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研究生(外文):Sung, Huang-chih
論文名稱(外文):Rethinking of Patent’s Right to Exclude: Implementation of Independent Invention Defense to the Adjudications of Injunctive Remedies
指導教授(外文):Liu, Shang-Jyh
外文關鍵詞:Patent’s Right to Excludeindependent invention defensepreliminary injunctionpermanent injunction
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As the independent invention is unacceptable under the current patent system, an independent developer is poorer than a free rider. Whenever a company finds that it has lost (or is likely to lose) the lead in technology development, the best policy for the company is to give up research activities to avoid wasteful duplication, rather than to catch up. This dissertation finds that it is absurd to establish a patent system to encourage a second-lead company to give up its research activities.
One of the primary purposes of this dissertation is to suggest a system in which an independent developer will have a better position than a free rider, in order to encourage enterprises to continue to research and develop despite whether they take the lead in technology development. From different perspectives, including historical, constitutional, empirical, and economic, this dissertation finds that the independent invention defense is reasonable and worth being considered in patent-related disputes. To create the aforementioned system and to harmonize the measures of protecting patent rights with the purpose of promoting the progress of useful art, this dissertation suggests considering the independent invention defense in evaluating the four factors of preliminary injunction and permanent injunction proceedings as a mechanism to balance a patentee’s right to exclude and the public’s productive uses of science and technology.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motive 1
1.2 Research Objective 8
1.3 Research Methods 9

Chapter 2: Patent’s Right to Exclude and the First Insight of Independent Invention Defense 13
2.1 The Nature of Patent’s Right to Exclude 13
2.1.1 The Patent Right is a Right to Exclude 13
2.1.2 Injunctive Relief: Most Important Aspect of the Patent’s Right to Exclude 17
2.2 A Patent Right is Much Stronger than a Copyright and a Trademark 18
2.2.1 The Independent Invention is NOT a defense in the Patent Infringement Litigation 19
2.2.2 Possession of a Patent is NOT a defense in the Patent Infringement Litigation 20
2.2.3 Empirical Study 21
2.2.4 The Influence on Industries in the Absence of the “Independent Invention Defense” and “Possession of Patent Defense” 27
2.3 Theories of Patent’s Right to Exclude 32
2.3.1 The Nature Right Theory and the Fruit of Labor Theory 32
2.3.2 Invention Disclosure Theory 34
2.3.3 Invention Stimulation Theory 36
2.3.4 Investment Stimulation Theory and Prospect Theory 37
2.3.5 Conclusion 40
2.4 Debates about the Independent Invention Defense 40
2.4.1. Arguments for the Independent Invention Defense 41
2.4.2 Arguments Against the Independent Invention Defense 45
2.4.3 This Dissertation Supports the Independent Invention Defense 46
2.5 The Possible Implementations of the Independent Invention Defense 47
2.5.1 Not Covered by the Effect of Patent Right 47
2.5.2 Determine Whether a Defendant is Willfully Liable 50
2.5.3 Deny the Motion for Injunctive Relieves 51

Chapter 3: Comparative and Empirical Researches of Preliminary Injunction 53
3.1 Nature of Preliminary Injunction 53
3.2 Patent Preliminary Injunction in the United States 57
3.2.1 The Four-factor Test in the United States 57
3.2.2 The Empirical Study of the Four-factor Test in the United States 61
3.2.3 Analysis of the Empirical Study 84
3.3 Patent Preliminary Injunction in China 86
3.3.1 Law and Regulations 86
3.3.2 Case Review of Preliminary Injunctions in China 94
3.4 Patent Preliminary Injunction in Taiwan 98
3.4.1 Legal Development of Preliminary Injunctions 98
3.4.2. Traditional Viewpoint of Preliminary Injunctions in Taiwan Before July, 1, 2008 104
3.4.3 New System of the Preliminary Injunctions in Taiwan 112
3.5 Compensations to the Wrongfully-enjoined Defendants 115
3.5.1 Issues from a Wrongful Preliminary Injunction 115
3.5.2 The Compensations to the Wrongfully-enjoined Defendants-- A Comparative Study 117
3.5.3 Wrongfully-enjoined Defendants are Commonly Under-compensated in Taiwan 128
3.5.4 A Milestone Case in Taiwan and Comments 132
3.5.5 Conclusion 138
3.6 Rethinking the Preliminary Injunction Standards 140
3.6.1 Lessons from China and Taiwan 140
3.6.2 The Preliminary Injunction should be a Drastic and Extraordinary remedy 145
3.6.3 The Defendant Invented the Accused Products Independently—Under the Research of this Dissertation 148

