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論文名稱(外文):The End Effects of a Two-Layer Circular Tube with Cylindrically Orthotropic Materials Under Torsion
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hwei Chue
外文關鍵詞:End effectsCylindrically orthotropicState space methodEigen-function expansionAnisotropic indexNonhomogeneous parameterContinuous parameter
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The end effects of a two-layer circular tube subjected to end torsion are studied in this thesis. Both layers are made of functional graded materials and their properties are assumed to be cylindrically orthotropic. The twisting moment is simulated by applying uniform shear stress on the end surface. All the formulations are derived by employing the state space method and eigen-function expansion to obtain the closed form expressions of displacements and shear stresses. An anisotropic index ki(i=1,2) defined as the ratio of shear moduli are assigned to study the influence of the orthotropy on the end effects. The results of shear stresses obtained have been compared well with the solutions of so-called Saint-Venant’s torsion. Several factors, such as the anisotropic index, nonhomogeneous parameter, the types of applied surface tractions, and continuous parameter s, are then considered to discuss the decay of shear stresses starting from the end of the tube.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 本文架構 2
第二章 基礎理論 4
2.1 聖維南定理與端部效應 4
2.2 彈性力學方程式 4
2.3 狀態空間方程式 6
2.4 Sturm-Liouville方程式 7
第三章 問題分析與推導 9
3.1 問題描述 9
3.2 邊界條件與連續條件 10
3.3 推導過程 11
3.4 退化案例 22
3.4.1 雙層圓柱正交性均質圓管 22
3.4.2 單層圓柱正交性均質圓管 24
第四章 數值驗證與討論 26
4.1 材料異向性對端部效應的影響 27
4.1.1 內圈受到均勻負載之材料異向性對端部效應的影響 27
4.1.2 外圈受到均勻負載之材料異向性對端部效應的影響 32
4.1.3 內外圈受到均勻負載之材料異向性對端部效應的影響 36
4.2 非均質參數對端部效應的影響 40
4.2.1 內圈受到均勻負載之非均質參數對端部效應的影響 41
4.2.2 外圈受到均勻負載之非均質參數對端部效應的影響 45
4.2.3 內外圈受到均勻負載之非均質參數對端部效應的影響 49
4.3 均質複合材料對端部效應的影響 53
4.3.1 內層受到均勻負載之均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 54
4.3.2 外層受到均勻負載之均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 59
4.3.3 內外層受到均勻負載之均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 63
4.4 非均質複合材料對端部效應的影響 67
4.4.1 內層受到均勻負載之非均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 68
4.4.2 外層受到均勻負載之非均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 73
4.4.3 內外層受到均勻負載之非均質材料連續性參數對端部效應的影響 77
第五章 結論 82
附錄A 84
參考文獻 85

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