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研究生(外文):Fang, Yu-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Capability Measures for One-Sided Processes with Side Conditions
指導教授(外文):Pearn, Wen-Li
外文關鍵詞:Process Capability IndexOne-Sided SpecificationLower Confidence BoundCritical Value
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製程能力指標經常被用來衡量製程製造產品符合規格的能力,不僅是提供品質保證的工具,也是提供品質改善方面的一個方針。本篇論文主要是探討如何應用單邊規格的製程能力指標 和 在不同附加條件之下,例如:製程平均值偏移、製程變異數改變、量測誤差、工具汰換、允收抽樣、供應商選擇等實務問題,藉由程式的撰寫與執行以得出不同的信賴下界和臨界值,其中,信賴下界為對製程的最小能力測量,臨界值為判斷製程是否合格的依據,此兩種準則是製造商與顧客間檢驗製程的標準,本篇論文更表格化在不同附加條件之下的信賴下界與臨界值,以便於製造商與顧客使用。
Process capability indices (PCIs) have been widely used in the manufacturing industry to provide yield measures on process capability, which are effective tools for quality assurance and guidance for process improvement. The well-known process capability indices and are one-sided capability specifications with many product characteristics. In this thesis, we study the processes with side conditions, process with mean shift, process with variance change, process with measurement error, tool wear, product acceptance deterioration, and supplier selection, which are some situations that the industries often faced with unilateral specification. Several criteria are used to judge the capability of a process, including process yield, the lower confidence bound, and the critical value. The lower confidence bound provides a measure on the minimum capability of the process based on sample data, and the critical value is as a standard for engineer/practitioner to determine whether the process is capable or not by some statistical testing. The Matlab computer programs of various capability measures for one-sided processes with side conditions are developed and we also tabulate the computational results of the program for the convenience.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation and objectives 1
1.3 Research organization 2
Chapter 2. CPU (or CPL ) and Corresponding NCPPM 3
2.1 CPU (or CPL ) and corresponding NCPPM 3
2.2 CPU (or CPL ) and corresponding NCPPM with data 3
2.3 NCPPM and corresponding CPU (or CPL ) value 4
2.4 NCPPM and corresponding CPU (or CPL ) value with data 4
Chapter 3. Estimating and Testing CPU (or CPL ) 5
3.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPU (or CPL ) 5
3.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPU (or CPL ) with data 6
3.3 Critical value tables for testing CPU (or CPL ) 7
3.4 Critical values for testing CPU (or CPL ) with data 9
Chapter 4. Estimating and Testing CPUT (or CPLT ) with Multiple Characteristics 11
4.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPUT (or CPLT ) 12
4.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPUT (or CPLT ) with data 12
4.3 Critical value tables for testing CPUT (or CPLT ) 15
4.4 Critical values for testing CPUT (or CPLT ) with data 16
Chapter 5. Estimating CPU (or CPL ) with Mean Shift 17
5.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPU (or CPL ) with mean shift 18
5.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPU (or CPL ) with mean shift given data 19
Chapter 6. Estimating CPU (or CPL ) with Variance Change 21
6.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPU (or CPL ) with variance change 23
6.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPU (or CPL ) with variance change given data 24
Chapter 7. Estimating and Testing CPU (or CPL ) with Measurement Error 26
7.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPU (or CPL ) with measurement error 27
7.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPU (or CPL ) with measurement error given data 28
7.3 Critical value tables for testing CPU (or CPL ) with measurement error 29
7.4 Critical values for testing CPU (or CPL ) with measurement error given data 30
Chapter 8. Estimating and Testing CPU (or CPL ) with Tool Wear 31
8.1 Lower confidence bound tables for CPU (or CPL ) with tool wear 32
8.2 Lower confidence bounds for CPU (or CPL ) with tool wear given data 34
8.3 Critical value tables for testing CPU (or CPL ) with tool wear 35
8.4 Critical values for testing CPU (or CPL ) with tool wear given data 36
Chapter 9. CPU (or CPL ) Product Acceptance Determination 37
9.1 Sample sizes and corresponding critical values 38
Chapter 10. CPU (or CPL ) Supplier Selection 40
10.1 Sample sizes and corresponding critical values 40
Chapter 11. Conclusion 43
References 45
Appendix 48

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