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論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Analysis with CUDA and Graphics Processor
指導教授(外文):Shi-Pin Ho
外文關鍵詞:graphic processorfinite elementCUDA
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本文使用NVIDIA公司的CUDA整合技術及其出品的圖形處理器,Fermi架構的GeForce GTX 580與Kepler架構的GeForce GTX TITAN。
測試結果在求解有限元素問題時,GeForce GTX 580比中央處理器Intel® Core™ i5-2500之單個核心運算速度快79.09倍,而GeForce GTX TITAN則快93.14倍。

In the capability of floating point operations, the graphic processor is better than the central processor recently. In addition, the graphic processor provides the double precision floating point operations already. Therefore, the efficiency of computations with numerous and repeated, the graphic processor would be better than the central processor.

In finite element computations, it spends most of the computation time solving a set of linear equation. In this paper, the Jacobi conjugate gradient method has been used to solve a set of linear equation. There are the vector product, the vector-vector addition and multiplication, and the sparse matrix-vector multiplication in the iterative process. These computations have been calculated and analyzed by the graphic processor. Furthermore, the full matrix-matrix multiplication and the full matrix-vector multiplication have been calculated and analyzed too. Finally, a finite element problem has been solved by the graphic processor and the central processor respectively.

In this paper, we use CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture) technology and the graphic processor manufactured by NVIDIA. The graphic processor GTX 580 of Fermi architecture and GTX TITAN of Kepler architecture have been used. The testing result shows that the efficiency of GTX 580 and GTX TITAN compared to the Intel® Core™ i5-2500 by single core are 79.09 times and 93.14 times respectively.

摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.3 文章架構 5
第二章 相關理論 7
2.1 預加條件共軛梯度法 7
2.2 資料儲存方式 10
第三章 圖形處理器架構 12
3.1 回顧 12
3.2 CUDA 13
3.3 Fermi架構 14
3.4 Kepler架構 16
3.5 記憶體架構 20
3.6 運作模式 22
3.6.1 執行緒層級 22
3.6.2 記憶體層級 23
3.6.3異構計算 24
3.6.4 計算能力 25
第四章 效能最佳化評估 26
4.1 記憶體最佳化 26
4.1.1 Global記憶體 26
4.1.2 Constant記憶體 28
4.1.3 Texture記憶體 28
4.1.4 Shared記憶體 28
4.2 程式碼最佳化 31
4.2.1 block及warp 31
4.2.2 避免資料在host與device間傳遞 31
4.2.3 控制流指令的使用 31
第五章 研究成果 32
5.1 向量內積 33
5.2 向量加乘 39
5.3 全矩陣相乘 41
5.4 全矩陣向量相乘 43
5.5 稀疏矩陣向量相乘 47
5.6 B-Spline有限元素法求解 51
第六章 結論 57
參考文獻 58
自述 60

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15. 吳武典(2000)。環境對科學資優生的影響-我國參與國際理化奧林匹亞競賽學生的追蹤研究。載於中華資優教育學會(主編),資優教育的全方位發展(頁243-281)。臺