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論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Mold Adhesion Phenomenon during the Injection Molding Process
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Jye Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Mold adhesion phenomenonthermoplastic polyurethaneejection mode adhesion force testertensile mode adhesion force testerelastomeric resinCrN based coatingssurface energywater-repellency
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Serious adhesion can occur not only during IC encapsulation, but also in the injection molding process. However, while many studies have focused on adhesion during the former, much less attention has been paid to the latter. This study thus developed both ejection mode and tensile mode adhesion force testers to measure the adhesion force that occur during the injection molding process. The experimental results show the ejection mode adhesion force measurement only qualitatively analyzes the adhesion force during thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) injection molding process, because TPU behaves as rubber-like character which can partially resist and absorb ejection force when molded part released from the cavity surface. However, adhesion impulse results have similar trend as those of adhesion force in continuous experiments and hence it is acceptable to define peak value as adhesion force. Besides, adhesion force was proportional to ejection speed, melt temperature and cooling time.
In order to improve the accuracy of adhesion force measurement, the tensile mode adhesion force measurement was fabricated, especially designated for elastomeric resins. The experimental results show the acquired adhesion force was not affected by either the release speed and energy absorption capability of elastomeric resin. It can quantitatively analyze adhesion force accurately between molded part and tool surface.
There are three different types of TPU that are investigated in this research. In addition, chrome-nitride (CrN) based and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings prepared by physical vapor deposition (PVD) were used to investigate their effectiveness with regard to alleviating adhesion force. Single layer CrN and modifying CrN coatings are found to be beneficial with regard to alleviating adhesion force, whereas multi-layer CrN and DLC surface treatments are ineffective during continuous experiments. Further investigations show that single layer CrN and modifying CrN both have excellent water-repellency properties with low surface energy, and exhibit a distinctive conical structure with uniform grain size. Although multi-layer CrN exhibits a similar morphology to that of single layer CrN, it shows significant variations in grain size and height. In contrast, although DLC has a uniform topography, its larger grain size and wider valleys between grains lead to greater adhesion force due to mechanical anchoring.

Chinese abstract.........................................III
List of Tables.............................................X
List of Figures...........................................XI
Chapter 1 Introduction...............................................1
1-1 Preface................................................1
1-2 Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Materials..............3
1-3 Aims of the Thesis.....................................5
1-4 Literature Review......................................6
1-5 Outline of Thesis......................................9
Chapter 2 Basic Theory....................................11
2-1 Theory of Polymer Processing..........................11
2-2 Adhesion Theory.......................................13
2-2-1 Mechanical Theory...................................14
2-2-2 Wetting Theory......................................15
2-2-3 Chemical Bonding Theory.............................17
2-3 Adhesive Strength versus Adhesion Force...............18
2-4 Stress-Strain Relation of Material....................19
2-5 Adhesion Impulse......................................22
2-6 Contact Angle of Droplet and Surface Eenrgy...........24
Chapter 3 Experimental Results of Ejection Mode
Adhesion Force Measurement................................26
3-1 Methodology of Measurement............................26
3-2 Experiment Details....................................28
3-2-1 Measurement Device..................................28
3-2-2 Sensor and Measurement Device.......................31
3-2-3 Experiment Parameters...............................32
3-2-4 Test Procedures.....................................33
3-2-5 Sample Preparation..................................36
3-3 Experiment Results....................................37
3-3-1 Continuous Experiments..............................40
3-3-2 Influence of Process Parameters on Adhesion
3-4 Evaluation and Verification with Adhesion Impulse.....49
3-5 Summary of Ejection Mode Adhesion Force
Chapter 4 Experimental Results of Tensile Mode
Adhesion Force Measurement................................57
4-1 Methodology of Measurement............................60
4-2 Experiment Details....................................61
4-2-1 Design of Testing Tool..............................61
4-2-2 Measurement Device..................................65
4-2-3 Test Procedures and Data Acquisition................66
4-2-4 Molding Conditions..................................71
4-3 Experiment Results....................................73
4-3-1 Practicability......................................73
4-3-2 Stability and Repeatability of Measurement..........76
4-3-3 Relevance of Different Types of TPU.................81
4-4 Summary of Tensile Mode Adhesion Force
Chapter 5 Investigation of Surface Morphology.............89
5-1 Adhesion Force Measurment.............................89
5-2 Contact Angle and Surface Energy......................92
5-3 Surface Morphology....................................96
5-4 Summary of Investigation of Surface Morphology.......104
Chapter 6 Conclusions....................................106
6-1 Contributions........................................106
6-2 Future Works.........................................109
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