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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of MnO2 and Coagulation Pretreatment on Membrane Fouling
指導教授(外文):Hsuan-Hsien Yeh
外文關鍵詞:coagulationpotassium permanganatemanganese dioxidelow pressure membrane (MF/UF)fouling
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至於 MnO2(S)之存在對於低壓膜之阻塞所可能產生之影響,文獻上之資料並不多見。故本研究進行MnO2(S)及其經鋁鹽或鐵鹽混凝所生成膠羽,在不同孔徑大小與材質之低壓膜上阻塞現象之探討。
本研究顯示明礬在適當加量下可有效地混凝去除二氧化錳懸浮液中之膠體,但過量會有再穩定現象,而氯化鐵則隨劑量增加,混凝效果越佳。在MF/UF過濾部分,則顯示二氧化錳懸浮液直接過濾對MF膜會有很嚴重之阻塞作用,主要是因二氧化錳之大小與MF膜孔洞大小接近,可能發生pore blocking或pore constriction。明礬在1 mg/L as Al加藥量下,混凝後含膠羽之懸浮液完全沒有通量下降之現象,而在10 mg/L as Al時,混凝後含膠羽之懸浮液會造成中度阻塞,推測是不同劑量下之膠體去穩定機制相異,膠羽在薄膜表面形成之濾餅比阻抗大小有別,孔隙率不同所導致。而10 mg/L as Al混凝後之上澄液,則是由於仍殘留粒徑較小之二氧化錳膠羽或混凝劑水解所產生之膠羽,使MF膜發生部分阻塞現象。氯化鐵混凝前處理對MF薄膜阻塞,則隨其混凝沉澱效果之提升而獲得減輕。

Nowadays, over 65 % of the source water for public water supply in Taiwan comes from reservoirs. However, some of the reservoirs are eutrophic. Therefore, the water works have encountered problems with source water containing excessive amount of algae cells, organics, and dissolved manganese.
Low pressure membranes (MF/UF) have high removal efficiency for algae, pathogenic protozoa, such as Giardia and Cryptosporidia, and turbidity. They also have the advantages of small footprint and easy for adapting automatic control. However, fouling control is the major factor for the success of a membrane process. Pre-coagulation could control the fouling caused by hydrophobic, macromolecular organics, such as humic substances. However, it usually has poor efficiency for low molecular, hydrophilic organic removal. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) have high removal rate for dissolved Fe and Mn and also could promote the aggregation of algae cells. It also could remove low molecular hydrophilic organic by adsorption on the MnO2(S), the reduction products of KMnO4. Therefore, the MF/UF membrane with KMnO4 and coagulation pretreatment can be an efficient process for treating eutrophic source water. It also has the potential to be developed into a compact package unit for small scale water supply in remote area.
However, the effect of MnO2(S) on membrane fouling is not clear at this moment. Therefore, this research carried out experiments to study the fouling phenomena caused by MnO2(S) and the floc formed after coagulated by Al or Fe based inorganic coagulants. Several low pressure membranes with various materials and pore size were tested.
The results show that alum, under adequate dosage, could effectively remove MnO2 colloid; however, efficiency decreased at higher dosage, probably due to restabilization. Ferric chloride was effective for MnO2 coagulation, and efficiency raised with increasing dosage. For MF/UF membrane filtration, the results show that direct filtration of MnO2 suspension through MF caused severe fouling. This is probably due to pore blocking or constriction, as the size of MnO2 colloid is smaller than or close to the MF pore size.
Pre-coagulation by either alum or FeCl3 could reduce the rate of flux decline of MF membrane filtration of MnO2(s) suspension. However, the coagulant dosage required may be different from that predicted by jar test, based on turbidity removal. The optimum coagulant dosage required for MF membrane pretreatment may be affected by the property of the floc formed, which varied with the colloid destabilization mechanism. For example, when alum was used as coagulant, the colloid destabilization mechanism under dosage at 1 and 10 mg/L as Al were adsorption and charge neutralization and sweep coagulation, respectively. As adsorption and charge neutralization formed cake layer with lower specific resistance than that from sweep coagulation, the former caused much slower flux decline than the latter.
The variations of fouling phenomena between different membrane materials were mainly affected by the electrostatic interactions between the MnO2 floc and the membrane surface. The electrostatic repulsion between MnO2(s) and PES membrane was relatively weak, hence it resulted in more significant fouling. However, the electrostatic attraction between CA membrane and alum-coagulated MnO2(s) was stronger and, therefore, more significant the fouling was.
For UF filtration, no matter the influents were raw MnO2 suspension or the suspensions after coagulation, there was no flux decline. This probably is due to the small pore size of UF membrane, therefore porous cake layer was formed on membrane surface.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究源起 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 薄膜處理程序 5
2-1-1 薄膜型態 6
2-1-2 薄膜材質 8
2-1-3 薄膜過濾方式及流動狀態 10
2-1-4 薄膜過濾與阻塞機制 11
2-2 混凝 15
2-2-1 混凝前處理對薄膜阻塞之影響 16
2-2-2 混凝前處理對薄膜阻塞之改善 17
2-2-3 混凝前處理對薄膜效能之負面影響 19
2-2-4 混凝劑量與操作條件對薄膜效能之影響 20
2-3 高錳酸鉀之應用 22
2-4 二氧化錳之型態與特性 23
2-4-1 二氧化錳之吸附特性 25
2-4-2 合成二氧化錳之型態及生成途徑 26
第三章 實驗程序與方法 29
3-1 實驗流程 29
3-2 高錳酸鉀溶液之製備 29
3-3 二氧化錳懸浮液之配製 30
3-4 混凝瓶杯試驗 31
3-5 薄膜過濾試驗 31
3-6 水質分析 34
3-6-1 pH值 34
3-6-2 濁度 34
3-6-3 UV418吸光值 35
3-6-4 水中顆粒數之測定 35
3-6-5 界達電位之量測 36
3-7 二氧化錳之XRD晶相分析 38
第四章 結果與討論 41
4-1 二氧化錳懸浮液及其特性 41
4-2 二氧化錳之XRD晶體鑑定 41
4-3 混凝瓶杯試驗 43
4-3-1 殘餘濁度變化及二氧化錳去除率 43
4-3-2 界達電位變化 45
4-3-3 pH值變化 46
4-3-4 混凝劑量選擇 47
4-4 UF薄膜過濾試驗結果 48
4-5 MF薄膜過濾試驗結果 50
4-5-1 0.2 µm CA薄膜 50
4-5-1-1 以明礬做混凝前處理 50
4-5-1-2 以氯化鐵做混凝前處理 57
4-5-2 5 µm CA薄膜 63
4-5-3 0.2 µm PES薄膜 64
4-5-3-1 以明礬做混凝前處理 64
4-5-3-2 以氯化鐵做混凝前處理 67
4-5-4 不同材質薄膜之過濾結果比較 71
4-5-5 不同混凝劑對薄膜阻塞之結果比較 78
第五章 結論與建議 81
5-1 結論 81
5-2 建議 82
參考文獻 83
附錄A 檢量線 90
附錄B 殘餘二氧化錳之原始數據 91
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