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研究生(外文):Ting-wei Kao
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of vermicomposting for accelerating kitchen waste decomposition
指導教授(外文):Chu-ching LIn
外文關鍵詞:compostable kitchen wastevermicompostingcompostable kitchen waste temporary storage area
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In 2003, the Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government initiated the kitchen waste reuse policy. Since then, kitchen wastes collected by the Taipei citizens have been required to be separated into the so-called “hog-feeding kitchen waste” and “compostable kitchen waste” before disposal. However, the amounts of the kitchen wastes collected these years have increased significantly. For example, in 2011 approximately 5,000 tons of kitchen wastes were collected each month in the Taipei City, and as high as 90% of the collected belonged to the compostable kitchen waste. Such massive production of kitchen wastes has become a crisis to the kitchen waste management for the City due to insufficient storage capacity, though there had been temporary storage areas specifically set up for the compostable kitchen waste in each of the three City-owned municipal solid waste incineration plants (MSWP), i.e., the Muzha, Beitou and Neihu plants.
The objectives of this study were to test the performance of vermicomposting on the acceleration of kitchen waste decomposition, and also to assess the possibility of replacing the current practice of kitchen waste composting in the temperate storage area of the MSWP with the vermicomposting approach. In doing so, the product quality of vermicompost was compared with that of the traditional compost in terms of fertilizing values and heavy metal contents. Additionally, the decomposition rate of the monthly input of compostable kitchen waste at the Muzha MSWP using the vermicomposting was simulated and evaluated.
Results of the 17-day experiment showed that compared to the traditional compost pile approach, vermicomposting had higher decomposition rates. However, while organic matter and nutrients increased in the vermicompost, the fertility of it was not superior to that of the compost resulted from the standard process suggested by the Department of Environmental Protection of the Taipei City. With regard to the application, the vermicomposting approach offered better performance than the traditional pile approach, particularly on the surface of earthworm activities. Regardless, given that the Muzha MWSP can utilize the entire 3-D volume of the temporary storage area for compost transformation, the overall volume reduction rate resulted from the traditional compost pile approach would be better than the vermicomposting approach.
目 錄

目次 頁次
目錄……………………………………………………………………………............. I
圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………............. IV
表目錄…………………………………………………………………………............. VII

第一章 前言……………………………………………………………....................... 1

1-1研究緣起………………………………………………………………... 1
1-2研究目的………………………………………………………………... 2

第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………………... 3

2-1臺北市家戶廚餘回收執行現況……………………………..…………... 3
2-1-1廚餘分類方式……………………………...…….…………...….. 3
2-1-2臺北市廚餘基本性質…………………………….......................... 5
2-1-3臺北市廚餘處理流程…………………………….......................... 6
2-1-4臺北市廚餘再利用處理方式…………………………………….. 9
2-2廚餘堆肥再利用…………………………………………………………. 13
2-2-1堆肥微生物分解代謝模式……………………………..………… 14
2-2-2堆肥過程微生物作用及溫度變化………………………..……… 15
2-2-3堆肥處理參數控制…………………………………………..…… 17
2-2-4堆肥處理方法……………………………………………………. 18
2-3蚯蚓處理原理及方法……………………………………………………. 22
2-3-1蚯蚓品種特性……………………………………………………. 23
2-3-2蚯蚓處理條件及方法……………………………………..……… 25
2-4蚯蚓處理有機廢棄物處理研究案例……………………………………. 27

第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………………………….. 29

3-1研究架構………………………. ……………………………….……….. 29
3-2研究流程……………………………………………………...….………. 30
3-2-1前置作業……………………………………………….…………. 30
3-2-2實驗流程……………………………………….…………………. 35
3-3檢測方法………………………………………..…….………………….. 39
3-3-1堆肥廚餘實驗前、後重量及體積分析…………………………… 39
3-3-2堆肥廚餘基本性質分析………………….………………………. 39
3-3-3蚯蚓基材之分析……………………….…………………………. 39
3-3-4堆肥槽體溫度、濕度及pH值檢測………………………………. 40
3-3-5蚯蚓質量變化…………………………………………………….. 40

第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………………………....... 42

4-1蚯蚓處理環境參數變化………………………......................................... 42
4-1-1溫度、濕度變化…………………………………………............... 42
4-1-2 pH值變化………………………………………………………… 45
4-2蚯蚓處理之蚯蚓質量變化…………………………................................. 47
4-3蚯蚓處理與廚餘堆置之廚餘質量及體積變化……........…..................... 49
4-3-1重量變化………………………………………………………….. 49
4-3-2體積變化………………………………………………………….. 51
4-3-3密度變化………………………………………………………….. 54
4-3-4堆肥廚餘單位面積削減量……………………………………….. 56
4-4蚯蚓處理後基材效益探討……………………..………………………... 58
4-4-1堆肥廚餘基本性質……………………………………………….. 58
4-4-2蚯蚓處理基材實驗前、後成分差異……………………..……...... 59
4-4-3蚯蚓處理後基材性質與臺北市堆肥成品優劣比較…………….. 62
4-5蚯蚓處理法用於木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘暫存專區可行性評估……. 66

