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研究生(外文):Yeh, Ting-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):Double-gate MOSFET Simulator
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ming-Jer
外文關鍵詞:double-gatewave-function penetration
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It is well known that the scaling of the traditional bulk MOSFETs would encounter several issues like the short channel effects (SCE). To deal with this problem, many of methods have been proposed, one of which is new device architectures, such as multi-gate structures. The aim of this work is to develop a double-gate n-MOSFET simulator by using self-consistent solving of Schrödinger and Poisson equations with some physical models taken into account. Besides, for many simulators in the literature, the boundary conditions of Schrödinger’s equation are often making an infinite potential barrier height at the silicon/gate-oxide interface. Nevertheless, we know that the actual barrier height is finite and is equal to a few electron-volts. Therefore, wave-function actually can penetrate into the gate-oxide dielectric. Hence, we also add wave-function penetration effect to our simulator, and discuss the influences of penetration effect and electron tunneling effective mass on the double-gate structure performance. Finally, we also build mobility and stress related model, and compare those with literature values. From the comparison results, our simulations are consistent with Schred as well as with some articles with and without wave-function penetration included, except for the mobility of thinner substrate thickness which should consider more scattering mechanisms. That is to say, our simulator comes to be reasonable for calculating fundamental properties in DG n-MOSFETs.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Theory and Procedure of Simulator 3
2.1 Theory 3
2.1.1 Time-independent Schrödinger Equation 3
2.1.2 Newton-Raphson Method 4
2.2 Procedure of DG n-MOSFETs Simulator 6
2.2.1 Schrődinger and Poisson Self-consistent 6
2.2.2 Other Physical Model 8
Chapter 3 Wave-Function Penetration Effect 10
Introduction 10
3.1 Time-independent Schrödinger Equation With considering Wave-Function Penetration Effect 10
3.2 Procedure of DG-NEP Simulator With considering Wave-Function Penetration Effect 12
3.3 Physical Model of DG-NEP Simulator With considering Wave-Function Penetration Effect 13
Chapter 4 Electron Mobility and Stress Model 14
4.1 Electron Mobility Model 14
4.1.1 Introduction 14
4.1.2 Phonon Scattering Mechanism and Model 14
4.1.3 Surface Roughness Scattering Mechanism and Model 17
4.1.4 Derivation of Two-Dimensional Mobility 17
4.2 Stress Model 18
Chapter 5 Simulation Results and Discussion 20
5.1 Basic Properties of Double-gate n-MOSFET (Subband Energy, Wave-Function, and Electron Density…) 20
5.2 Influence of Tunneling Mass on Penetration Effect 21
Chapter 6 Conclusion 23
References 24
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