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研究生(外文):Mansjur, RinaNovita
論文名稱:Understanding Individual’s Charitable Giving Behavior: Moderating Effects of Social Norm and Social Justice
論文名稱(外文):Understanding Individual’s Charitable Giving Behavior: Moderating Effects of Social Norm and Social Justice
指導教授(外文):Hao Chieh Lin
外文關鍵詞:Charitable giving behaviorDemonstrable utilityFamilial utilityEmotional utilitySocial normSocial justice.
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Individual charitable giving behavior takes an important role in our society. Despite the fact that the number of non-profit charitable organizations keeps increasing, the number of individual charitable giving is decreasing. This study thus applies the social exchange and the social impact theories to analyze the determinants of individual charitable giving behavior by exploring their perceived benefits; demonstrable utility, familial utility, emotional utility, together with their perceived social factors; social norm and social justice, which work as moderating variables between the perceived benefits and individuals’ charitable giving behavior, in the form of money donation or time donation (volunteering).
Statistical analyses based on a sample collected from 519 respondents in several countries reveal that demonstrable and emotional utilities are positively related with money donation while familial and emotional utilities are positively related with volunteering. Moreover, the two moderators of social norm and social justice show negative moderating effects on the relationships between familial and emotional utilities and money donation, as well as the relationship between familial utility and volunteering. The study contributes to the charitable giving literature by exploring the psychological and social factors as determinants of giving behaviors within the broad social contexts.

1.1 Research Background and Motivation. 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Contributions. 7
1.3 Research Scope. 11
1.4 Research Procedures. 11
1.5 Research Structures. 13
2.1 Theoretical Background. 14
2.1.1 Social Exchange Theory. 14
2.1.2 Social Impact Theory. 16
2.2 Definition of Independent Variables. 18
2.2.1 Egoistic Motivation. 18
2.2.2 Altruistic Motivation. 20
2.3 Definition of Dependent Variable: Charitable Giving Behavior. 21
2.4 Definition of Moderating Variables. 22
2.4.1 Social Norm. 22
2.4.2 Social Justice. 25
2.5 Development of Research Hypotheses. 29
2.5.1 The Relationship between Demonstrable Utility and Charitable Giving Behavior. 29
2.5.2 The Relationship between Familial Utility and Charitable Giving Behavior. 30
2.5.3 The Relationship between Emotional Utility and Charitable Giving Behavior. 30
2.5.4 The Relationship between Social Norm and Charitable Giving Behavior. 31
2.5.5 The Relationship between Social Justice and Charitable Giving Behavior. 31
2.5.6 Social Norm as a Moderator. 32
2.5.7 Social Justice as a Moderator. 33
3.1 Conceptual Model. 35
3.2 Definitions of Variables. 36
3.3 Summary of Hypotheses. 36
3.4 Construct Measurement. 37
3.4.1 Charitable Giving Behavior. 37
3.4.2 Demonstrable Utility. 39
3.4.3 Familial Utility. 39
3.4.4 Emotional Utility. 40
3.4.5 Social Norm. 41
3.4.6 Social Justice. 41
3.5 Sampling Plan and Data Collection. 42
3.6 Control Variables. 42
3.6.1 Age. 42
3.6.2 Gender. 43
3.6.3 Income. 44
3.6.4 Religious Affiliation. 44
3.6.5 Marital Status. 45
3.6.6 Number of Household. 45
3.6.7 Education. 45
3.6.8 Employment Status. 46
3.6.9 Nationality. 46
3.7 Method of Analysis. 46
3.7.1 Descriptive Statistic. 47
3.7.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). 47
3.7.3 Reliability Test. 47
3.7.4 Pearson’s Correlation. 47
3.7.5 Hierarchical Regression Analysis. 48
3.7.6 Common Method Variance. 48
4.1 Descriptive Analysis. 49
4.1.1 Sample and Data Collection Procedures. 49
4.1.2 Characteristics of Respondents. 50
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 52
4.3 Reliability and Validity Test Analysis. 54
4.4 Pearson Correlation Analysis. 56
4.5 Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis. 58
4.5.1 Charitable Giving Behavior – Giving Money. 58
4.5.2 Charitable Giving Behavior – Giving Time. 71
4.6 Common Method Variance. 80
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion. 81
5.1.1 Theoretical Implications. 81
5.1.2 Managerial Implications. 92
5.2 Research Limitations. 94
5.3 Suggestion for Future Research. 95
Appendix 1: Questionnaires (English) 107
Appendix 2: Questionnaires (Indonesian) 110
Appendix 3: Goodness of Fit For the Measurement Model 112

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