Chapter 4: Radically-changing Standard of Permanent Injunction 151
4.1 Pre-eBay Era 151
4.1.1 Laws of Permanent Injunctions in the United States 151
4.1.2 General Rule adopted by the Federal Circuit 152
4.2 Decisive eBay Case 153
4.2.1 Background 153
4.2.2 The decision of The Supreme Court 155
4.2.3 The Second District Court’s Decision 157
4.3 Recent Developments after eBay 159
4.3.1 Cases Granting a Permanent Injunction 159
4.3.2 Injunction Denied--“Creative Mechanisms” for the Cases Found Infringement but not Granted Permanent Injunctions 184
4.3.3 Review of the Four eBay Factors 202
4.4 Key Elements Considered by the Courts While Determining Permanent Injunction 214
4.4.1 Direct Competitors or Lack of Commercial Activity—Influencing on the Factors of Irreparable Harm, Adequacy of Damages and Balance of Hardship 214
4.4.2. Desire to License and Obtain Royalties—Influencing on the Factors of Irreparable Harm, Adequacy of Damages and Balance of Hardship 217
4.4.3 Business Model Patents—Influencing on the Public Interest Factor 218
4.4.4 Not Moved for a Preliminary Injunction—Influencing the Factor of Irreparable Harm 218
4.4.5 Patented Invention is only a Small Component of the Whole Accused Product—Influencing on the Factors of Adequacy of Damages and Balance of Hardship 219
4.4.6 Patent-in-Suit is almost Expired—Influencing on the Factor of Adequacy of Damages 220
4.4.7 The Defendant Invented the Accused Products Independently—Under the Research of this Dissertation 221
4.5 Influences on Non-Practicing Entities after eBay 222
4.5.1 Introduction to Non-Practicing Entities 222
4.5.2. Few Permanent Injunctions Granted to Non-Practicing Entities after eBay 224
4.5.3 Pure Trolls v. R&;D-Based NPEs 225
4.5.4 The differential Considerations of Granting a Permanent Injunction between R&;D-based NPEs and Pure Trolls 227
4.5.5. When NPEs Meet Independent Developers 230

Chapter 5: Applying Independent Invention Defense to Patent Injunction Proceedings 233
5.1 Historical Perspective: The Form and Strength of Patent Right are Drifting in Patent History 233
5.1.1 Patent Right was a “Monopoly of Sale” in Early Patent Law of the United Kingdoms 233
5.1.2 Patent Rights were Substantive “Rights to Manufacture, Sell, and Use” in Early Patent Laws 236
5.1.3 Patent Right Changed to “Right to Exclude” in the Last Half of 1900’s 247
5.1.4 Patent Right is Still the “Right to Exclude” under the Current Patent Laws but has been Weakened by eBay 250
5.1.5 Short Conclusions 251
5.2 Theoretical Perspective: Easily Granted Injunctions may be Harmful to the Progress of Useful Art and the Freedom to Speech 252
5.2.1 Easily Granted Injunction may be Harmful to the Progress of Useful Arts 252
5.2.2. Easily Granted Injunctions may be Harmful to the Freedom to Express 256
5.3 Empirical Perspective: The Wrongfully-enjoined Defendant is Generally Under-compensated 258
5.3.1 The Decision of Granting Preliminary Injunction is Fallible 258
5.3.2. The Wrongfully-enjoined Defendants are Generally Under-compensated 258
5.4 Economic Perspective: The Independent Invention Defense is a Win-win-win Policy 261
5.4.1. Independent Invention is a Waste in the Current Patent System 261
5.4.2 The Independent Invention Defense is a Win-win-win to Improve the Patent System 264
5.4.3 The Acceptance of Independent Invention Defense Will Provides a Better Position for an Independent Developer than a Free Rider 266
5.5 Considering Independent Invention in Adjudicating Injunctive Relief 269
5.5.1 Burden of Proving Independent Invention 269
5.5.2 Considering Independent Invention Defense in Adjudicating Motion for Preliminary Injunction 270
5.5.3 Considering Independent Invention Defense in Adjudicating Motion for Permanent Injunction 276

