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論文名稱(外文):The Research on the Wave Energy System with Floating Twin-Hull Structure
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chung Fang
外文關鍵詞:Twin hull floating body motionWave energyRelative elevationOscillating water column
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本論文主要探討以浮動式封閉雙體結構作為震盪水柱波浪發電系統之可行性。首先以2D 截片理論為基礎,計算開放式雙體結構與封閉式雙體結構於不同頻率下之運動量並作比較, 並且以實體模型實驗驗證數值結果。根據相對波高計算結果可推估波浪擠壓封閉雙體結構氣室內之空氣, 進而可將浮體與波浪間之相對運動能轉換為氣動能, 依此來預估氣室內水柱之速度與葉片出口風速, 最後得到空氣給予渦輪機動力帶動發電機所產生之電能。
本文的封閉雙體結構氣室規格採用雙氣室結構並搭配使用兩級串接葉片, 以吃水深度、雙體結構間距、波浪週期作為封閉式雙體結構最佳化之計算參數。本論文以成功海域為波浪發電系統廠址,依據當地近岸與海域波浪觀測資料, 計算比較在不同之吃水深度與雙體結構間距時之固定式與浮動式封閉雙體結構之發電功率。根據本文計算比較結果, 浮動式封閉雙體結構比固定式之封閉雙體結構在適當之雙體結構間距的選擇下可以有更佳的發電效果且較有彈性的設計空間。
The main goal of the thesis is to study the feasibility of applying the floating close-type twin hull body as the wave energy generating system instead of the existing fixed-type oscillating water column system. The motion response of the floating twin hull body is calculated based on the 2D strip theory and verified by the experiments. With the results of the calculated relative wave elevation between the body and wave surface, we can estimate the amount of the compressed air in the air chamber.
Consequently the electric power produced by the system can be obtained through the air kinetic energy, water column speed and blade outlet air speed. Two air chambers incorporating with two cascaded Savonius blades are adopted in the present twin hull closed-type body. The optimal parameters for the present twin hull body design are based on the draft, twin hull body spacing and the wave period. The sea area in Cheng-Kung is selected as the test site in the present study. The calculations of the wave-induced electric power through the floating- and fixed- types system with respect to different draft and spacing have been made based on the wave data in that area. From the results, we can find that the floating twin hull body has the better power-generating efficient if the adequate spacing is selected and It also equips the more flexible design potentials.
Abstract I
Acknowledgement II
Table of Contents III
List of Tables IV
List of Figures V
Nomenclature X
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation and objective 1
1-2 Literature review 2
1-3 Architecture 11
Chapter 2: Mathematical Description and Research Methodology 12
2-1 Coordinate system and motion equation 12
2-2 Hydrodynamic pressure and relative wave elevation 14
2-3 Air damping 16
2-4 Wave energy 17
2-5 Power calculation 18
2-6 Characteristic frequency 20
Chapter 3: Experimental Models and Structure Configuration Design 22
3-1 Physical models and experimental set-up 22
3-2 Comparison with the onshore wave energy generator system with onshore multi-chamber oscillating water column 24
3-3 Structural design optimization 25
Chapter 4: Simulation and Discussion of Experimental Results 27
4-1 Twin hull structure model and experimental result 28
4-2 Power prediction of close-type twin-hull structure 31
4-3 Power Prediction of Physical Model 35
4-3-1 Effect of draft on rating power 40
4-3-2 Effect of spacing of air chamber on rating power 46
4-4 Discussion 60
Chapter 5: Conclusions 63
References 64
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