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論文名稱(外文):Experimental Evidence for MOSFET S/D Long-Range Coulomb Effects
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ming-jer
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Electron mobility degradation is currently encountered in highly scaled devices. This means that additional scattering mechanisms exist and will become profoundly important in next generation of devices. The aim of this work is to, for first time, present experimental evidence for the existence of long-range Coulomb effects due to plasmons (collective behaviors of fluctuating dipoles) in high-density source/drain (S/D) of MOSFETs, particularly for the metallurgical channel length less than about 40 nm. This is obtained through temperature-dependent mobilities via TCAD-based inverse modeling. Other evidence is further produced in terms of the measured transconductance at high drain voltage, which is comparable with that of sophisticated simulations in the literature taking into account long-range Coulomb interactions.
Chinese Abstract I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Contents IV
Figure Captions VI
Table Captions IX

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Experiment 3
2.1 C-V Fitting 3
2.2 Measurement Method and Experimentally Assessed Effective Inversion-Layer Mobility 4

Chapter 3 Inverse Modeling 6
3.1 Drift-diffusion Model 6
3.2 Calculation of Inversion Layer Charge Density 8
3.3 Extraction of Parasitic Source/Drain Resistance 9

Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion 12
4.1 Additional Mobilities 12
4.2 Main Source of Mobility Degradation in Short-channel Device 13
4.3 Evidence of Long-range Coulomb Interactions 15

Chapter 5 Conclusion 16
References 17
Figures 17
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