第五章 結論與建議.………………………………………………………………...... 74

5-1結論…………………………………..…………………………………... 74
5-2建議……………………………………..………………………………... 76

參考文獻………………………………………………………………………............. 78

圖 目 錄
目次 頁次
圖2-1 臺北市環保局廚餘處理流程…………………………………………… 8
圖2-2 堆肥廚餘暫存區翻堆配置……………………….………………….… 10
圖2-3 木柵廠自製堆肥成品流程圖…………………………………………… 10
圖2-4 北投廠廚餘前處理試驗設施…………………………………………… 12
圖2-5 堆肥處理過程中微生物作用代謝流程途徑…………………..……..… 13
圖2-6 微生物好氧性代謝……………………………………………………… 14
圖2-7 微生物厭氧性代謝……………………………………………………… 14
圖2-8 堆肥過程中溫度變化、二氧化碳釋放量趨勢圖……………………… 16
圖2-9 堆肥處理流程…………………………………………………………… 21
圖2-10 赤子愛勝蚓(Eisenia foetida)………………………………….…..… 24
圖2-11 大平二號(Eisenia fetida) …………………………………………… 24
圖3-1 研究架構流程圖………………………………………………….……… 29
圖3-2 「普吉蚯蚓養殖場」飼養箱L型箱……………………………………... 31
圖3-3 「普吉蚯蚓養殖場」販售大平二號紅蚯蚓……………………………… 32
圖3-4 破碎後堆廚餘…………………………………………………………… 32
圖3-5 蚯蚓處理基材…………………………………………………………… 33
圖3-6 手持式土壤溫濕度計……………………………………………………. 33
圖3-7 防水pH測試筆…………………………………………………………... 34
圖3-8 電子秤(K1)………………………………………………………………. 34
圖3-9 廚餘堆置實驗初始………………………………………...…………….. 35

圖 目 錄
目次 頁次
圖3-10 蚯蚓處理實驗初始……………………………………………….……… 37
圖3-2 「普吉蚯蚓養殖場」飼養箱L型箱……………………………………... 30
圖3-3 「普吉蚯蚓養殖場」販售大平二號紅蚯蚓……………………………… 31
圖3-6 手持式土壤溫濕度計……………………………………………………. 32
圖3-7 防水pH測試筆…………………………………………………………... 33
圖3-8 電子秤(K1)………………………………………………………………. 33
圖3-9 廚餘堆置實驗初始…………………………………………………….. 34
圖4-1 蚯蚓處理溫度變化圖……………………………………………………. 43
圖4-2 蚯蚓處理濕度變化圖……………………………………………………. 43
圖4-3 蚯蚓處理pH值變化圖…………………………………………………... 45
圖4-4 蚯蚓處理蚯蚓質量變化圖………………………………………………. 48
圖4-5 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置重量變化圖……………………………………… 50
圖4-6 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置體積變化圖………………………………………. 52
圖4-7 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置密度變化圖………………………………………. 55
圖4-8 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置單位面積廚餘削減………………………………. 57
圖4-9 蚯蚓處理基材堆肥前、後差異(A)……………………………………… 60
圖4-10 蚯蚓處理基材堆肥前、後差異(B)……………………………………... 60
圖4-11 蚯蚓處理後基材與臺北市堆肥成品差異(A)…………………….……. 64
圖4-12 蚯蚓處理後基材與臺北市堆肥成品差異(B)…………………………… 64
圖4-13 木柵垃圾焚化廠垃圾處理流程…………………………………………. 68

圖 目 錄
目次 頁次
圖4-14 木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘暫存專區結構概略………………………… 69
圖4-15 木柵垃圾焚化廠垃圾傾卸口……………………………………………. 72
圖4-16 木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘暫存專區傾卸口…………………………… 72
圖4-17 木柵垃圾焚化廠垃圾貯坑內部情形……………………………………. 73
圖4-18 木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘暫存專區翻堆作業………………………… 73

表 目 錄
目次 頁次
表2-1 臺北市家戶廚餘分類表…..……………..………………………………. 4
表2-2 臺北市垃圾性質統計表…..……………..……………………………… 5
表2-3 2011年臺北市木柵垃圾焚化廠垃圾分析結果…..……………………. 6
表2-4 堆肥過程中主要有機物分解情形……..…………………………..……. 16
表2-5 不同有機材料成分分析………..………………………………………... 18
表2-6 堆肥化程序種類…..………………………..……………………………. 21
表3-1 實驗規畫表…..……………..…………………………………….……… 38
表3-2 檢測分析方式及頻率表……..……………………..……………………. 41
表4-1 蚯蚓處理溫、濕度記錄表…..……………..……………………………. 44
表4-2 蚯蚓處理pH值記錄表…..……………………………….………………. 46
表4-3 蚯蚓處理蚯蚓質量記錄表…………..…………………………………... 48
表4-4 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置重量記錄表………………………………………. 50
表4-5 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置重量削減量及削減率……..……………...……… 51
表4-6 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置體積記錄表.………………………..…………… 53
表4-7 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置體積削減量及削減率…..……………..…………. 53
表4-8 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置密度記錄表…………………………..………….. 55
表4-9 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置密度變化量、率…………………………..………. 56
表4-10 蚯蚓處理及廚餘堆置單位面積廚餘削減量記錄表……………………. 57
表4-11 蚯蚓處理基本性質……………………………………………….……… 59
表4-12 蚯蚓處理基材堆肥前、後基本性質…………………………..…………. 61
表4-13 蚯蚓處理後基材與臺北市堆肥成品差異………………………...…….. 65
表4-14 木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘暫存專區現況表…………………………… 70

表 目 錄
目次 頁次
表4-15 蚯蚓處理法於木柵廠貯坑堆肥廚餘重量削減計算..………………..…. 70
表4-16 木柵垃圾焚化廠堆肥廚餘進廠統計表…………………………………. 71

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