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研究生(外文):Kuo, Li-Yen
論文名稱(外文):Supervised FolkRank:A recommender system in the social tagging networks
指導教授(外文):Lee, Suh-Yin
外文關鍵詞:social networksrecommendationrandom walkoptimization
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我們提出了一個推薦系統Supervised FolkRank,以重啟式隨機漫步(Random Walk with Restart)為基礎,對於重啟的機率、停滯的機率以及使用者與關鍵字的權重進行最佳化。本推薦系統關注所有文件的相關性而非僅止於二元地將文件分為相關與否,如此一來便可掌握整個文件集合就相關性的排序情況,以求得到最佳化效果。除此之外,透過分析每個使用者的最佳化參數向量而獲得這些向量的分佈。透過這些分佈,我們發現肇因於使用者行為的不同,而使得最佳化參數向量存在相當的分歧。從實驗中,比較其他監督式與非監督式的方法,我們所提出的推薦系統表現出較佳的正確率與取回率。

Folksonomy represents a distributed, decentralized, collaborative tagging system, which lowers the cognition cost and has a quick adaption to changes in vocabulary. Social tagging systems contain huge linking relations including user-generated content, ratings and annotations. Beyond the bipartite graphs that describe the ratings of items for users, annotation by tagging could be taken as an important interface to describe content semantically. Although the recommendation in social tagging networks has been studied extensively, the influence of personal behaviors on recommending results is still unexplored.
We propose a recommendation model, Supervised FolkRank, which uses a list-wise approach to formulate the objective function so that the ranking of all items could be considered. By analyzing the relation among restart probability, self-transition probability and the ratio of the target user to the selected query, we discover the divergence of the distribution of parameter vectors with the difference of users’ behaviors. To find the representatives to describe the distribution, clustering is used for analysis.
From our experiments on the LibraryThing social tagging graph, we show that our approach outperforms other recommendation systems including supervised and unsupervised ones. Finally, by showing that the results by the same model vary with different parameter vectors, we demonstrate the influence of the parameter vectors.

Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) ii
Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents v
List of Figures ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Recommendation Systems in Folksonomies………………………………....4
2.1.1 Collaborative Filtering…....…………………...……………..…………….4
2.2.2 Random Walk Model………………....………………..………...………...7
2.2 Machine Learning...........................................................................................10
2.2.1 The Pairwise Approach……………………………..………......…...10
2.2.2 The Listwise Approach……………….……….....….........................12
Chapter 3 Supervised FolkRank 14
3.1 Random Walk Model…………………………………………..……..….....14
3.2 The Optimization Problem……………………………………...……..……17
Chapter 4 Methodology 23
4.1 Data Preparation………………………………………………………...…..23
4.2 Measures……………………………………………………………….....…24
4.2.1 The Assumption for Relevance………………………………..24
4.2.2 Normalized Discounted Cumulative……………………………25
4.2.3 Precision and Recall….…………………………………………28
4.3 Evaluation……………………………………………………………..29
Chapter 5 Experiments 39
5.1 Distribution of optimized parameter vector………………………………...39
5.2 Comparison with other methods…………………………………………....46
5.3 The influence of transition matrix…………………………………………..52
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work…………………………………54
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