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論文名稱(外文):Gaming Situation’s Influence on Effects of Violent Games
外文關鍵詞:violent gamesfrustrationaggressionpresenceenjoymentcompetitiongaming situationindividual differences
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It is reported that after playing violent video games, people will becomeaggressive, and perform aggressive behavior in their daily life. Because violent games are well received, we should carefully exam the effects caused by them. But little research has been done on the importance of gaming situation and discusses the positive effect – enjoyment. Besides, with the rapid gaming technology growth, we will attempt to find a clear definition about what is violent game and use it into whole paper.

In this paper, we will discuss if the competition situation variables can effect enjoyment, aggression and presence and exam the connections between them. The result shows that when playing with other players, gamers can get higher enjoyment and presence and compared to violent content, frustration is the main reason to effect
aggression and enjoyment. On the other hand, violent content affect presence.

Another result shows that gender variable had some impact on enjoyment experience, but not on aggression. These results suggests that violent games may not as bad as we think, depends on the context of gaming situation.

Key Words: violent games, frustration, aggression, presence, enjoyment, competition,
gaming situation, individual differences

第一章、緒論 ............................................. 1
1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.2 研究問題意識 ............................................ 5
1.3 研究價值 ................................................ 7
1.4 研究架構 ................................................ 8
第二章、文獻探討 ......................................... 9
2.1 電玩遊戲與暴力因素 ...................................... 9
2.1.1 電子媒介興起 .............................................. 9
2.1.2 電玩遊戲與暴力 ........................................... 11
2.1.3 暴力遊戲的影響 ........................................... 17
2.2 暴力遊戲的效果研究 ..................................... 21
2.2.1 GAM模型與其發展過程 ..................................... 22
2.2.2 遊戲情境與性別 .......................................... 25
2.2.3 臨場感(Presence) ......................................... 29
2.3 挫折與侵略 ............................................. 32
2.3.1挫折─侵略學說 ........................................... 33
2.3.2遊戲挑戰經驗與感知 ....................................... 36
2.4 享樂感 ................................................. 38
2.4.1娛樂與享樂的天性 ......................................... 38
2.4.1暴力遊戲與享樂感 ......................................... 40
2.4 研究假設與問題 ......................................... 43
第三章、對手虛實與玩家性別:實驗一 ...................... 45
3.1 實驗目的 ............................................... 45
3.2 實驗設計 ............................................... 45
3.2.1受試者 ................................................... 45
3.2.2真人對戰情境 ............................................. 46
3.2.3實驗流程 ................................................. 46
3.2.4實驗素材 ................................................. 47
3.2.4測量方式 ................................................. 48
3.3 研究資料分析 ........................................... 50
3.3.1樣本結構 ................................................. 50
3.3.2實驗控制檢定 ............................................. 51
3.3.3量表信度分析 ............................................. 51
3.3.4遊戲者性別以及對手性質對各依變項影響之分析 ............... 52
3.3.5臨場感、侵略感與享樂感之間之關係 ......................... 56
3.3.6性別差異造成的結果 ....................................... 56
3.4 研究結果與未來方向 ..................................... 57
3.4.1對手性質不同所帶來的臨場感、享樂感差異 ................... 58
3.4.2對手性質不同所帶來的侵略感差異 ........................... 60
3.4.3遊戲者性別差異帶來的影響 ................................. 61
3.4.4研究限制 ................................................. 62
第四章、挫折與暴力:實驗二 .............................. 64
4.1 實驗目的 ............................................... 65
4.2 實驗設計 ............................................... 66
4.2.1受試者 ................................................... 66
4.2.2實驗流程 ................................................. 66
4.2.3實驗素材 ................................................. 67
4.2.4前測 ..................................................... 70
4.2.5測量方式 ................................................. 71
4.3 研究資料分析 ........................................... 72
4.3.1樣本結構 ................................................. 72
4.3.2實驗控制檢定 ............................................. 73
4.3.3量表信度與因素分析 ....................................... 75
4.3.4暴力元素與挫折感對侵略感變項影響之分析 ................... 77
4.3.5暴力元素與挫折感對臨場感、享樂感變項影響之分析 ........... 84
4.3.6性別差異對侵略感、臨場感與享樂感變項影響之分析 ........... 86
4.4 研究結果與討論 ......................................... 87
4.4.1遊戲暴力與否對侵略感、臨場感、享樂感的差異 ............... 88
4.4.2遊戲挫折感對侵略感、臨場感、享樂感的差異 ................. 90
4.4.3遊戲者性別差異帶來的影響 ................................. 91
4.4.4研究限制 ................................................. 92
第五章、研究結果與討論 .................................. 93
5.1 研究發現與討論 ......................................... 93
5.1.1實驗變項對於侵略感的討論 ................................. 93
5.1.2實驗變項對於臨場感的影響 ................................. 98
5.1.3享樂感與臨場感、侵略感關係的討論 ......................... 99
5.1.4性別變項的討論 .......................................... 101
5.2 研究限制與未來建議 .................................... 102
5.2.1侵略感測量的疏失 ........................................ 102
5.2.2遊戲情境難度的狀況控制 .................................. 103
5.2.3缺乏與實際情境的對應 .................................... 103
5.3 小結 .................................................. 104
參考書目 ............................................... 105
附錄 ................................................... 117
附錄一、受測者實驗參與同意書 .................................... 117
附錄二、實驗一研究問卷 .......................................... 118
附錄三、實驗二研究問卷 .......................................... 123

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