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論文名稱(外文):Distributing non-linear divisible loads on homogeneous processors with daisy chain networks
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ping Chu
外文關鍵詞:divisible loadnon-linear computational loadsmulti-port homogeneous daisy chain networkload distribution
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在許多不同的可分割負載(divisible load)問題領域中,其演算法的計算量與問題的大小呈非線性關係。可分割負載理論中,主要的目的為找出分配給網路中各個處理器的最佳負載片段大小去讓總負載處理時間能夠最短。本篇論文首先提出兩個在同質線性網路多處理機中分配非線性可分割負載的演算法,其總負載在初始時位在網路邊界的根(root)處理器。若總負載初始時位在網路內部的根處理器,本論文也提出一個分佈非線性可分割負載的演算法。在這些演算法中,本研究推導出負載片段大小與總負載處理時間的計算式,另外在考慮計算和通訊初始成本(start-up cost)存在的狀況下,推導出每個演算法的總負載處理時間以及適當的處理器數目。最後,證明本論文所提出的演算法之效能明顯優於過去研究所提出的演算法。
In many diverse areas with divisible loads, the computational cost of the algo-rithm is a nonlinear function of the load size. The main purpose of the Divisible Load Theory (DLT) is obtaining the optimal load fraction in each processor to minimize the entire load processing time. This thesis proposed two different nonlinear computational load distribution algorithms for the homogeneous processors with daisy chain networks, to which the entire loads are originated from root processor located on the boundary initially. If the entire loads are originated form the interior (root) processor, this thesis also proposed a divisible load distribution algorithm. In order to reduce the idle time before each processor starts to compute, we also address a nonlinear computational load distribution algorithm for boundary root processor case with multiple installments. For these algorithms, the closed-form expression of the load fraction for each processor and the entire processing time are derived. Moreover, the entire load processing time and the proper number of the processors are also obtained for the case the start-up cost is considered. At the end, the performance of the proposed algorithms significantly outperforms the classic algorithm is also proved in the thesis.
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Purpose 2
1.2 Contribution 3
1.3 Organization 4
Chapter 2. Background and Literature Survey 5
2.1 The Divisible Load Theory (DLT) 5
2.2 A Load Distributing Strategy for Linear Network 6
2.3 Nonlinear Computational Loads 9
Chapter 3. Models and Notations 10
3.1 Daisy Chain Network 10
3.2 Notations 11
3.3 Computational Loads 13
Chapter 4. Algorithms for Boundary Root Processor Case 15
4.1 Algorithm R : Completing the Communication in Phase One 16
4.2 Algorithm Q : Completing the Communication during Phase One and Phase Two 23
4.3 Algorithms with Start-up Costs Considered 32
4.4 Discussion of Results 37
Chapter 5. Algorithm for Interior Root Processor Case 40
5.1 Algorithm L : Completing the Communication during Phase One and Phase Two 41
5.2 Algorithm with Start-up Costs Considered 51
5.3 Discussion of Results 54
Chapter 6. Algorithm for Boundary Root Processor Case with Multiple Installments 55
6.1 Algorithm M 55
6.2 Algorithm with Start-up costs Considered 62
6.3 Discussion of Results 65
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Research 67
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