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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Fabricating Cu2ZnSnSe4 Solar Cells by Using Selenization of Cosputtered Cu-Zn-Sn Precursors
指導教授(外文):Dung-Ching Perng
外文關鍵詞:CZTSeselenizationthin film solar cellMo back contactsoda-lime glass
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銅鋅錫硒(CZTSe)薄膜為p 型直接能隙半導體,其能隙值約為1eV,它具有低成本製作、無毒性及材料來源充足等優點,非常適合做為薄膜太陽能電池之吸收層的應用。


最終,使用以下的製程參數得以形成銅鋅錫硒薄膜: 銅鋅錫先驅物以化學當量比搭配Cu poor的配方,並經二階段硒化製程(300度30分鐘與530度30分鐘)後,可獲得銅鋅錫硒薄膜,且銅鋅錫硒薄膜的結晶厚度約可達2微米。試片接著沉積硫化鎘、本質氧化鋅、掺鋁之氧化鋅及銀電極,以形成銅鋅錫硒薄膜太陽能電池,並量測此電池的轉換效率。但研究之銅鋅錫硒薄膜太陽能電池卻未能量測到轉換效率。論文最後討論及解釋電池沒有轉換效率的原因及改善之方法,以提升光電轉換效率。

The Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) is a p-type direct band gap semiconductor with band gap of ~1 eV. Its non toxic, abundant and potential for low cost fabrication are attractive and could be used as an absorber for thin film solar cells.

In this thesis, I used co-sputtering method to deposit Copper–Zin-Tin precursors on a soda-lime glass followed by a selenization process to form CZTSe absorber layer. In this study, the influences of the compositions of the precursors, selenazation temperature, and duration on the CZTSe film were investigated. A scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the film’s morphology, crystalline phase and orientation were determined by X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman analysis, and an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used to analyze the compositions of films and the absorber layer.

Finally, CZTSe thin film were fabricated using the following process parameters: stoichiometric but Cu-poor precursor was used followed by a two step selenization process (300℃30 mins and then raise to 530℃ for 30mins). To form the CZTSe thin film solar cell, CZTSe thin film about 2-μm-thick were fabricated followed by sequentially depositing CdS, i-ZnO, Al-doped ZnO (AZO) and Ag electrode on the CZTSe thin film. Conversion efficiency of solar cells were measured, however, no efficiency was obtained from the devices. At the end, reasons of no efficiency is explained and discussed. Methodology to improve solar cell efficiency for future study is suggested.

第一章 緒論/1
1-1 前言/1
1-2 太陽能電池介紹/2
1-3 研究動機/4
第二章 相關原理簡介/6
2-1 太陽能電池/6
2-1-1 太陽能電池之工作原理/6
2-1-2 太陽能電池的等效電路與光電轉換效率/7
2-1-3 太陽光譜/10
2-2 銅鋅錫硒薄膜太陽能電池/13
2-2-1 銅鋅錫硒薄膜的材料特性與晶體結構/13
2-2-2 銅鋅錫硒薄膜太陽能電池的元件結講/14
2-3 電漿/18
2-3-1 電漿的形成/18
2-3-2 輝光放電(Glow discharge)的特性/20
2-4 濺鍍/22
2-4-1 濺鍍原理/22
2-4-2 磁控濺鍍系統/22
2-5 分析儀器原理介紹/25
2-5-1 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM)/25
2-5-2 能量分散式光譜儀(EDS)/27
2-5-3 X光繞射儀(XRD)/28
2-5-4 拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectroscopy)/31
2-5-5 太陽光模擬器IV量測系統/33
第三章 實驗/34
3-1 實驗所需材料及實驗設備之介紹/34
3-1-1 實驗用材料、藥品及實驗設備規格/34
3-1-2 濺鍍系統/35
3-1-3 高溫爐管系統/36
3-2 實驗流程/38
3-2-1 玻璃基板之清洗/39
3-2-2 濺鍍鉬(Mo)背電極/40
3-2-3 共濺鍍銅鋅錫(Cu-Zn-Sn)先驅層/40
3-2-4 硒化(Selenization)/41
3-2-5 氰化鉀(KCN)蝕刻/41
3-2-6 化學水浴法(Chemical bath deposition)鍍製CdS/42
3-2-7 濺鍍氧化鋅(i-ZnO)薄膜/43
3-2-8 濺鍍氧化鋅摻鋁(AZO)薄膜/44
3-2-9 濺鍍銀(Ag)電極/44
3-2-10 太陽能電池之元件效率量測/44
第四章 實驗結果與討論/45
4-1 濺鍍銅鋅錫金屬先驅物/45
4-2 硒化溫度與硒化時間對CZTSe薄膜的影響/46
4-2-1 第一階段低溫硒化結果/46
4-2-2 第二階段硒化溫度對薄膜之影響/47
4-2-3 第二階段硒化時間對薄膜之影響/50
4-2-4 硒粒含量對薄膜之影響/51
4-2-5 氰化鉀(KCN)蝕刻/51
4-3 不同成份比之CZTSe薄膜的上視圖比較/52
4-4 Cu-rich及Cu-poor的先驅層對CZTSe薄膜的影響/53
4-5 CZTSe太陽能電池之元件效率量測及討論/55
第五章 結論與未來研究方向/61
5-1 結論/61
5-2 未來研究方向/61
第六章 參考文獻/62
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