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研究生(外文):YU-LEI WU
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Polishing for SUS304 with Cooling Abrasive Liquid
指導教授(外文):Piin-Hwa Yan
外文關鍵詞:oil-water mixed polishing solutionfreezingpolished stainless steelhypothermic polishing solution
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經一系列的實驗探討後可以得知,在較佳參數組合中,能讓油水混合拋光液於10分鐘有效改善不鏽鋼表面粗糙度由Ra 0.189μm改善至0.044μm,改善率達到76.75%,若是純油拋光液的話,其最佳改善率為73.05% (Ra 0.051μm),除了表面粗糙度的比較外,從SEM圖上亦可看見油水混合拋光液同樣擁有完整移除氧化層的能力,由此可以證明油水混合拋光液在適當的條件下是可以完全代替純油拋光液來使用,甚至可以達到更好的加工效果。

A study of polishing for SUS304 with cooling abrasive liquid. This study is conducted using the cooler to change the temperature of polishing solution in this polishing research and change its form. The main purpose is using the feature of the form to make the environmentally-friendly polishing solution to achieve the effect of the traditional polishing solution. By controlling the polishing solution composition, the weight percent concentration of the polishing solution, the numbers of SiC, temperature, the polishing gap, the platform speed to design a series of experiments. We can comprehend how to change the way to drive its abrasive (SiC) when the form of the polishing solution changes. Then it can make the oil-water mixed polishing solution achieve the surface quality of the traditional polishing solution.
A series of experiments show that the combination of better parameters for the oil-water mixed polishing solution can be effective in improving the stainless S.R. of 10 minutes to reduce by Ra 0.189 μm to 0.044 μm, improvement rate was 76.75%. If it is the pure oil polishing solution, the improvement rate was 73.05% (Ra 0.051 μm). In addition to the comparisons of the surface roughness, we can also know the ability to remove oxide layer of the oil-water mixed polishing solution from the SEM images. This shows the oil-water mixed polishing solution under appropriate conditions can be completely instead of the pure oil polishing solution, and get better polishing quality.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究背景與目的 2
1-3研究方法 3
1-4文獻回顧 4
第二章 基本原理 7
2-1傳統拋光加工法 7
2-2機械拋光機制 7
2-3加工型態 10
2-4黏性磨料加工特性 11
第三章 實驗設計與研究內容 13
3-1實驗流程規劃 13
3-2加工構想 15
3-3實驗材料 16
3-3-1工件材料 16
3-3-2磨料 18
3-3-3切削液 18
3-3-4乳化劑 20
3-3-5拋光墊 21

3-4實驗設備 22
3-4-1液體磨料降溫法輔助不鏽鋼拋光研磨機 22
3-4-2平台式冷卻器 23
3-4-3 2D表面粗糙度量測儀 24
3-4-4 3D表面粗度輪廓形狀量測機 25
3-4-5低真空掃描式電子顯微鏡(Low Vacuum-Scanning Electron Microscope: LVSEM) 26
3-4-6精密電子天平 27
3-4-7磁力攪拌器 28
3-4-8超音波洗淨機 29
3-4-9 Z軸歸零器 30
3-5實驗方法 31
3-5-1實驗參數設計 31
3-5-2實驗步驟 35
3-5-3表面粗糙度之量測 35
第四章 結果與討論 36
4-1前置實驗 36
4-1-1拋光液濃度對表面粗糙度之影響 36
4-1-2拋光時間對表面粗糙度之影響 38
4-1-3拋光頭轉速對表面粗糙度之影響 40
4-1-4平台位移距離對表面粗糙度之影響 42
4-1-5平台位移速率對表面粗糙度之影響 44
4-2液體磨料降溫法應用於純油拋光液 46
4-2-1磨粒號數對表面粗糙度之影響 46
4-2-2拋光間距對表面粗糙度之影響 48
4-3液體磨料降溫法應用於油水混合拋光液 50
4-3-1磨粒號數對表面粗糙度之影響 52
4-3-2拋光間距對表面粗糙度之影響 55
4-4液體磨料降溫法應用於不同拋光液上的差別 58
4-5液體磨料降溫法應用於油水混合拋光液 59
4-5-1拋光液濃度對表面形貌之影響 59
4-5-2拋光液種類對表面形貌之影響 61
4-5-3平台位移距離對表面形貌之影響 63
4-5-4溫度對拋光液(HD32機油+#1000SiC)之影響 65
4-5-5溫度對拋光液(煤油加水+#1000SiC)之影響 67
4-5-6溫度對拋光液(煤油加水+#8000SiC)之影響 69
第五章 結論 73
參考文獻 74

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