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研究生(外文):Yen-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Implemention of LED Driver with Active Power Factor Correction
指導教授(外文):Faa-Jeng Lin
外文關鍵詞:Active power factorLLC half-bridge resonant converterConstant current LED diver
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本文主要針對LED TV背光設備研發設計一個照明用的電源轉換器,此電源轉換器的特色是具備主動功因、高效率AC/DC轉換及定電流LED驅動器。電路架構為升壓轉換器和半橋式LLC諧振轉換器之組合並操作於不連續導通模式下,二次側再加上定電流電路使得LED模組達到恆流,並加上調光的控制使其輸出亮度可以調整。本論文所使用的主動式PFC轉換器操作在邊界模式,它將90V~264V的交流電轉換成390V的直流電,再搭配高效率的半橋轉換器將電壓轉換成70V電壓供給LED燈管,在二次側使用定流電路將LED電流恆流,使其達到高效率低耗能定電流的LED驅動電路。確定整個電路架構後,對轉換器做數學式動作推導並計算出元件參數,然後與實際結果做其驗證,並確定其可行性。最後,依據本論文之操作原理及分析設計,製作一組六燈管之LED驅動電路,其規格為Vi=90~264Vac,VLED=70V,ILED=240mA,測量該電路之相關波形及數據來驗證本文之理論。
This thesis is mainly developed and focused on a power converter for LED TV backlight lightening. Its feature is possessing active power factor and high efficiency AC-DC converter and constant current LED driver. The circuit architecture combines boost converter with LLC half bridge resonant converter and it works under the model of discontinuous conduction mode as well. Moreover, its secondary stage has constant current circuit which provides constant current for LED modules. Furthermore, the illumination can be adjusted by dimmer. An active PFC and operation in boundary mode is used in this study. It converts AC 90V~264V to DC 390V and follows convert voltage to 70V for LED light bar by high efficiency half bridge converter. In secondary side, it is used by a constant current circuit to provide LED current with high efficiency and low power dissipation and constant current. In addition, mathematical calculation is used to derive and extract the parameters of this converter. Finally, a six-light-bar-LED demo board is realized for this study. The main spec are Vi=90~264Vac,VLED=70V,ILED=240mA. Waveforms and related data are measured to verify and support this study.
摘 要 v
誌 謝 vii
目 錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 論文大綱 4
1.5 本文貢獻 5
第二章 LED特性分析 6
2.1 LED簡介 6
2.2 LED發光原理 6
2.3 LED特性 8
2.3.1 LED電氣特性 8
2.3.2 LED熱學特性 10
2.3.3 LED光學特性 11
2.4白光LED 14
2.5 LED的發展 16
第三章 功率因數修正 19
3.1 概論 19
3.2 功率因數之定義 19
3.3 功率因數修正電路之控制方法簡介 23
3.4 基本電力轉換器之功因比較 30
3.4.1 降壓型轉換器(buck converter) 31
3.4.2 升壓型轉換器(boost converter) 33
3.4.3 升降壓型電力轉換器(buck-boost converter) 37
3.5 PFC IC介紹 39
3.6 PFC之實際電路與電路動作說明 42
第四章 半橋LLC諧振轉換器與恆流器架構 44
4.1 半橋LLC諧振轉換器基本結構 44
4.2 半橋LLC諧振轉換器工作原理 45
4.2.1直流特性分析 51
4.2.2操作區域之分析 53
4.3 驅動IC之介紹 54
4.4 恆流電路 58
4.5 恆流IC之介紹 59
4.6 驅動與恆流器之實際電路圖與電路動作說明 62
第五章 電路元件規格設計與實作量測 66
5.1產品規格書 66
5.2主動功因LED驅動器元件規格參數設計 66
5.3主動功因LED驅動器實作波形量測 75
5.4 EMI量測 81
第六章 結論與未來展望 86
6.1 結論 86
6.2 未來展望 86
參考文獻 87

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