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論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Context-Aware Television Interaction System
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hsing Luo
外文關鍵詞:AndroidZigBeeEmbedded SystemDM3730Home AppliancesContext-AwareAssistive
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由於重度身心障礙者因行動功能喪失,必須仰賴協助,造成生活上諸多不便,其生活範圍被迫侷限於家中;以往在家觀看電視時,常常在找自己喜愛的節目上,花了10至20分。本論文提出的系統可將使用者近5日內所觀看的頻道自動抓取並進行使用者參數分析;例如:觀看次數、觀看時間及觀看的節目名稱等,可藉由這些參數進行情境節目推薦,將使用者較喜歡或偏好的頻道,將頻道資訊直接呈現在電視螢幕上,如此一來可降低搜尋喜愛節目的次數與時間及快速了解當日或幾日內的節目。因此,本研究針對四肢癱瘓患者設計一套情境電視互動服務,以嵌入式情境感知系統(Embedded Context-Aware System,ECS)為主要架構。




When it comes to the difficulties faced by people with disabilities, the loss of movement plays the most crucial role. Due to the loss of movement, people seem to be constrained at home all day long. Therefore, watching TV becomes one of the most important entertainments for them. However, according to long term observation, it usually takes 10~20 minutes for them to search their favorite programs. Hence, we designed a system which was constructed base on Embedded Context-Aware System (ECS) for people with disabilities. ECS can store all TV channels and control information in the database automatically. According to the information, ECS can suggest them the favorite TV channels through statistical analysis. Also, the system can show the 5-days channels and program information on the screen. ECS not only offers friendly service that cannot be provided by a general TV do, but also help people easily find their favorite TV programs they must like.

ECS has four characteristics including an embedded system (DM3730), an assistive input device, ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and context-aware techniques. A user just needs to input Morse code signal to access ECS. Then, ECS controls TV and other electrical equipment via ZigBee WSN which follows IEEE 802.15.4 widely used in industries, automations and Smart Home. Last of all, context-aware technique is applied to analyze and adjust the environment parameters.

ECS is now operating at home of a person with severe disabilities. It offers two services including Context-aware TV service and environment monitoring service. First, Context-aware TV service suggests a user some favorite TV channels according to information saved in database. With this service, the subject pointed out that the time to search his favorite TV program was cut to 2 to 6 minutes. Besides, applied is a voice interaction technique with environment monitoring service. By analyzing the voice of environment, ECS can automatically adjust TV volume. Moreover, through the use of ECS, a user not only surf the Internet but also experiences entertainments of Android devices. The most important of all, people with disabilities can easily access smart devices by themselves through ECS.

To sum up, ECS is implemented successfully at home of a subject, it does improve his quality of life and entertainments in daily life. In the future, we expect to strengthen ECS with additional context information to help people with disabilities improve their daily life and home care.

摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 論文架構 2
第二章 研究背景與文獻回顧 3
2.1 研究背景 3
2.2 相關研究回顧 4
2.2.1 情境感知 4 情境感知應用服務 5
2.2.2 輔助性電腦裝置-摩斯碼訊號輸入 6
2.2.3 ZigBee數位家電控制 8
2.2.4 數位電視 10
2.2.5 電子節目表 11
第三章 ECS之系統架構及設計 12
3.1 系統架構 12
3.1.1 多核心架構處理器 13 ARM處理器 14 ARM暫存器 16
3.1.2 Beagleboard xM開發板 22
3.1.3 ECS系統開發環境 23
3.1.4 應用層-使用者介面實作 24
3.1.5 Android系統架構 27
3.1.6 Android軟體特色 31
3.2 ZigBee無線網路通訊技術 32
3.2.1 ZigBee無線網路規範 33
3.2.2 CC2530無線通訊晶片模組 35
3.3 相關硬體電路設計 39
3.3.1 Coordinator主模組 39
3.3.2 紅外線發射與環境節點模組 40
3.3.3 燈光控制模組 42
3.3.4 UART轉RS232電路 43
3.4 情境感知服務 44
3.4.1 節目表建立 45
3.4.2 情境節目服務 46
3.4.3 聲音互動情境 48
3.5 Android作業系統影像檔製作 49
3.5.1 安裝套件工具 49
3.5.2 編譯x-loader 52
3.5.3 編譯uboot 54
3.5.4 編譯kernel 55
3.5.5 建立Android FileSystem 56
3.6 ECS系統整合實作 61
第四章 實驗結果與討論 63
4.1 測試者簡介 63
4.2 數據收集與分析 65
4.2.1 ECS操作分析 67
4.2.2 情境節目表分析 68
4.3 討論 78
第五章 結論及未來展望 80
5.1 結論 80
5.2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 82

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