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論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Constrained Project and Production Scheduling for Computer Integrated Manufacturing System by Genetic Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Shih-Ming Yang
外文關鍵詞:genetic algorithmproject schedulingproduction scheduling
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在電腦整合製造中,有效的專案開發管理與生產系統自動化排程是至關重要的。在本論文中針對不同的專案管理與生產排程案例,提出了一個可描述具不同目標函數與拘束條件的排程問題之整合理論。基因演算法(genetic algorithm)因其強健性與有效性,已被廣泛應用於各式排程問題中。大部分生產排程研究所提出的染色體編碼方法主要針對執行權重進行優化。然而許多實際專案、生產排程中所遭遇的問題需要更進一步去分析、優化。本論文提出之排程整合理論,除了將不同專案、生產排程之特色統一描述外,以基因演算法做為優化工具,並針對不同排程問題之特殊性質進行彈性編碼。

Efficient project and production scheduling are necessary for the development of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). A formulation based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to describe the objective function and constraint equations of project and production scheduling problem. Effectiveness of the formulation is validated by numerical results. In the first example, project scheduling for activity duration and resource input can optimize the makespan and achieve resource leveling simultaneously. Numerical results show that the formulation can improve the resource utilization compared with the fuzzy Gantt chart method. In the 2nd example, the formulation is applied to production scheduling problem with considering quality and deadlock. Numerical results show that the formulation can optimize the makespan while meeting the quality requirement and preventing the process deadlock. The last example is production scheduling with multi-objective function of minimum makespan, order delivery delay and processing interruption. The constraint equations consist of sequence relationship, resource limitation, machine consistency, and day/night shift. Numerical results show that the formulation is better than the dispatching rules such as longest processing time (LPT) and shortest processing time (SPT) in either single objective function or multi-objective function. The proposed formulation is shown effective in project and production scheduling problems in CIM.
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
Nomenclature vii
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.2.1 Computer integrated manufacturing 2
1.2.2 Project planning and production scheduling 4
1.2.3 Genetic algorithm application to scheduling 6
1.3 Outline 8
Chapter II Formulation and Scope in Computer Integrated Manufacturing 10
2.1 Formulation of Developing CIM 10
2.2 CIM Project Scope 13
2.3 Genetic Algorithm 15
Chapter III Project Scheduling with Resource Constraints and Fuzzy Gantt Chart 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Estimation of Resource Requirements 29
3.3 Project Scheduling with Resource Constraints 30
3.4 Summary 34
Chapter IV Production Scheduling with Quality and Deadlock Constraints 40
4.1 Introduction 40
4.2 Scheduling Problems 41
4.3 Application of GA for Production Scheduling 44
4.4. Numerical Results 46
4.5 Summary 50
Chapter V Multi-Objective Production Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm 57
5.1 Introduction 57
5.2 Multi-Objective Production Scheduling. 58
5.3 Multi-Objectives Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm 60
5.4 Results and Discussion 63
5.5 Summary 64
Chapter VI Summary and Conclusions 71
References 74
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