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研究生(外文):Chi-Jui Su
論文名稱(外文):Effects of rice straw mulching and modified organic cultivation method on yield and cost efficiency of potato
指導教授(外文):Hai-Shsn ChiShu-Fang Lo
外文關鍵詞:potatomulchingmodified organic cultivationcost efficiency
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本試驗以馬鈴薯台農1號及克尼伯兩品種,分別以健康種薯及 普通種薯為材料,進行有機模式栽培及一般慣行栽培。有機模式栽培 分別以10cm及20cm稻草敷蓋畦面,慣行栽培則以無敷蓋稻草及敷蓋10cm稻草於畦面等。有機模式栽培試驗於嘉義農業試驗分所水源地 進行,慣行栽培試驗於溪口農場進行。結果台農1號及克尼伯兩品種之種薯發芽出土率,一般以畦面無敷蓋稻草者較有敷蓋稻草者高。而有敷蓋稻草者,台農1號及克尼伯兩品種,不論有機模式栽培或慣行栽培,皆以敷蓋10cm稻草者,產量較高。且兩品種選用健康種薯栽培者,除了小薯的產量,以有機模式栽培下,選用健康種薯栽培者,較選用普通種薯栽培者產量低以外,其他大薯及中薯的產量,不論有機模式栽培或慣行栽培,皆比選用普通種薯栽培者高。而台農1號品種於有機模式栽培,選用健康種薯栽培者的產量,每公頃31.7噸,較以普通種薯栽培者增加33.2%,而克尼伯品種以健康種薯栽培的產量,每公頃21.4噸,較以普通種薯栽培者,增加52.9%。而慣行栽培下,台農1號品種選用健康種薯栽培的產量,每公頃20.1噸,較選用以普通種薯栽培者增加 4 3 %,克尼伯品種選用健康種薯栽培產量11.7噸,較選用以普通種薯栽培者增加44 % 。就品種而言,台農1號不論慣行栽培或有機模式栽培,不論選用健康種薯或普通種薯種植,產量皆高於克尼伯品種。經濟效益分析結果台農1號及克尼伯兩品種採有機模式栽培生產總收入較慣行栽培分別多1.5倍及2.6倍,其中台農1號無論何種栽培模式所獲得生產總收入及純收益皆較克尼伯高,不論何種栽培模式下健康種薯的純收益皆較普通種薯高;有機模式栽培種植 台農1號健康種薯敷蓋10cm稻草,每公頃生產總收入最高可達1,010,766元,純收益為658,556元,而克尼伯品種採慣行栽培使生產總收入減少,導致純收益為負值。本試驗結果可供利用健康種薯及有機模式栽培與未來發展稻稈鋪設機敷蓋稻草厚度之參考。
In this experiment, two varieties of potato;Tainung No.1 and Kennebec, respectively, were used as experimental materials for modified organic cultivation method and general cultivation method . As for modified organic cultivation method, it used 10cm and 20cm of straw on the top of the mulch respectively. For general cultivation method, it used 10cm of straw on the top of the mulch and the other treatment was no straw as check. The modified organic cultivation method was planted in Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station farm, and the general cultivation method was planted in Chi-Koou farm. Results showed that, the germination rate in those without straw on the top of the mulch was higher than those treatment putting straw on the top of the mulch . It also showed that the highest yield obtained from the two varietes of potatoes which were treated with 10cm of straw on the top of the mulch . By using virus-free seed tuber of both Tainung No.1 and Kennebec , we were able to get the highest yield between both big seed tuber and middle seed tuber under modified organic cultivation method and general cultivation method .With both modified organic cultivation method and virus-free seed tuber, we could produce 31.7 and 21.4 tons per hectare of Tainung No.1 and Kennebec potatoes respectively , and both of their yield were 33.2% and 52.9% higher than those of that by using seed tuber. Under general cultivation method and virus-free seed tuber, we could produce 20.1 and 11.7 tons per hectare of Tainung No.1 and Kennebec potatoes respectively , and both of their yield are 43% and 44% higher than those of that by using seed tuber. As for both varieties of potatoes , the result found out that whether using virus-free seed tuberor or seed tuber under either cultivation methods , the Tainung No.1 maintained higher yield compared to the Kennebec specie. Economic efficiency result showed that both varieties of potatoes, Tainung No.1 and Kennebec , which grown under modified organic cultivation method had a 1.5 and 2.6 times higher production of total revenue than those grown under general cultivation method . Tainung No.1 grown under any conditions all had higher production of total revenue and net income than the Kennebec specie. The virus-free seed tuber grown under any conditions all had higher net income than the seed tuber. The highest production of total revenue and net income was shown in the Tainung No.1grown under modified organic cultivation method with 10cm of straw on the top of the mulch , with 1,010,766 and 658,556 NTD respectively. While Kennebec grown under general cultivation method showed negative results in both production of total revenue and net income. The outcome of this entire experiment could be a reference on the future studies on virus-free seed tuber, modified organic cultivation method and straw coverage.
目 錄
壹、前言 ………………………………………………………………1
貳、前人研究 …………………………………………………………3
一、馬鈴薯健康種薯及普通種薯對產量之影響 ……………………3
二、健康種薯繁殖過程 ……………………………………………6
三、有機栽培之衍生與發展 ………………………………………6
四、敷蓋之目的與意義 ……………………………………………9
五、敷蓋對田間雜草防治之影響 …………………………………9
六、敷蓋對田間土壤理化性質之影響 ……………………………11
七、敷蓋對作物生長及產量之影響 ………………………………12
參、材料與方法 ………………………………………………………15
肆、結果 ………………………………………………………………22
一、種植前有機及慣行栽培之土壤理化性質分析 ………………22
二、有機栽培馬鈴薯兩品種農藝性狀及產量之比較 …………… 24
三、慣行栽培馬鈴薯兩品種農藝性狀及產量之比較 …………… 34
四、有機及慣行栽培馬鈴薯兩品種經濟效益分析與比較 ……… 41
伍、討論 ……………………………………………………………43
陸、結論 ……………………………………………………………46
柒、參考文獻 ……………………………………………………… 47
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