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論文名稱(外文):The Characteristic Study of Laser Welding on Oxygen-free Copper Sheet
指導教授(外文):Hwa-Teng Lee
外文關鍵詞:oxygen-free copper platelaser weldingprocess windowdefocus distance
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本研究主要目的為探討無氧銅薄板之雷射可銲性及銲接製程窗口(Welding Process Window)。研究將無氧銅/無氧銅鍍鎳/無氧銅鍍錫三種薄板試件置於厚度0.2mm冷軋鋼板(SPCC)上方,以雷射進行疊合點銲(Lap-Joint Welding)。接合後藉由銲道機械性質測試及金相組織分析,以評估不同材料及不同雷射銲接參數下銲點之導電度、強度以及金相微結構組織特性,並透過EPR電化學實驗分析銲點於一般環境下之抗腐蝕能力。最後尋找出最佳之銲接參數以作為未來雷射銲接銅薄板之銲接製程窗口。
研究分析結果顯示,在製程參數正離焦9mm、脈寬10ms、峰值功率10kW、罩吹氣體(Ar)流速10L/min時將有最大銲點直徑955um,測試銲點拉力平均值最大可達74.3N,電阻值為最小0.217 mΩ,但由於其擴散層中鐵離子含量達38%,銲道容易形成選擇性腐蝕,造成抗腐蝕性較不佳。

This study investigated the laser weldability and welding process window of three different copper sheets: the oxygen-free copper (OFC), OFC coated with nickel or OFC coated with tin, on the SPCC (thickness 0.2mm) where Lap-Joint welding by laser were performed. The mechanical properties test and microstructure analysis of the welding joint were used to examine the degree of conductivity, strength and microstructure characteristics in different materials and parameters. The welding ability of corrosion resistance at general environmental was analyzed by electrochemical test. Finally, the optimum welding process window as laser welding of copper sheet would be obtained.
As the results of the experiment, the base material – OFC coated with tin had the maximum laser absorptivity. At the beginning of welding, it would form the copper-tin alloy with low melting point at the weld fusion zone, so the heat could be effectively passed down to SPCC. Thus, OFC coated with tin would achieve satisfactory laser weldability among three different copper sheets. The molten zone was raised up with the increasing defocus distance to expand the process window and spot area gradually. There were optimum effect of welding when the defocuses distance were at 9mm and 10mm.
As the analysis of the experiment, there was the maximum welding diameter 955um under defocused 9mm, pulse width 10ms, peak power 10kW, shielding gas (Ar) flow rate 10L/min, which would have the maximum tensile force of 74.3N and minimum resistance of 0.217 mΩ. But there was poor corrosion resistance due to the content of iron ions with 38% at diffusion layer which would cause the selective corrosion easily.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
總 目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第三章 相關理論背景 11
3-1 雷射製程(Laser Processing) 11
3-1-1 雷射銲接原理 11
3-1-2 Nd:YAG與CO2 雷射銲接 12
3-1-3 Keyhole mode & Conduction mode 13
3-2 雷射銲接參數之影響 17
3-3 異種金屬銲接 26
3-3-1 銲道組織之影響 26
3-3-2 基材的物理性質之影響 27
3-3-3 異種金屬適銲性 28
第四章 實驗方法 31
4-1 實驗流程規劃 31
4-2 實驗方法 33
4-2-1 實驗材料 33
4-2-2 雷射銲接 34
4-2-3 雷射銲接參數影響實驗 35
4-2-4 雷射銲接參數設計及銲接窗口訂定 36
4-2-5 微結構觀察與分析 38
4-2-6 強度與導電度分析 38
4-2-7 EPR電化學實驗 39
4-3實驗儀器與設備 40
4-3-1 Nd:YAG雷射銲接機 40
4-3-2掃描式電子顯微鏡 42
4-3-3光學顯微鏡 43
4-3-4微拉伸試驗機 44
第五章 結果與討論 45
5-1雷射銲接參數對材料熔融深度與寬度之影響 45
5-2 罩吹流速氣體對於銲接窗口之影響 57
5-3 正離焦距離改變對銲道熔融情形之影響 62
5-4 正離焦距離改變對於銲接窗口之影響 67
5-5 銲道微結構觀察與成份分析 71
5-5-1 參數對銲道熔融情形之影響 71
5-5-2 銲道微結構分析 72
5-5-3 成份分析 73
5-6 強度與導電度測試 79
5-7 抗腐蝕性測試 82
第六章 結論 84
第七章 未來研究建議與方向 86
第八章 參考文獻 87

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