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研究生(外文):Hsu, Wan-Hai
論文名稱(外文):Room temperature lasing characteristics in the metal-coated GaN grating structures
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Hao-ChungShih, Min-Hsiung
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In this thesis, we observe the lasing action of metal-coated GaN grating structures at room temperature and show the importance of metal which is coated on the surface of grating structure. In the first part of this thesis, we use finite element method to design and optimize the grating structure. Then, we define the grating pattern on the undoped GaN by e-beam lithography. After that, we deposit the Si3N4 dielectric layer and coat the aluminum on it. Next, we use scanning electron microscope to check the period, width and height of grating structure. We observe a band edge lasing mode from the metal-coated GaN grating structure at 368nm by micro-photoluminescence system and estimate the quality factor of it which is about 570. We simulate the electric field of grating structure with and without metal and confirm that the metal-coated layer actually enhances the optical confinement of grating structure. From the experiment and simulation results, we believe that the band edge lasing mode is due to the surface plasmon polaritons and part of dielectric mode.
In the second part of this thesis, we selectively change the effective refractive index of grating structure and further design the defect mode laser with ultra-low threshold. We change one stripe’s width of grating structure and confirm that the defect mode actually exists in it by finite element method. The defect modes lasing at 364nm is observed under room temperature condition. Compared to grating structure, the defect grating structure has ultra-low threshold power density which gives a promise to develop the photoelectric device with low energy consumption in the future.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 History of Semiconductor Laser 1
1.2 The Development of Metal-coated Nano Devices 2
1.3 Application of GaN-based Optoelectronic Devices 4
1.4 Surface Plasmon Effect 6
1.5 Motivation 8
1.6 Reference 15
Chapter 2 Experimental Instruments and Methods 19
2.1 Electron Beam Lithography and Scanning Electron Microscope 19
2.2 Dry Etching Process and E-gun Evaporation 20
2.3 Micro-Photoluminescence System 22
2.4 Fabrication Process 22
2.5 Reference 31
Chapter 3 Band Edge Mode Lasing in Metal-coated GaN Grating Structure at Room Temperature 32
3.1 Design and Optimize the Device 32
3.2 Lasing Characteristics of Band Edge Mode in Metal-coated GaN Grating Structure 35
3.3 Results and Discussion 37
3.4 Summary 40
3.5 Reference 52
Chapter 4 Defect Mode Lasing at the Defect of Metal-coated GaN Grating Structure at Room Temperature 53
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Design the Device 54
4.3 Lasing Characteristics of Defect Mode in Metal-coated GaN Grating Structure 55
4.4 Results and Discussion 56
4.5 Summary 58
4.6 Reference 66
Chapter 5 Conclusion 67
5.1 Conclusion 67
5.2 Future Work 68
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