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論文名稱:FOCR: 用來縮短計算密集程式之除錯時間的函式導向檢查點/回復機制
論文名稱(外文):FOCR: Function-Oriented Checkpoint/Restoration Mechanism to Shorten Debugging time of Computation-intensive programs
指導教授(外文):Ce-Kuen Shieh
外文關鍵詞:computation-intensive programprocess checkpointprocess restoredebugging
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For computation-intensive programs such as those used in scientific computation and those designed for simulation, developing and debugging is an exhausting and time-consuming job because of repeated program execution. Although there were some proposed checkpoint/restore mechanisms to facilitate developing computation-intensive programs, developers still suffer from time-consuming execution after slightly modifying source codes of programs. During the phase of repeated execution, it provides no contribution to the developers' productivity.

In this paper, we propose a function-oriented checkpoint/restoration mechanism (FOCR) to accelerate execution of computation-intensive programs in Linux. FOCR allows developers to continue the program execution from the modified point even though source codes are slightly modified, which is totally different to other proposals. With the help of this mechanism, valuable contribution to the developers' productivity is provided by shortening edit-compile-debug cycle.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Background and Related work 3
2.1 Background 3
2.1.1 Ptrace library 3
2.1.2 Process Memory Layout in Linux 3
2.2 Related work 5
2.2.1 Process checkpointing 5
Chapter 3 System design 8
3.1 Approach 8
3.2 System architecture 11
3.3 System Component Description 11
Chapter 4 Implementation 15
4.1 Function Pre-processor(FP) 15
4.2 Function Information Recorder(FIR) 16
4.3 Data Recorder(DR) 17
4.4 Stack Recorder(SR) 17
4.5 Heap Recorder(HR) 19
4.6 Modified Function Analyzer(MFA) 19
4.7 Program Restorer(PR) 21
Chapter 5 Experiment 24
5.1 Environment 24
5.2 Applications 24
5.2.1 Description 25
5.3 Results 26
Chapter 6 Discussion 32
Chapter 7 Conclusion 34
References 35

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