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研究生(外文):Chou, Yu-Hsing
論文名稱(外文):The Fading Number of Multiple-Access Rician Fading Channel with Memory
指導教授(外文):Moser, Stefan M.
外文關鍵詞:Fading NumberMultiple-Access ChannelRician FadingMemoryInformation Theorey
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In this thesis we analyze the sum-rate capacity of the Rician fading multiple-access channel (MAC) with memory. The fading process of the channel is Gaussian in addition to a line-of-sight component. Moreover, there are more than one user sending data at the same
time. To simplify our analysis, we consider the single-input single-output (SISO) case, i.e., all the transmitters and the receiver use one antenna.
In the analysis of the fading channel capacity, the exact expression of the capacity is not yet known. A way called asymptotic analysis is used to derive the channel capacity in the limit when the available power tends to infinity. It is shown that at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the sum-rate capacity grows to infinity doublelogarithmically. The second term in the high-SNR expansion is a constant called fading number.
In our work, we derive an upper bound on the fading number of the general m-user SISO Rician fading MAC with memory. Combining the natural lower bound on the fading number of the single-user SISO channel, we then obtain the exact fading number of the general m-user SISO Rician fading MAC with memory. To achieve the fading number, we
have to switch off the worse users and allow the best users communicate by time-sharing.
List of Figures VII
1 Introduction 1
2 Channel Model 4
2.1 The m-User SISO Rician Fading MAC with Memory 4
2.2 The Simplified Channel Model 7
3 Mathematical Preliminaries 8
3.1 The Channel Capacity 8
3.2 Escaping to Infinity 9
3.3 Stationarity 10
3.4 The Fading Number 12
4 Previous Results 14
4.1 Natural Upper and Lower Bounds 14
4.2 An Upper Bound of Memoryless MAC 15
4.3 Two Equalities for the SISO Rician Fading MAC 16
5 Main Results 17
5.1 An Upper Bound on Fading Number of the m-User SISO Rician Fading MAC with Memory 17
5.2 The Two-User Fading Number with Memory 18
5.3 The m-User Fading Number with Memory 18
6 Derivation of Results 20
6.1 Derivation of Proposition 5.1 20
6.2 Derivation of Theorem 5.2 28
6.3 Derivation of Theorem 5.3 36
7 Discussion and Conclusion 44
A Derivation of Lemma 4.2 46
B Derivation of Lemma 4.3 48
Bibliography 52
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