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研究生(外文):Ni, Chia-Lung
論文名稱(外文):0.99 PF and 1.7% THD by Line Voltage Recovery and Total Harmonic Distortion Optimizer in Power Factor Correction Controller
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ke-Horng
外文關鍵詞:power factortotal harmonic distortionline voltage recovery
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As populations increase and countries industrialize, the world’s demand for energy increases. In recent years, the energy-shortage problem becomes more serious. Therefore, the issue of green power is respected gradually. Power factor correction (PFC) can shape the input current of off-line power supplies to be in-phase with the input AC voltage in order to maximize the available real power from the AC source to achieve high power factor (PF). The total harmonic distortion (THD) of input current is an important factor for PF. Considering high power factor (PF) and efficiency, the boundary conduction mode (BCM) control is more suitable for low-power applications such as the adapter and lighting. However, there are two major THD-deteriorated contributors in a conventional PFC boost converter with BCM control. One is the crossover distortion caused by the diode’s forward voltage in the bridge and parasitic capacitances. The other is the line frequency reflected distortion. Because the harmonic current can interfere with other electronic equipment seriously, there are many international standards to limit harmocin current. In order to conform the harmonic-current standards stricter and stricter, an improving THD technique is proposed in this thesis.
The proposed line voltage recovery (LVR) and the total harmonic distortion optimizer (THDO) improve PF and THD over a wide line voltage range. The LVR detects the input line root-mean-square (rms) voltage to generate the digital equivalent code to the THDO for optimizing the THD by tuning the on-time value at different line voltages. Besides, the LVR and the THDO provide a feedforward path to reduce the ripple of the feedback voltage for further improving the THD. Therefore, the PFC controller can keep high PF and low THD over a wide line voltage. Experimental results demonstrate the PF is higher than 0.99 and the THD is 1.7% at VAC of 90 - 110V by the test circuit fabricated in TSMC 800V UHV process.

Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2 6
Fundamentals of PFC 6
2.1 The Relationship between PF and THD 6
2.2 Classification of PFC 8
2.3 Control Modes of PFC Boost Converter 10
2.4 Principle of PFC Boost Converter with BCM 12
Chapter 3 15
Proposed Line Voltage Recovery and Total Harmonic Distortion Optimizer in Power Factor Correction Controller 15
3.1 Line Reflected Frequency Distortion 15
3.2 Crossover Distortion 17
3.3 Proposed Architecture 22
Chapter 4 24
Circuit Implementation 24
4.1 Proposed Line Voltage Recovery (LVR) 24
4.2 Proposed Total Harmonic Distortion Optimizer (THDO) 27
4.3 Zero Current Detector (ZCD) 33
4.4 Output Driver 35
Chapter 5 36
Experimental Results 36
5.1 Chip Micrograph and Design Specifications 36
5.2 LVR Function 37
5.3 The Clamped Function of ZCD 38
5.4 THDO 39
5.5 Measured Output Voltage and Input Line Current 42
5.6 Measured THD and PF 44
5.7 Comparison with Prior Arts 46
Chapter 6 47
Conclusions and Future Work 47
6.1 Conclusions 47
6.2 Future Work 47
Reference 48
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