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論文名稱:探討領導者風格對工作滿意度之影響 -以台灣中小型製造業為例
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction -Based on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Autocratic LeadershipDemocratic LeadershipLaissez-faire LeadershipStaff CohesionJob Satisfaction
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一、 員工凝聚力對工作滿意度有正向顯著的影響。
二、 員工凝聚力在專制型領導與工作滿意度的關係中具有顯著中介效果。
三、 員工凝聚力在民主型領導與工作滿意度的關係中沒有顯著中介效果。
四、 員工凝聚力在放任型領導與工作滿意度的關係中具有顯著中介效果。

Facing the fierce competition globally, the enterprise should be aware that the more the company relies on professional knowledge and techniques, the more it should focus on its staff. Thus, the first motive of this study is whether different leadership styles can strengthen the staff cohesion. Moreover, regarding the staff cohesion, currently the company emphasizes on the staff welfare, which is used for the company leaders to retain good talents. This study is going to explore whether the intermediary on staff cohesion will bring better job satisfaction, which is the second motive of this study.
This study sorts the literatures related to leadership styles, staff cohesion and job satisfaction to better understand the significance and theoretical basis of the research topic. Moreover, through the empirical study, it explores the relational degree of leadership style with staff cohesion, as well as with staff’s job satisfaction. A total of 200 valid questionnaires are obtained from various network channels, such as MSN, FACEBOOK, EMAIL, etc. Most respondents in manufacturing industry are male, 30~39 years old, with the working years of over 10 years or 3~5 years and the education background of college students. As for the departments, most are from marketing department and for the job title, most ordinary staff. By SPSS data sorting, it is confirmed that the autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, and other two variables- staff cohesion and job satisfaction are all suitable to factor analysis. The following conclusions are obtained through the data verification:
1. The staff cohesion shows significantly positive effect on the job satisfaction.
2. The staff cohesion shows the significant mediating effect on the correlation between the autocratic leadership and job satisfaction.
3. The staff cohesion doesn’t show the significant mediating effect on the correlation between the democratic leadership and job satisfaction.
4. The staff cohesion shows the significant mediating effect on the correlation between the laissez-faire leadership and job satisfaction.
This study takes the staff from the medium and small-sized manufacturing industry as study subjects to explore the correlation of leadership styles with staff cohesion and job satisfaction. Due to the limitation of the sampling investigation, the follow-up scholars are hoped to continue to explore the same topic in the future.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 領導者風格 5
第二節 員工凝聚力 8
第三節 中小型企業 11
第四節 工作滿意度 14
第三章 研究設計 43
第一節 研究架構 43
第二節 變數的操作型定義 43
第三節 研究假說 45
第四節 研究樣本選取 45
第五節 樣本特性描述 46
第六節 研究問卷設計 48
第七節 資料分析方法 49
第四章 研究結果分析 53
第一節 效度與信度分析 53
第二節 研究變項之敘述統計分析 57
第三節 研究變項之相關分析 57
第四節 研究假說檢定 58
第五節 研究結果與討論 60
第五章 結論與建議 62
第一節 結論 62
第二節 研究限制 64
第三節 對業界之建議 65
參考文獻 69
附錄一 研究問卷 72
圖1-1 研究架構流程 4
圖2-1 99年度中小企業家數統計表 13
圖2-2 工作滿意度之前因與後果變項圖 17
圖3-1 研究架構 43
表2-1 領導者風格類型 7
表2-2 工作滿足定義彙整表 18
表3-1 回收樣本依性別劃分之人數與百分比 46
表3-2 回收樣本依年齡劃分之人數與百分比 46
表3-3 回收樣本依年資劃分之人數與百分比 46
表3-4 收樣本依學歷劃分之人數與百分比 47
表3-5 回收樣本依工作部門劃分人數與百分比 47
表3-6 回收樣本依職務劃分人數與百分比 47
表3-7 各變項KMO及Bartlett’s球形檢定數值整理 50
表3-8 KMO適切性統統計量值之代表意涵 50
表3-9 α係數值可信程度的參考範圍 51
表4-1 領導風格測量題項因素分析結果 53
表4-2 領導風格量表 55
表4-3 各研究變項之敘述統計分析 57
表4-4 研究變項之相關分析 57
表4-5 員工凝聚力與工作滿意度的相關性 58
表4-6 各領導風格與員工凝聚力的相關性 59
表4-7 各領導風格與工作滿意度的相關性 60
表4-8 研究假說驗證情況彙整 60
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