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研究生(外文):Yueh-e Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Analyses and layouts of patentLawsuit of patent infringementPriority right
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我國科技產業傳統以代工為導向,對技術之專利權保護較不重視,導致近年我國各產業欲轉型自立品牌時,國際大企業向我國企業索討權利金、智慧財產權訴訟等問題紛紛接踵而至,尤以專利侵權訴訟佔絕大多數。以LED(Light Emitting Diode)產業為例,我國LED產業起步晚,故LED的關鍵零組件與材料的專利掌握在日美大廠手中,而日亞化學(Nichia)對發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode, LED)頂尖技術佈下之嚴密專利網後,相繼對億光電子工業股份有限公司(Everlight)等國內大廠提起專利侵權訴訟,如非具備一定規模之企業,實難抵禦國際企業洶洶來襲之專利戰爭,而於曠日廢時的訴訟中存活。
With global economic development, consumers demand diversity and fast variation, so technological development must respond to such a demand rapidly. All countries in the world lay stress more and more on technological innovation and protection; therefore, intellectual property rights (IPR) have further become a crux to influence enterprises’ competitiveness. The original purpose of the IPR is to protect inventors’ rights. Nevertheless, IPR have become an approach for enterprises to block the competitors from their market. Enterprises secure patents not only through merging other companies or their divisions but also filing the infringement lawsuit against their competitors intervening in the markets of these enterprises. This is, indeed, an inevitable development in the globalized commercial battlefield.
Our technological industries are traditionally oriented toward contractual manufacture, and pay less attention on the technology patent protection, resulting in many issues following hard at heel, e.g. large international enterprises demand entitlement premium, or file a lawsuit of infringement mostly concerned with intellectual rights, while our industries are managing to transform and found their own brand. Enumerate the LED industry as an instance, such an industry is started quite late in Taiwan, so the patents of critical accessories and materials are largely controlled by American or Japanese companies. Not until Nichia (a chemical company) deployed a tight patent net to protect its pioneering technology on LED, has the company filed a suit against the domestic manufacturers such as EVERLIGHT, HARVATEK . If an enterprise is not equipped with a certain scale, it will be very difficult for it to face the truculent patent war launched by international companies, surviving in the protracted lawsuit.
Positioning in the harsh competitive environment, how an enterprise’s managers to establish a new thought to govern his IPR that would not be influenced by competitor’s IPR has become an issue worthy of exploring and researching, or a critical factor for the enterprise to propose a responding strategy on time, forestall the patent layout effectively, and enhance the enterprise’s competitiveness to contend with the lawsuit of patent and infringement within the domain of valid patent. Therefore, this study is in an attempt to explore the boundary of valid patent and the priority right through the case of patent infringement that KENLY sued the I-CHIUN , together with the legal precedent made by advanced countries worldwide. It is an effective strategy to restrain patent validity that has been used in the lawsuit of patent infringement in pragmatic practice. Basic upon analyzed result of the individual case, this study presents a proposal for domestic enterprise, and able to apply it onto patent’s strategic layout. We expect that this proposal may help enterprises in comprehending how to face lawsuit, and further to establish a new appearance of managing IPR in the future.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1智慧財產權 4
2.1.1 起源 4
2.1.2 定義與架構 4
2.1.3 特性 7
2.2 專利權 8
2.2.1 專利權之定義與立法目的 8
2.2.2 專利之分類與期限 8
2.2.3 發明專利要件(Patentability of Inventions) 9
2.2.4 發明專利權之效力 10
2.2.5 發明專利權效力之限制 11
2.3 專利侵害鑑定 12
2.3.1 專利侵權與專利侵害鑑定之定義與關聯 12
2.3.2 鑑定流程概述與流程 12
2.3.3 鑑定方法 15
2.4 專利侵權訴訟 17
2.4.1 智慧財產法院之設立 17
2.4.2 智慧財產案件之管轄權 18
2.5 各國專利先使用權立法例之綜合檢討 20
2.5.1 美國 21
2.5.2 德國 24
2.5.3 日本 25
2.5.4 我國 26
2.6 文獻探討結論 30
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 分析架構 31
3.2 研究對象 31
3.3 資料蒐集方法與分析 31
第四章 個案析論 32
4.1 個案背景 32
4.2 個案簡介 35
4.3 個案分析 37
4.3.1 民事訴訟一審(案號:94年度重智(一)字第22號) 37
4.3.2 民事訴訟二審(案號:95年度智上字第60號) 46
4.3.3 民事訴訟三審(案號:96年度台上字第2787號) 47
4.3.4 民事訴訟發回二審(案號: 97年度智上更(一)字第1號) 49
4.3.5 行政救濟(NO1)(NO2)(案號:97年度訴字第1515號) 50
4.4 個案分析總結 53
第五章 結論 62
5.1 研究總結 62
5.2 研究建議 63
參考文獻 69
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