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研究生(外文):Kolley Suwai
論文名稱(外文):The Potential Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts of Offshore Petroleum Exploration and Production on The Coastal Zone of The Gambia
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Liang
外文關鍵詞:Coastal ZoneenvironmentPetroleum Exploration and ProductionSocio-economicsStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
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由於對能源的需求持續增長,找到新的石油(油和天然氣)來源並加以生產是必須的。對於一個國家而言,天然資源的發現與開採可以視為經濟成長的契機;但若沒有良好且可持續發展的政策與方法來執行,也可能成為一種資源詛咒(Resource Curse)。
As demand for energy continues to grow, new sources of petroleum (oil and gas) must be found and produced. Natural resource discovery in a country can be the beginning of that country’s economic growth but could also be a resource curse if best sustainable policies and practices are not implemented.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of offshore oil and gas exploration and production on the coastal zone of The Gambia and to propose mitigative measures for managing the associated environmental and socio-economic impact to avoid future consequences.
Resources if well managed could promote sustainable economic development, employment creation, and a supply for energy for The Gambia. The exploitation and exploration of natural resources are always accompanied with various challenges such as evolving environmental laws and regulations that vary among nations, socio-economic concerns, and providing adequate returns to investors. A major challenge in the petroleum industry, particularly offshore petroleum exploration and production (EP) is it negative impact on the environment, various users of the sea, marine creatures, economics and social activities,and coastal dwellers. The effect of the petroleum industry on the environment can be so disastrous to the nation, that it requires a well designed policy to be initiated in order to effectively manage, control and monitor the adverse impact of the industry on the environment.
The Gambia’s emerging petroleum industry naturally would be followed by economic and infrastructural development and environmental challenges. From the respondents point of view, environmental and socio-economic impacts are a major national concern since the country is not well experienced in managing environmental problems caused by the exploitation for petroleum. Benefits and cost related to the three pillars of sustainability (environment, society, and economic) in Petroleum Exploration and Production are clearly spelt out in this research.
This thesis explores the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of Petroleum Exploration and Production on the coastal zone of The Gambia based on respondents point of view and literature review. The research examine the frameworks put in place by experienced nations in the petroleum industry to manage the environmental challenges they faced . It will assess the effectiveness of the structures in determining whether Gambia is prepared to manage the environmental challenges to ensure sustainable development. The findings of this research indicates that the impacts of offshore Petroleum Exploration and Production will have net positive effect and promote sustainable environmental and socio-economic development of The Gambia, coastal zone in particularly.
Table of Contents
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
Abbreviations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
List of Figures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix
Chapter 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 Background of The Study --------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1.1 Country profile - The Gambia ---------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1.2 Exploration History of The Gambia --------------------------------------------- 2
1.1.3 Petroleum Legislation -------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.1.4 Energy Status In The Gambia ----------------------------------------------------- 6
1.1.5 Geological investigation in The Gambia ---------------------------------------- 8
1.2 Literature review -------------------------------------------------------------------10
1.2.1 Offshore oil development in the region -----------------------------------------10
1.3 Research Objective ----------------------------------------------------------------12
1.4 Justification of the study ----------------------------------------------------------12
1.5 Research Hypothesis --------------------------------------------------------------12
1.6 Methodology -----------------------------------------------------------------------13
1.7 Study Area --------------------------------------------------------------------------14
1.7.1 Description of The Coastal Zone of The Gambia -----------------------------15
Chapter 2. Literature Review ---------------------------------------------------------------- 24
2.1 Sustainable Development Concept ----------------------------------------------24
2.2 Oil spillage and it effect on the marine environment -------------------------24
2.3 Potential impacts of Petroleum exploration and production (Global view)25
2.3.1 Benefits of petroleum E&P in Nigeria ------------------------------------------26
2.3.2 Externalities related to Petroleum Exploration and Production, Nigeria --30
2.3.3 Benefits of Petroleum Exploration and Production in Angola --------------33
2.3.4 Positive effects of Ghana’s oil discovery---------------------------------------35
Chapter 3. Methodology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
3.1 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------42
3.2 Sampling Frame and Sampling Procedure -------------------------------------42
3.3 Sampling Method and Targeted Group -----------------------------------------43
3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis -----------------------------------------------------44
3.5 Research Techniques --------------------------------------------------------------46
3.6 Sample size -------------------------------------------------------------------------47
3.7 Sample Background ---------------------------------------------------------------47
Chapter 4. Results and Discussions --------------------------------------------------------- 50
4.1 Analysis of the Data ---------------------------------------------------------------50
4.2 Environmental and livelihood impacts of oil exploration and production -50
4.2.1 Impact of petroleum operations on Environment/ livelihood ---------------51
4.2.2 Comments by respondents on Impact of oil operations ----------------------55
4.3 Impact Analysis on selected Environmental issues and Socio-economic activities -----------------------------------------------------------------------------56
4.4 Potential Environmental Impacts Associated with Different Stage Petroleum Operations -------------------------------------------------------------63
4.5 Effective drill waste treatment and disposal method -------------------------70
4.6 Pollutant Level monitoring -------------------------------------------------------71
4.7 Environmental regulations of offshore oil development ---------------------71
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Recommendation -------------------------------------------- 75
5.1 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------75
5.2 Recommendation and Future Research -----------------------------------------75
References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77
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