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論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Nanostructure on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell by Soft Lithography
指導教授(外文):Chie Gau
外文關鍵詞:silicon solar cellpolystyrene nanospheressoft lithography
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最終由量測分析結果得知開路電壓(Voc)維持在0.53 V,填充係數(FF) 維持在0.70~0.71,短路電流密度(Jsc)最高可由22.28mA/cm2增加到24.25mA/cm2,因此轉換效率亦從8.3%增加至9.1%。
The study has two primary parts. First part is to improvement process of silicon solar cell. Those focus on change different temperature and time for thermal diffusion and sinter silver glue. It made the process of silicon solar cell optimization. The second part is to add the transparent film that it has nanostructure on the surface of silicon solar cells. The transparent film used polystyrene nanospheres that it has self-assembly properties and Hexagonal closed-packed, as well as regulation array structure. The Polystyrene nanospheres used spin coater to spin on a glass substrate. It used a PDMS that is a light-transparent polymer material to fabricate different size and structure of the transparent film by soft lithography. Finally, the silicon solar cell to stuck transparent film that it made light get into the nanostructure film, so that decrease the light-reflection and enhance the short-circuit current (Isc). This study used 140nm, 430nm, 820nm and 2um nanospheres and regulation array structure to make the transparent film by imprint PDMS, and used it stuck on the surface of the solar cell.
The result of measurement shows that the open circuit voltage (Voc) to maintain in 0.53 V, the fill factor (FF) was maintained at 0.70 to 0.71, the short-circuit current density (Jsc) increased from 22.28mA/cm2 to 24.25mA/cm2, therefore conversion efficiency increased from 8.3% to 9.1%.
第一章 太陽能電池序論.................................................................1
第二章 軟微影技術應用於微奈米材料.......................................10
第三章 實驗製程與量測分析.......................................................15
3.1 太陽能電池製作流程與性能分析......................................15
第四章 實驗結果與討論...............................................................27
4.1 太陽能電池製程參數研究.................................................27
4.2 奈米球各種製程參數研究.................................................28
4.3 PDMS翻製微奈米結構薄膜之表面形貌...........................31
4.3.1 奈米球凹結構薄膜……..............................................31
4.3.2 奈米球凸結構薄膜……..............................................33
4.3.3 不同形狀結構薄膜……..............................................34

第五章 結論...................................................................................39
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