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論文名稱(外文):The Research on Combination Types of Construction and Envelope for Light-Weight Steel Buildings
指導教授(外文):Tae-Nung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Light-Weight Steel BuildingsCooperative Self-build ConstructionBuilding EnvelopeCombination TypesHsieh Ying-ChunReconstruction
  • 被引用被引用:9
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輕型鋼構造因具有材料成本低、施工快速等優點,受到建築界重視,國內住宅 工程首次大量採用輕型鋼做為建築構造,是在 2009 年莫拉克風災後的永久屋重建工 作,在災後重建預算有限、工期壓縮、大量興建的條件下,輕型鋼構能夠發揮其構 造工法的優勢。

從 1999 年起謝英俊建築師團隊引用「協力造屋」概念設計輕型鋼構造住宅,應 用在九二一地震、汶川地震及莫拉克風災的災後重建工程中,目的是讓災民也能夠 參與重建的工作,為此從規劃設計到施工,整個營建流程都要發展出相對應的操作 方法,而本研究目的即在探討「協力造屋」概念對輕型鋼構造建築物的構造設計及 構體與外殼組合型態的影響。

1. 「協力造屋」概念對輕型鋼構造設計的影響
a. 對構體設計的影響:包含構體的開放性可包容不同建材的使用、簡化生 產使構材可在工廠快速生產、簡化施工使現場組裝快速等。
b. 對外殼設計的影響:材料選擇以當地為優先、施工方法具有地域性優 點、構體與外殼接合考慮可逆性以便於維修或更改、模矩化設計以減少 現場加工與材料耗損、組件預製化提高品質及加速施工等。
2. 構體與外殼組合型態
a. 外殼材料組構程序:線形構件→組合成面狀→組合成塊體。
b. 外殼材料組構模式:單側面狀堆疊、兩側面狀堆疊、澆灌體狀固結、塊
c. 構體與外殼接合形式:滾接、鉸接、剛接。
3. 輕型鋼構造外殼建材與構法選擇之評估方法 本研究結論提供在協力造屋概念下之常用外殼材料清單、材料選用原則、構 體與外殼結合形式及性能評估方式等建議。
Light-weight steel buildings caused the construction industry attention is due to low material costs and rapid construction. After typhoon Morakot, 2009, the first extensive use light-weight steel construction for residential projects in Taiwan. Because of the advantages of light-weight steel construction have been used in reconstruction works, can face difficult conditions such as limited budget, duration of compression and a large number of construction.

Since 1999, Taiwanese architect, Hsieh Ying-Chun and his team have designed light-weight steel buildings in Cooperative Self-build Construction concept, used in 921 earthquake, Wenchuan earthquake and Typhoon Morakot post-disaster reconstruction projects, the purpose is to help victims to participate in the reconstruction work. Therefore, construction process must develop the corresponding method of operation from planning and design to construction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of this concept that “Cooperative Self-build Construction” for light-weight steel buildings design and the combination types between structure and envelope.

The conclusions of this study as follow:
1) The impact of this concept that “Cooperative Self-build Construction” for light-weight steel buildings design.
1. For structure design:
▪ Openness the structure design: The structure design can accommodate the use of different materials.
▪ Simplify the production: Rapid production of the material in the factory.
▪ Simplify construction: That material can be quickly assembled on site.
2. For building envelope design:
▪ Local materials as a priority.
▪ Construction method has the advantages of regional.
▪ Bonding the structure and the shell easy to modify.
▪ Reduce on-site processing and material consumption.
▪ Component prefabrication can improve quality and efficiency.
2) The combination types between structure and envelope
1. The building envelope combination of procedures: linear component → combined into a planar → grouped into blocks.
2. The building envelope combination of the pattern: single side stackable shape, both sides of the planar stacking, watering body shape consolidation, massive stack.
3. The bonding forms of structure and envelope: roller joint, hinge joint, fixed joint.
3) How to assessment the materials of the building envelope and the method of fabric.
The conclusions of this study in cooperative Self-build Construction provide the bill of materials, material selection principles, the combination types between structure and envelope and structure performance assessment methods.
第一章 緒論
1.1研究動機 1-1
1.2研究目的 1-1
1.3研究範圍 1-1
1.4研究流程 1-2
1.5研究方法 1-3

第二章 文獻彙整
2.1文獻回顧 2-1
2.2輕型鋼構之認識 2-3
2.3輕型鋼構外殼構造之認識 2-7
2.4協力造屋之認識 2-9
2.5協力造屋操作方法 2-12
2.6協力造屋對構造設計的影響 2-14
2.7小結 2-16

第三章 個案研究與現況調查
3.1前言 3-1
3.2國內文獻案例彙整 3-1
3.3個案研究 3-2
3.4案例現況調查 3-12
3.5小結 3-14

第四章 分析與歸納
4.1前言 4-1
4.2外殼材料組合模式探討 4-1
4.3構體與外殼組合型態探討 4-4
4.4外殼性能分析 4-7
4.5小結 4-9

第五章 問題與對策
5.1前言 5-1
5.2外殼自然材料的開發與應用 5-1
5.3構體與外殼組合型態檢討 5-2
5.4外殼性能提昇探討 5-3
5.5小結 5-5

第六章 結論與建議
6.1結論 6-1
6.2研究限制 6-1
6.3後續研究建議 6-2

附錄一 文獻案例彙整
附錄二 外殼總熱阻值計算
附錄三 個案研究
附錄四 現況調查
附錄五 接合形式分析
[2]國家標準,一般結構用焊接H形輕型鋼 CNS6185,經濟部標準檢驗局,2000
[24]壹東實業股份有限公司,岩棉複層金屬板外牆板斷面圖,http://www.idomain.com.tw/ ,2013
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