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論文名稱(外文):The study of the optical black hole and optical absorber with graded photonic crystals
指導教授(外文):Lien-Wen Chen
外文關鍵詞:graded photonic crystalsoptical black holeoptical absorberwaveguide bend
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Photonic crystals are formed by periodically modulated dielectric structures, which have the capacity to prohibit the propagation of electromagnetic waves in certain frequency ranges. The diffraction of photonic crystals can produce negative refraction and self-collimation. Photonic crystals can control the propagation of light and thus have been applied to design numerous optical devices. Specifically, the ability of photonic crystals in controlling the electromagnetic wave propagation can be further improved by introducing the idea of graded refractive index. It introduces us to develop the new application of photonic crystals.
This research focuses on designing the optical black hole and wide-angle optical absorber by using graded photonic crystals. We study the homogenization of photonic crystals for the implementation of the desired graded refractive index medium with graded photonic crystals. The dispersion relations and its effective refractive index of photonic crystals are calculated by the plane wave expansion method. The finite element method is employed to simulate the wave propagation and analyze the optical properties of the proposed devices. As a result, the artificial optical black hole can effectively absorb the incident waves from all directions. Such a mechanism of a broadband high-efficiency light absorber could provide more potential applications in solar energy harvesting.
Besides, we theoretically propose the arbitrary waveguide bends by using conformal mapping. Then, the graded refractive index medium is realized using graded photonic crystals. Finally, we propose the antireflection structures to enhance the transmission efficiency of light beams and confirm the feasibility of the designed structures. Such waveguide bend device with a high efficiency may provide novel application in the photonic integrated circuits.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-2-1 基本的光子晶體 3
1-2-2 光子晶體負折射 4
1-2-3 梯度光子晶體 5
1-2-4 轉換光學 7
1-2-5 光學黑洞 8
1-3 本文架構 9
第二章 數值方法 12
2-1 前言 12
2-2 固態物理學中的晶格 12
2-2-1 真實空間與倒晶格空間 12
2-2-2 布洛赫定理(Bloch theorem) 14
2-3 平面波展開法 15
2-3-1正方晶格(square lattice) 17
2-3-2三角晶格(triangular lattice) 17
2-4 有限元素法 18
2-4-1 Galerkin Method 18
2-4-2 邊界條件 22
第三章 梯度光子晶體 28
3-1 前言 28
3-2 梯度光子晶體的均質化 28
3-3梯度折射率元件的設計 31
第四章 光學黑洞及廣角光能吸收器 42
4-1 前言 42
4-2 含梯度光子晶體之光學黑洞 43
4-2-1 光學黑洞的設計 43
4-2-2 數值模擬結果與討論 44
4-3 含週期性光學黑洞之廣角光能吸收器 46
4-3-1 廣角光能吸收器的設計 46
4-3-2 數值模擬結果與討論 47
第五章 高效率之彎曲型光波導 71
5-1 前言 71
5-2 保角映射(conformal mapping) 72
5-3 含梯度光子晶體之彎曲型光波導 75
5-3-1 彎曲型光波導的設計 75
5-3-2 數值模擬結果 76
5-4 抗反射層結構的設計與分析 77
第六章 綜合結論與未來展望 93
6-1 綜合結論 93
6-2 未來展望 94
參考文獻 96
自述 108

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