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論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Multi-Channel Measurement Architecture in Home Energy Monitoring System
指導教授(外文):Chu-Sing Yang
外文關鍵詞:Micro GirdSmart GirdSmart OutletEnergy ManagementBattery Management System
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面對高油價與高消費成本的社會趨勢,加上日益嚴重的全球暖化等問題,「節能減碳」已成為全民運動,也成為智慧家庭(Smart Home)或智慧建築(Smart Building)中不可忽視的重要議題。加上現今直流家電、智慧電網及微電網的推行,使用者對再生能源的使用意願也慢慢升溫,應用智慧家用裝置的意念也漸漸提高,因此如何達到家庭用電裝置的監控及進行用電裝置的用電資訊量測,也成為了本研究的基礎。
為了因應未來的直流家電及智慧化的量測監控,本論文使用直流供電、智慧電網及微電網的概念,進行小型用電資訊量測系統的研究,其中電源來源將由電池管理系統(Battery Management System, BMS)提供直流電源,再結合多通道量測系統及ZigBee智慧型插座的設計;系統可自由的配置量測路徑,進行用電資訊收集,且經實驗證明後,在應用多通道量測架構確實可達到智慧型插座的任意量測配置且可以減少其數量,並維持用電量測之精準度。且透過資訊分析後,使用者也可透過網頁界面清楚了解家中用電資訊,了解其家庭用電需求及電費消耗,也可透過該用電資訊以獲得更佳的用電策略。
The social trends that we face is the high oil prices and the high cost of consumption, coupled with the increasingly serious problem of global warming, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction has become a national consensus, and also has become the most important issues of the Smart Home or Smart Building. Nowadays because of DC appliances, smart grid and micro-grid implementation, users' willingness to use renewable energy are slowly growing up, the application of using smart household appliances has gradually increased, so how to achieve household appliances electricity monitoring and to start the information of electricity using measuring has become the basis for this research.
For DC appliances and smart measurement monitoring in the future, the concept in this thesis is to use DC power, smart grid and micro-grid to start minor electrical system information measurement research, which the power source is supplied by the Battery Management System(BMS), providing DC power and combined with a multi-channel measurement system and the ZigBee smart socket design; system can freely configure measuring paths for electricity information collection, and after the experiment, it proved that the application of multi-channel measurement framework can really achieve that any measurement configuration of smart socket is possible and reduce their number, also to keep the accuracy of measurement of electricity using. Through the information analysis, users can also clearly understand the home electricity using information by the web interface, and not only to know their household electricity requirement and electricity consumption, but also getting a better policy of the electricity consumption by these information.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 3
1.3 章節概要 5
第二章 相關架構應用與工具簡介 6
2.1 微電網(Micro Grid) 6
2.2 通訊介面 9
2.2.1 同步串列通信I2C 9
2.2.2 串列數據通訊介面UART 11
2.2.3 ZigBee無線網路通訊 14
2.3 微處理器(MCU) 18
2.3.1 Silicon Laboratories微處理器(Silicon Labs MCU) 20
2.3.2 Microchip Technology微處理器(Microchip MCU) 20
2.3.3 開發工具 21
第三章 量測與監控系統規劃與設計 25
3.1 系統硬體架構簡介 25
3.2 多通道量測系統 28
3.2.1 系統硬體架構 28
3.2.2 系統控制模組 29
3.2.3 量測切換模組 35
3.3 能源供電模組 40
3.3.1 電池管理系統(Battery Management System,BMS) 40
3.3.2 電源供電模組 41
3.3.3 電源選擇切換模組 42
3.4 智慧型插座 44
3.4.1 硬體架構 44
3.4.2 Hall Sensor及Hall Current Sensor IC 45
3.4.3 量測模組電路Design及PCB Layout 47
第四章 實驗方法與系統整合 50
4.1 能源監控系統 50
4.1.1 Microchip PIC32模組應用 50
4.1.2 能源監控系統流程 51
4.1.3 多通道量測系統控制流程 53
4.2 使用者介面與系統整合 55
4.2.1 HEMS Web Management功能介紹 56
4.2.2 一般使用者功能介紹 57
4.2.3 系統管理者功能介紹 61
第五章 實驗結果與數據 66
5.1 Current Sensor IC與Smart Outlet量測驗證 66
5.2 多通道量測系統於用電量測之分析 70
5.2.1 一對一量測模式 72
5.2.2 其他量測模式 76
第六章 結論與未來方向 79
第七章 參考文獻 80
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