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論文名稱(外文):Study of the Lightning Induced Effects on Stirrup Structures
指導教授(外文):Jiann-Fuh Chen
外文關鍵詞:lightning rod groundingreinforced structuresstirrupshigh frequency current transformer.
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Adjustment of the installation position of a grounding wire of lightning rod is a solution to reduce the destruction of appliances and electrical equipments as the building was struck by lightning. This thesis is a study of the location of the lightning rod grounding wire set. The analysis suggests that the ground wire had better be outside the building stirrups without concrete. This experiment uses series of high voltage discharge circuit to simulate lightning stroke to reinforced structures, and uses the high frequency current transformer (HFCT) to measure the induction of grounding wire to stirrups of reinforced structures. It investigates the induction of grounding wire placed within or outside the stirrups. The grounding wire outside should be located at long and short side of stirrup. The measurement and records are used to analyze the data and characteristics of the induced current. The result shows when grounding wire is set outside the building beams and columns stirrups without concrete, the surge current and power can be effectively released, and thus make the electrical facilities within the building be protected. This experiment also shows that a further improvement is required for current construction methods.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3論文章節概要 4
第二章 雷電與雷擊對建築物之破壞 5
2.1雷電與雷擊之形成 5
2.1.1雷電的成因 5
2.1.2雷電的形成 7
2.2雷擊波模型 9
2.2.1雙指數模型 9
2.2.2 海德勒(Heidler)雷擊模型 10
2.2.3衝擊波試驗時所用之雷擊衝擊電壓與雷擊衝擊電流 12
2.3雷電對建築物之破壞 13
2.3.1雷擊機率 13
2.3.2直接雷擊 14
2.3.3靜電感應雷 14
2.3.4電磁感應雷 15
2.4雷電對人體的傷害 15
2.5逆閃絡 16
第三章 量測系統與規劃 18
3.1模擬雷擊放電電壓之建立 18
3.2雷擊電壓產生器 20
3.3雷擊能量傳遞路徑 22
3.4.1高頻比流器之結構與等效電路 25
3.4.2電磁干擾的防護 26
3.5實驗設備與材料 27
3.6實驗規劃 27
第四章 箍筋與主筋有氣隙時之量測與分析 31
4.1箍筋與主筋有氣隙時下引線置於箍筋內與外之量測 31
4.2有氣隙下引線置於箍筋內25 CM、0 CM與箍筋外0 CM、20 CM之量測 33
4.3量測結果分析與討論 36
4.3.1放電端電壓 36
4.3.2下引線上洩放電壓 36
4.3.3箍筋上感應電壓 38
4.3.4箍筋上感應功率 39
第五章 箍筋與主筋無氣隙時之量測與分析 42
5.1箍筋與主筋無氣隙時下引線置於箍筋內之量測 42
5.2箍筋與主筋無氣隙時下引線置於箍筋短邊外之量測 43
5.3箍筋與主筋無氣隙時下引線置於箍筋長邊外之量測 44
5.4下引線置於箍筋短邊外量測結果之分析與討論 45
5.4.1下引線放電端電壓 46
5.4.2下引線上洩放電壓 47
5.4.3箍筋感應電壓 48
5.4.4箍筋感應功率 49
5.5下引線置於箍筋長邊外量測結果之分析與討論 52
5.5.1放電端電壓 52
5.5.2下引線上洩放電壓 53
5.5.3箍筋感應電壓 54
5.5.4箍筋感應功率 55
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 58
6.1 結論 58
6.2 未來研究方向 59
參考文獻 60
自述 64

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