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研究生(外文):Cheng, Che-Fu
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Defect Detection and Classification System on Printed Circuit Board Inner Layer
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chi-Hsu
外文關鍵詞:defect detectiondefect classification
  • 被引用被引用:1
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缺陷分類的部分,我們必須找出每一個缺陷的外輪廓,並從外輪廓中抽取出「邊界狀態轉換次數」與「邊界狀態」兩個特徵,除此之外,我們也從影像相減的過程中抽取出「缺陷狀態」的特徵。藉由這三種不同的特徵,我們可以將缺陷分成以下八類:斷開(open)、缺口(mouse bite)、針孔(pinhole)、缺少導體(missing conductor)、短路(short)、突出(spur)、缺洞(missing hole)與多餘的銅(excess copper)。

In this thesis, we implement an automatic defect classification system that combines the detection and classification of the defect on a PCB inner layer. In defect detection part, at first, we have to use the MAD method to align the test images to the reference image which contains no defects. MAD method computes the mean absolute distortion of the two images overlapping area to find the displacement between these two images. Then we subtract the aligned test image from aligned reference images to obtain defects. Finally, there are some noises with small size in the subtracted image. Therefore, we remove these noises by setting a threshold.
In defect classification part, we have to find the outer boundary of each defect and then we extract two features, “number of state transition,” and “boundary state,” from the outer boundary. Moreover, we also extract the “defect state” feature in the image subtraction process. By using these three different features, we can classify defects into the following eight types: “open,” “mouse bite,” “pinhole,” “missing conductor,” “short,” “spur,” “missing hole,” and “excess copper.”

List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Defect Detection 4
1.3 Defect Classification 5
1.4 Thesis Outline 6
Chapter 2 Defect Detection on Printed Circuit Board Inner Layers 7
2.1 Overall System Architecture and Processes 7
2.1.1 Non-periodic Image 7
2.1.2 Periodic Image 9
2.2 Image Alignment 10
2.2.1 Non-periodic Image 10
2.2.2 Periodic Image 14
2.3 Defect Detection 14
2.3.1 Image Binarization 14
2.3.2 Image Subtraction 15
2.4 Defect Segmentation 16
2.4.1 Neighbors of a Pixel 16
2.4.2 Labeling of Connected Regions 17
2.5 Noise Removal 19
Chapter 3 Defect Classification on Printed Circuit Board Inner Layers 21
3.1 Boundary Tracing 22
3.1.1 Inner Boundary Tracing 22
3.1.2 Outer Boundary Tracing 24
3.2 Feature Extraction 24
3.3 Classification Method 27
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 30
4.1 Defect Detection 30
4.1.1 Non-periodic Image 30
4.1.2 Periodic Image 35
4.2 Defect Classification 39
4.2.1 Non-periodic Image 39
4.2.2 Periodic Image 42
Chapter 5 Conclusion 46


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