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論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of Android Application Server
指導教授(外文):Jing Chen
外文關鍵詞:application serverAndroiddevice sharingmobile deviceremote control
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Deploying applications on a more powerful server can overcome the hardware limitations of mobile platform. Users can run applications on the server and interact with them through remote control technology. However, existing remote control technologies do not support access to the devices that are commonly equipped on mobile platforms, such as sensors, vibrator and GPS. This thesis designs and implements an Android application server to provide Android execution environment on the server and supports access to client-side mobile devices.
The Android application server executes Android applications via the Android Emulator on a host computer and provides remote control services for the users. Users on client side interact with the applications through operating browser software. The device accessing requests of Android applications, such as reading sensor data or starting vibrator, are intercepted and redirected to the Remote Device Manager which manages the connection and status of client-side mobile devices and processes the intercepted device requests. To reduce the amount of data transmission, clients send device data to the server actively and the server allocates data buffer to store the data. Android applications on the server then receive the device data from the buffer.
The implementation is based on XHTML5, a remote control system based on X window system that sends drawing commands of applications to the browser of clients. The implementation involves: modifying Android Emulator and Android system to intercept device requests of applications, detecting and processing device data updates from client, and managing data transmission to support multi-user. The support of browser for device access is still insufficient, thus client-side platform has to install a program to assist access the devices.
The main contributions of this thesis are providing a way for mobile applications to overcome the hardware limitations, allowing users to run Android applications through any platform over Internet, and providing a device access mechanism to support applications which can effectively access remote devices.

第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 Android 3
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究方法 5
1.4 章節規劃 6
第2章 相關研究 7
2.1 遠端操控相關研究與成果 7
2.1.1 VNC 7
2.1.2 X視窗系統 8
2.1.3 Remote Desktop Protocol 9
2.1.4 討論 9
2.2 裝置分享技術相關研究 10
2.2.1 USB/IP 10
2.2.2 Network Device Driver 11
2.2.3 遠端虛擬周邊裝置框架 12
2.2.4 Virtual Smartphone over IP 13
2.3 XHTML5 14
2.4 討論 15
第3章 架構與設計 17
3.1 概述 17
3.2 遠端裝置管理員 23
3.2.1 遠端裝置管理員架構與運作 23
3.2.2 遠端裝置管理員與客戶端裝置之溝通機制 25
3.2.3 遠端裝置管理員與Android模擬器間之溝通機制 27
3.3 遠端裝置存取模組 28
3.4 Android模擬器與Android系統 30
3.5 Web & Websocket伺服器 31
第4章 實作 33
4.1 實作環境 33
4.2 遠端裝置管理員實作 34
4.2.1 行動平台物件實作 35
4.2.2 遠端裝置管理員運作 36
4.2.3 連線處理程序實作 37
4.2.4 訊息處理程序實作 39
4.3 遠端裝置存取模組實作 40
4.4 Android裝置需求命令傳遞機制實作 44
4.4.1 Android模擬器與Android系統之通訊機制介紹 45
4.4.2 裝置需求攔截實作 46 感測器需求攔截實作 46 GPS需求攔截實作 48 震動器需求攔截實作 50
4.5 Web & Websocket伺服器實作 51
第5章 測試與效能分析 57
5.1 測試環境 57
5.2 功能驗證 60
5.3 效能測試 65
5.3.1 Android模擬器讀取裝置資料之效能量測 66
第6章 結論與未來展望 70
6.1 結論 70
6.2 未來展望 71
參考文獻 72

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