References: 291


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Impax Labs., Inc. v. Aventis Pharms., Inc., 235 F. Supp. 2d 390, 392 (D. Del. 2002).
In Edgar v. MITE Corp.,457 U.S. 624, 649 (1982).
Innogenetics v. Abbott Labs, 2007 WL 5431017 (W.D. Wis. 2007).
Innogenetics v. Abbott Labs, 512 F.3d 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2008).
Instant Air Freight Co. v. C.F. Air Freight, Inc., 882 F.2d 797, 805 n. 9 (3rd Cir.1989).
Intel Corp. v. ULSI Sys. Tech., Inc., 995 F. 2d 1566 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
Johnson &; Johnson Orthopaedics, Inc. v. Minnesota Min. &; Mfg. Co., 715 F. Supp. 110 (D. Del. 1989).
Kewanee Oil Co. v. Bicron Corp. et al, 416 U.S. 470 (1974).
Knights of Ku Klux Klan and Nathan Robb, v. Rkansas State Highway and Transportation, 807 F.Supp. 1427 (1992)
MercExchange v. eBay, 275 F. Supp. 2d 695 (E.D.Va.,2003).
MercExchange v. eBay, 401 F. 3d 1323 (Fed. Cir. 2005).
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MercExchange v. eBay, 547 U.S. 388 (U.S. 2006).
MercExchange v. eBay, 500 F. Supp. 2d 556 (E.D. Va., 2007).
Middlewest Motor Freight Bureau v. United States, 433 F.2d 212 (8th Cir.1970).
Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Ltd. Partnership, 564 U.S. ___ (2011).
MGM Well Servs., Inc. v. Mega Lift Sys. LLC, 505 F. Supp. 2d 359 (S.D. Tex. 2007).
Nat’l Kidney Patients Ass'n v. Sullivan, 958 F.2d 1127 (D.C.Cir.1992).
Nerney v. New York, N.H. &; H.R. Co., 83 F.2d 409 (2nd Cir. 1936).
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Nokia Corp. v. InterDigital Inc., 645 F. 3d 553 (2nd Cir. 2011).
Novartis Corp. v. Teva. Pharm. USA, Inc., 2007 WL 1695689 (D.N.J. 2007).
Novozymes A/S v. Genencor Int'l, Inc., 474 F. Supp. 2d 592 (D. Del. 2007).
O2 Micro Int’l Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Tech. Co., 2007 WL 869576 (E.D. Tex. 2007).
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Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. v. Mylan Labs, Inc., 505 F. Supp 2d. 401 (N.D. Ohio 2007).
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Paice LLC v. Toyota Motor Corp. No. 2:04-CV-211-DF, 2006 WL 2385139 (E.D. Tex., 2006).
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Panduit Corp. v. Stahlin Brothers Fibre Works, Inc., 575 F. 2d 1152 (6th Cir. 1978).
Pfizer, Inc. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc., 429 F.3d 1364 (Fed.Cir.2005).
Polymer Technologies, Inc. v. Bridwell, 103 F. 3d 970 (Fed. Cir. 1996).
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2. Taiwan Cases
61-Tai-Kan-506 (Supreme Court, 1972).
92-Chih-3 (Miao-Li District Court, 2003).
92-Chih-3 (Tainan District Court, 2003).
92-Chih-25 (Tainan District Court, 2003).
92-Suit-363 (Tao-Yuan District Court, 2003).
93-Chih-16 (Chang-Hwa District Court, 2004).
93-Tai-Kan-937 (Supreme Court 2004).
93-Tai-Kan-323 (Supreme Court 2004).
94-Chih-45 (Taipei District Court, 2005).
94-Chih-6 (Kaohsiung District Court, 2005).
94-Tai-Kan-792 (Supreme Court 2005).
94-Chih-27 (Taipei District Court, 2005).
95-Chih-1 (Chia-Yi District Court, 2006).
95-Chih-25 (Taichung District Court, 2006).
95-Chih-53 (Taichung District Court, 2006).
95- Chih-Geng-1 (Taichung District Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-780 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-156 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-161 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-231 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-575 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-523 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-566 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-462(Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-575 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-522 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-268 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-241 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-522 (Supreme Court, 2006).
95-Tai-Kan-621 (Supreme Court 2006).
96-Tai-Kan-266 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-327 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-266 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-266 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-667 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-183 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-154 (Supreme Court, 2007).
96-Tai-Kan-667 (Supreme Court, 2007).
97-Min-Ta-Shang- 2 (IP Court, 2008).
97- Chih-Shan-18 (Taichung High Court, 2008).
97- Tai-Kan-561 (Supreme Court, 2008).
97-Ming-Chuan-Suit-5 (IP Court, 2008).
97-Ming-Chuan-Shan-20 (IP Court, 2008).
97-Min-Zhuan-Kang-19 (IP Court, 2008).
98- Tai-Shan-367 (Supreme Court, 2009).
98- Ming-Ta-Suit-1 (IP Court, 2009).
98- Ming-Gung-Suit-6 (IP Court, 2009).
98-Tai-Kang-713 (Supreme Court, 2009).
99-Ming-Kung-Shan-3 (IP Court, 2010).
98-Ming-Chung-Shan-30 (IP Court Court, 2011).
99-Ming-Chang-Sue-215 (IP Court, 2011).

