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論文名稱(外文):Silver Coated PMMA Electrospun Webs by Electroless Plating as Transparent Electrodes
指導教授(外文):In-Gann Chen
外文關鍵詞:Transparent ElectrodesElectrospinningElectroless plating
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目前透明導電材料的市場主流為氧化銦錫(Indium Tin Oxide)薄膜,但由於銦礦短缺的隱憂,造成成本價格日益偏高,促使許多學者投入相關替代材料的研究。因此本論文即以新型透明導電薄膜之開發與應用為主要目標。首先以電紡絲技術,製備出CF3COOAg/PMMA複合式奈米纖維網狀支架,後搭配無電鍍銀製程,可於電紡絲周圍包覆銀鍍層,此網狀結構具有極佳的導電性,與良好之光線穿透度,期能取代主流ITO薄膜。
首先在電紡絲網狀結構製備的部份,本研究針對不同 PMMA 濃度、CF3COOAg 濃度、操作電場強度、溶液流速,以及電紡絲時間等五種參數進行討論。最後選取 PMMA 濃度12wt%、Ag/PMMA=1/16、電場強度=10kV、溶液流速=10μl/min,之電紡絲操作參數,可得最佳平均線徑182.8nm、標準差±58.7nm、變異係數32.1%以及初始穿透率92.3%之 CF3COOAg/PMMA 複合纖維網狀結構,以作為下一階段,無電鍍銀沉積的最佳選擇。
其次於無電鍍製程改良方面,本研究藉由可溶性基板的使用,以避開無電鍍銀之非選擇性沉積特性的影響,使銀顆粒僅生成於PMMA電紡絲周圍。並藉由奈米銀晶種的輔助,改善無電鍍銀沉積之形貌與均勻性。並以以SEM、TEM、UV-vis吸收光譜和XRD圖譜,分析銀顆粒沉積形態及特性,最終本研究可製備出穿透度為73.1 %、片電阻為16 .7Ω/sq的薄膜。此薄膜承受一萬次之反覆凹折後,其片電阻值變化率為60.5%,而經150℃、15小時與90℃、250小時的溫度測試,其前後片電阻值比例皆小於1.3。
最後經Figure of Merit計算,本研究之透明電極性能已優於石墨烯與奈米碳管,並達到與銅奈米結構材料相同數量級之程度,再加上本研究常溫常壓製備條件的優勢,其在未來將是極具發展的潛力。

This study develops a novel process for transparent electrodes by electrospinning and electroless plating technique.
PMMA nanofibers were first electrospun from the solution containing PMMA and silver precursor CF3COOAg. To obtain uniform webs with high transmittance for further electroless plating, the effect of electrospun parameters on morphology and diameter of nanofibers, including polymer concentration, silver precursor concentration, applied voltage, flow rate, and electrospun time was carefully investigated.
After forming PMMA webs, silver nanolayer was coated on the surface of nanofibers by a simple silver mirror reaction. To improve the uniformity of silver coating, PMMA nanofibers encapsulated with silver nanoparticles were synthesized by a heat treatment at 100 oC 12h and acted as nucleation sites for the following electroless plating. Moreover, soluble substrates were adopted to ensure that silver could only be deposited on the nanofibers. The silver coated PMMA webs fabricated in this research has the transmittance of 73.1% and the sheet resistance of 16.7Ω/sq. In addition, this composite webs show only 60.5% changes in resistance after bending for 10,000 times and the sheet resistance rate less than 1.3 during a heat storage test at 150oC ,15hours and 90oC,250 hours.
By the results of Figure of Merit, the performance of our transparent electrode was better than the graphene and carbon nanotubes. The most important is that we can prepare our thin film at room temperature and ambient pressure, which will have great development potential in the future

摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 透明導電薄膜 7
2-1-1 透明導電薄膜簡介 7
2-1-2 透明導電材料應用 12
2-2 電紡絲法簡介 14
2-2-1 電紡絲原理 15
2-2-2 電紡絲技術參數 16
2-3 無電鍍法 17
2-3-1 無電鍍法的特性與原理 18
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 30
3-1 化學藥品 30
3-2 實驗流程 30
3-2-1 玻璃基板清洗 30
3-2-2 PMMA電紡絲網狀結構 31
3-2-3 無電鍍法搭配PDMS沾黏輔助於透明導電薄膜的製備 32
3-2-4 製程改良之無電鍍法於透明導電薄膜的製備 33
3-2-5 複合式透明導電薄膜 34
3-3 實驗儀器設備 34
3-3-1 表面形貌與性質分析儀器 34
3-3-2 透明電極的穿透率與片電阻值量測 35
第四章 結果與討論 43
4-1 CF3COOAg/PMMA電紡絲的製備 43
4-1-1 PMMA濃度對電紡絲之影響 43
4-1-2 CF3COOAg 濃度對纖維尺寸的影響 44
4-1-3 電紡絲操作因素對纖維尺寸的影響 45
4-1-4 電紡絲時間與纖維密度、覆蓋率統計 46
4-2 無電鍍法於透明導電薄膜的製備 47
4-2-1 硝酸銀濃度與溫度對無電鍍銀沉積性質之影響 47
4-2-2 PDMS轉移技術對透明導電薄膜性質之提升 48
4-3 製程改良之透明導電薄膜製備 50
4-3-1 可溶性基板對透明導電薄膜製程之影響 50
4-3-2 晶種輔助沉積法對透明導電薄膜之影響 53
4-4 透明導電薄膜之應用特性與可靠度探討 55
4-4-1 透明導電薄膜於太陽能電池之應用 55
4-4-2 可靠度測試-反覆疲勞彎曲測驗 56
4-4-3 可靠度測試-高溫長時間熱處理 58
4-4-4 透明導電膜比較與Figure of Merit 59
4-5 複合式透明導電薄膜 60
4-5-1銀奈米線添加之複合式透明導電薄膜 60
第五章 結論 105
參考文獻 107

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