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論文名稱(外文):Dirichlet Priors for Markov Naïve Bayesian Classifiers with Multinomial Model for Gene Sequence Data
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Tsung Wong
外文關鍵詞:Dirichlet distributiongene sequence dataMarkov modelnaïve Bayesian classifier
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With the development of metagenomics and sequencing, biologists do not have to culture the microbes in a laboratory that is less than one percent of the microbes living in an ecological environment. In order to explore the diversity of species, biologists extract samples from an ecological environment directly by using the technologies for metagenomics. In the process of classifying gene sequence reads, the N-mer sliding window is generally used to extract features, and two adjacent features will have N-1 letters in common. This greatly violates the conditional independence assumption of the naïve Bayesian classifier. The Markov naïve Bayesian classifier releases the conditional independence assumption and should be a more appropriate classifier for gene sequence data. In this study, we attempt to embed multinomial models and Dirichlet priors for enumerator and denominator in the Markov naïve Bayesian classifier to enhance its accuracy in classifying gene sequence reads. Two methods enumerator-first and denominator-first are tested on four gene sequence sets, and the experimental results show that the enumerator-first method can generally achieve a higher prediction accuracy. Both methods can have a better performance than the well-known RDP classifier. Since the number of priors for a class value in the Markov naïve Bayesian classifier is two instead of one in the naïve Bayesian classifier, the best noninformative Dirichlet priors do enhance the performance of the Markov naïve Bayesian classifier.
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、研究背景與動機 1
1.2、研究目的 2
1.3、研究架構 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1、多源基因體學 4
2.2、簡易貝氏分類器 6
2.2.1、簡易貝氏分類器運作原理 6
2.2.2、簡易貝氏分類器在文件分類的機率模型 7
2.2.3、簡易貝氏分類器於基因序列的應用 8
2.3、馬可夫簡易貝氏分類器 10
2.3.1、馬可夫模型 10
2.3.2、馬可夫簡易貝氏分類器運作原理 12
2.4、 狄氏分配 13
2.5、小結 15
第三章、研究方法 16
3.1、研究流程 16
3.2、資料前置處理 18
3.3、多項式馬可夫簡易貝氏分類器 19
3.4、狄氏先驗分配參數的調整方法 21
3.5、驗證方式 23
第四章、實證研究 24
4.1、資料檔介紹 24
4.2、馬可夫簡易貝氏分類器之實證研究 25
4.3、狄氏分配之實證研究 27
4.3.1、Bacteria2035資料檔之分類正確率比較 27
4.3.2、Bacteria3672資料檔之分類正確率比較 29
4.3.3、Fungi4954資料檔之分類正確率比較 31
4.3.4、Fungi7730資料檔之分類正確率比較 34
4.4、小結 39
第五章、結論與建議 42
5.1、結論 42
5.2、建議 43
參考文獻 44
附錄一 狄氏分配_分子分母正確率變化表-Bacteria2035資料檔 48
附錄二 狄氏分配_分母分子正確率變化表-Bacteria2035資料檔 49
附錄三 狄氏分配_分子分母正確率變化表-Bacteria3672資料檔 50
附錄四 狄氏分配_分母分子正確率變化表-Bacteria3672資料檔 54
附錄五 狄氏分配_分子分母正確率變化表-Fungi4954資料檔 58
附錄六 狄氏分配_分母分子正確率變化表-Fungi4954資料檔 61
附錄七 狄氏分配_分子分母正確率變化表-Fungi7730資料檔 64
附錄八 狄氏分配_分母分子正確率變化表-Fungi7730資料檔 73
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