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論文名稱(外文):Performance Implications of Strategic Alliances in a Dynamic Environment: An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan Companies
指導教授(外文):Alan John Webb
外文關鍵詞:Strategic allianceFinancial performanceDynamic environmentIndustry organization theoryResource-based theory
  • 被引用被引用:1
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When the global market is extended, the business environment is increasing complexity. Since 2007, the financial crisis affects the global economy declines and downturns in stock markets. The companies around the world face the major challenges in order to manage effectively and growth up in such a dynamic environment. Strategic alliance is one way to sustain a firm’s competitive advantage and this research is to evaluate the effects of strategic alliance to discover if strategic alliance will create more value for the alliance companies or not.
Industry organization theory and resource-based theory will be the framework to examine the performance of strategic alliance. Empirical results find that under economic environment effects, higher industry concentration ratio will bring a negative influence on performance. Short-term alliance year and non-exchange equity of strategic alliance characteristics are more likely to get better financial performance. Strategic alliances are more likely to get better financial performance with large-scale, long history and lower Debt to Equity ratio of companies’ characteristics.
This research take Taiwan cases to contributes to broaden the empirical literature on the performance of strategic alliance for further researchers and provides significant insights for business executives to determine a suitable strategic alliance in a specific context and thus reduce the risk while advance their benefits.
ABSTRACT .............................................I
摘要 ................................................II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................III
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................V
LIST OF TABLES .....................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................VIII
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION .............................1
1.1 Research Background ...........................1
1.2 Research Objectives ...........................5
1.3 Research Flow Chart ...........................5
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ........................7
2.1 Theory ........................................7
2.2 Hypothesis ....................................9
3.1 Research Framework and Sample ................16
3.2 Data Collection and Method ...................18
3.3 Variable Definitions .........................19
CHAPTER FOUR RESEARCH RESULTS .......................23
4.1 Samples and Data Sources .....................23
4.2 Regression Analysis ..........................28
5.1 Conclusion and Contributions .................34
5.2 Research Limitations .........................38
5.3 Recommendations ..............................38
REFERENCES ..........................................40
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