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研究生(外文):Lee, Chuan-En
論文名稱(外文):Bistable liquid crystal devices with nanoparticle-coated polyimide alignment films
指導教授(外文):Jeng, Shie-Chang
外文關鍵詞:BistableHAN-LC cellsilica nanoparticlesTriboelectricion densityinternal electric fieldfree energy density
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本論文於混合排列向列型液晶盒元件(Hybrid Alignment Nematic Liquid Crystal Device, HAN-LCD )的水平配向基板表面塗佈二氧化矽奈米粒子(SiO_2 nanoparticle),研究其雙穩態(Bistable)的特性,藉由施加相反極性的脈衝電壓(Pulse Voltage)於雙穩態HAN-LCD,將可切換元件的亮態及暗態兩種穩態。

The bistable hybrid-aligned nematic liquid crystal device (HAN-LCD) was fabricated with silica nanoparticle-coated polyimide (PI) alignment films. The triboelectrically-charged silica nanoparticles and the existence of impurity ions in the LC can cause an internal electric field to stabilize the device in the homeotropic state (dark state) after turning off the driving voltage. For switching back to the HAN state (bright state) from the homeotropic state, a voltage pulse with proper polarity was applied for changing the ion distribution in the device. The capability of controlling bistability was achieved through modification of the ion density in the LC layer and the surface properties of the homogeneous PI alignment layer.
In addition, the electro-optical characteristics of the bistable HAN-LCD operated in the dynamic mode were studied and compared with the normal HAN-LCD. Our proposed device is not only being able to operate in bistable display mode, but also in dynamic display mode when appling an AC voltage.

致謝.................................................................................................................... III
目錄.................................................................................................................... IV
表目錄................................................................................................................ X
第一章 緒論.........................................................................................................1
1.1 前言......................................................................................................1
1.2 實驗簡介..............................................................................................2
第二章 雙穩態顯示器.........................................................................................4
2.1 雙穩態定義..........................................................................................4
2.2 電泳顯示器……..................................................................................4
2.3 ZBD顯示器..........................................................................................5
2.4.1 HAN-LCD簡介……….……………….……………………….7
2.4.2 液晶層摻雜奈米粒子之雙穩態HAN-LCD……….…………..8
2.4.3 膠體與電雙層相關理論………………...……....…….……...10
第三章 理論………….......................................................................................16
3.1 液晶簡介…………...........................................................................16
3.2.1 液晶的雙折射性.....................................................................16
3.2.2 介電非均向性.........................................................................18
3.2.3 連續彈性位能理論….............................................................19
3.2.4 錨定力與極化錨定能………………………………………..21
3.2.5 屈電效應….………………………………………………….23
3.2.6 液晶盒內的自由能密度………….………………………….26
第四章 量測工作原理………...........................................................................27
4.3 LCR Meter量測離子濃度工作原理..................................................34
4.4 接觸角與表面能理論........................................................................39
第五章 實驗樣品製備及量測...........................................................................42
5.1 使用材料介紹……............................................................................42
5.2 奈米粒子溶液製備............................................................................43
5.3 雙穩態HAN-LCD製作....................................................................44
5.4.1 偏光顯微鏡觀察.....................................................................47
5.4.3 液晶盒的雙穩態測試…….....................................................48
5.4.4 預傾角量測架構.....................................................................49
5.4.5 錨定能量測架構.....................................................................50
5.4.6 LCR Meter離子濃度量測架構.............................................51
5.4.7 反應時間量測架構.................................................................52
5.4.8 表面能量測架構……………………………….…………….54
第六章 實驗結果與討論...................................................................................55
6.1 水平配向基板表面微結構………………………………………....55
6.2 HAN-LCD雙穩態元件偏光觀察…………………………………..57
6.3 SiO_2奈米粒子對雙穩態元件的影響…………….….……………...58
6.4 SiO_2奈米粒子塗佈濃度對雙穩態特性的影響….….……………...61
6.5 雙穩態HAN-LCD的光電特性量測……………………….……...63
6.5.1 正極性脈衝電壓強度變化對元件光電特性影響…….…..64
6.5.2 正極性脈衝電壓持續時間變化對元件光電特性影響…...65
6.6 SiO_2奈米粒子塗佈濃度對預傾角與錨定能的變化…….………...68
6.9 元件內的自由能密度討論…………………………………………74
6.10 雙穩態HAN-LCD的動態光電特性……………………………..77
6.10.1 穿透率對交流電壓曲線圖……………...…………………77
第七章 結論…………………………………………………………………...83

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