率的方法 7
2.3可調控能隙材料文獻回顧 10
2.3.1 ZnS&CIS& CIGS& CZTS& CZTSe文獻 10
2.3.2 SnSe化學合成文獻 11
2.3.3藉由尺寸調控 SnSe能隙文獻 13
2.3.4藉由摻雜 SnSe能隙文獻 14
2.3.5 GeSe文獻 16
2.4 研究動機 17
第三章 實驗步驟與方法 19
3.1濕式化學法在氮氣中合成SnSe及Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶 19
3.2材料特性分析 19
3.2.1 X光繞射儀(X-ray Diffractometer)[92] 20
3.2.2 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM)[92] 21
3.2.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM)[92] 22
3.2.4 X光能量散佈分析儀(Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer, EDS)[92] 23
3.2.5 化學分析電子光譜儀(Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis,ESCA) [94] 24
3.2.6 紫外/可見光(UV-vis)光譜儀[95] 26
第四章 結果與討論 27
4.1 濕式化學法在氮氣中合成SnSe奈米晶 27
4.2不同Ge前驅體對合成 Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶的影響 27
4.3濕式化學法在氮氣中合成Sn1-xGexSe奈米晶 30
4.4濕式化學法在氮氣中合成Sn1-x GexSe奈米晶之微結構 31
4.5 Ge摻雜 SnSe奈米晶之光學性值 32
第五章 結論 33
文獻參考 35
附錄 107
JCPDS Cards No. 01-075-6133(SnSe) 107
JCPDS Cards No. 01-075-1802(GeSe) 109
JCPDS Cards No. 00-003-0475(Ge) 111

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