3. China Cases
Der-Chung-Ming4-Injunction No. 66 (Intermediate People’s Court of Derchou, Sandung, 2006).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.15 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2006).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.7 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2007).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.14 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2006).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.19 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2005).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.21 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong 2005).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.15 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2005).
Fo-Chung-Fa-Ming3-Gin No.13 (Intermediate People’s Court of Foshan, Guangdong, 2005).
Ning-Ming-3-First-382 (Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court, 2006).
Su-Injunction No. 0001 (JiangSu High People’s Court, 2005).
Su-Ming-3-Final-0071 (Jiangsu High People’s Court, 2008).
Wu-Zhi-Injunction No. 19 (Intermediate People’s Court of WuHand, Huba, 2006).

History of Patents, available at <http://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-history.htm> (last visited Oct. 11, 2012).
Senate Report No. 82-1979 (1952), available at <http://www.ipmall.info/hosted_resources/lipa/patents/patentact/senate_report_1979.htm>(last visited Jan. 8, 2013).
TO PROMOTE INNOVATION: THE PROPER BALANCE OF COMPETITION AND PATENT LAW AND POLICY: A REPORT BY THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, Fed. Trade Comm’n (October 2003), Ch. 2, at 20, at <http://www.ftc.gov/os/2003/10/innovationrpt.pdf>.
Tudors and Stuarts, available at <http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tpyes/patent/p-about/p-whatis/p-history/p-hostory-todor.htm> (last visited Oct. 11, 2012).
Wang, DoDo, The Supreme People’s Court mentioned that “Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights is getting Wide and Strong,” < http://wr.cccv.cn/1181/dyn20071018172550799.shtm (2007.10.18)>.

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