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研究生(外文):Kuo-Lung Chou
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Isoflavone Contents Variation of Seeds in Vegetable Soybean
指導教授(外文):Chii-Dong LiuRuey-Shing Lee
外文關鍵詞:Vegetable soybeanGermplasmIsoflavoneGenotypeEnvironmentInteraction
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本研究主要探討毛豆各種異黃酮類型及含量,在種子發育過程中的分布及在不同基因型、環境及其交感作用的變異,作為日後毛豆育種及開發機能性產品之參考。試驗結果顯示在分析的12種異黃酮類型中,毛豆種子中以含有醣基之daidzin、genistin、glycitin、malonyldaidzin、malonylgenistin、malonylglycitin等6種葡萄糖苷為主,占異黃酮總量的92.8~99.3%;子葉以daidzin、genistin、malonyldaidzin、malonylgenistin等4種類型為主,其異黃酮總量的變化趨勢與種子相近,而胚軸中以daidzin、glycitin、malonyldaidzin、malonylglycitin等4種類型為主,其異黃酮總量的變化趨勢則與種子不同。毛豆種原中真正影響異黃酮總量變異的因子,是種子大小,而不是種皮顏色。以小粒種的異黃酮總量最高,其次為中粒種,最低為大粒種,含量高的品種與含量低的品種相差7~9倍。秋作栽培異黃酮總量則較春作栽培高68.2~95.9%,探究其原因是種子發育過程中,秋作的溫度明顯較春作為低,造成種子累積的異黃酮含量較高。在異黃酮總量路徑分析方面,顯示以malonylgenistin及malonyldaidzin兩種類型含量的正向貢獻量最大。異黃酮總量變異在基因型、環境及其交感效應均呈顯著性差異,其變異成分主要受基因型及環境主效應的影響,各占總變異的32.9% 及48.4%,其中環境效應又以年期主效應影響最大,占總變異的44.7%。經AMMI模式分析可將異黃酮類型分為兩群,A群包括異黃酮總量與daidzin、 genistin、malonyldaidzin、malonylgenistin等5種類型,其含量相互間呈正的相關性狀群;而B群包括glycitin及malonylglycitin兩種類型,其含量相互間呈正相關。由於毛豆在春、秋兩作的栽培環境呈現完全相反的變化,不容易育成同時適合兩期作栽培的高異黃酮含量品種,因此在育種選拔上建議採用分季選拔,育成適合各期作的專用品種。另外,在毛豆育種目標上亦建議二種不同方向,一是以去除毛豆的豆青味及苦澀味為目標,選育具低異黃酮含量的品種;另一是以提高毛豆的保健用途為目標,選育具高異黃酮含量的品種,再配合適合的環境,來開發高機能性的毛豆產品。
This study investigated the distribution of isoflavone types and contents in seeds while the variation of isoflavone contents under different growth stages, genotypes, and the environments were explored. The study aims to serve as future reference in the development of new cultivars and functional products. Test results showed among the twelve types of isoflavone analyzed, glucosides found in vegetable soybeans include mainly daidzin, genistin, glycitin, malonyldidzin, malonylgenistin and malonylglycitin, accounting for 92.8% to 99.3% of total isoflavone contents. In cotyledon, daidzin, genistin, malonyldaidzin, and malonylgenistin were the major types of isoflavone found, while the variation of isoflavone contents was similar to whole seed. In embryo axis, daidzin, glycitin, malonyldaidzin, and malonylglycitin were the major types of isoflavone found. The variation of total isoflavone contents was different for embryo axis and whole seed. The real factor on the variation of total isoflavone contents is the seed size rather than seed coat color among vegetable soybean germplasms. Total isoflavone contents of small seed variety was the highest, followed by medium seed variety, while large seed variety had the lowest isoflavone contents. The highest isoflavone content was 7 to 9 times more than the lowest among the eighty germplasms which were examined. Total isoflavone contents in seeds harvested from fall crop were higher by 68.2% to 95.9% than that of spring crop. The reason for the gap is due to the average temperature fall crop are under is significantly lower than that of spring crop, causing total isoflavone contents of seeds to be at a higher level. Path analysis showed that the maximum positive contributions for total isoflavone contents were attributed to malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin. The variation of total isoflavone contents was significantly different in various genotypes, and growth environments and their interactions. The main components of variance were genotype and environment, accounting for 32.9% and 48.4% of total variation respectively. The primary factor of environment effect was of year and season, accounting for 44.7% of total variation. The AMMI model analysis can divide isoflavone types into two groups. Group A include five types of isoflavone, including total isoflavone, daidzin, genistin, malonyldaidzin, and malonylgenistin, while their contents are positively correlated. Group B includes two types of isofalvone, inclduing glycitin and malonylglycitin, with contents also positively correlated. As weather conditions in spring and fall vary signifcantly, it is not feasible to breed a specific variety of vegetable soybean which can be grown during both seasons. It is suggested to cultivate specific variety for different cropping seasons. In addition, there are two suggestions for the breeding of vegetable soybean are proposed. One is to remove the beany flavor and bitter taste, breeding varieties with low isoflavone contents. The other suggestion is to promote health properties of vegetable soybeans, breeding varieties with high isoflavone contents and to find suitable environment to develop highly functional products.
中文摘要…………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要…………………………………………………………… iii
誌謝……………………………………………………………… v
目次……………………………………………………………… Ⅰ
表目次…………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
圖目次………………………………………………………… Ⅵ
前言……………………………………………………………… 1
第一章 大豆異黃酮的研究進展…………………………………… 4
一、大豆種子中各種異黃酮類型的結構及存在的形式…..….… 4
二、大豆種子中各種異黃酮類型的代謝途徑…………..….…… 6
三、大豆種子中異黃酮含量的遺傳變異……………..…….…… 11
四、大豆種子中異黃酮含量的環境變異……..………….……… 12
五、大豆種子中異黃酮含量的分布…………………………… 14
第二章 毛豆種原之種子中異黃酮含量之變異…………………… 15
一、材料與方法………………...…………………………….… 15
二、結果……..…………………………………………………… 20
(一)毛豆種原不同種皮色之異黃酮類型含量的變異..……… 20
(二)毛豆種原不同種子大小之異黃酮類型含量的變異……… 26
變幅、變異係數及遺傳率………………...……..….….…… 32
徑分析……………………………………………………………… 36
三、討論……..…………………………………………………… 39
第三章 毛豆種子發育過程中異黃酮含量之分布.……………… 42
一、材料與方法………………...…………………………….… 42
二、結果……..………………………………………………….… 44
(一)毛豆品種間之種子發育過程中異黃酮類型含量分布…… 44
類型含量分布……………………..……………………… 51
三、討論……..………………………………………………….… 60
第四章 不同基因型與環境對毛豆種子中異黃酮含量的影響.….… 62
一、材料與方法………………...………………………...…….… 62
二、結果……..……………………………………………….…… 65
(一)毛豆種子中各種異黃酮類型含量之綜合變異………...… 65
(二)毛豆種子中各種異黃酮類型含量之遺傳型變異…..….… 69
(三)毛豆種子中各種異黃酮類型含量之環境變異………...… 73
交感效應………………………………………..…….…… 75
第五章 結論……………………….……………………….…….. 100
參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 102
附錄…………………………………………………………………… 109
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