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論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Developing Undergraduates' Global Competence in Departments of Tourism and Hospitality in Taiwan Universities.
指導教授(外文):CHANG, SHU-YUN
外文關鍵詞:Global CompetenceTourism and Hospitality EducationCurriculum PlanningStudent Satisfaction
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Human resources have implication to influence tourists’ experiences and tourism competitiveness. Rapid change in economy has transformed the world into a global village. Therefore, it is meaningful to explore the global competence that allows a person to function in the global tourism and hospitality. The purpose of the study is to identify global competence attributes in the tourism and hospitality industry. Second, investigate the approach of departments to ensure their undergraduates attain global competence attributes. Third, to investigate the degree of satisfaction in undergraduates with educational experience provided to attain global competence. Lastly, interviewed departments will be categorized based on their degree of practice in implementing global competence.
The present study applied literature analysis to achieve a contextual understanding and collected global competence attributes. The results show that five attributes are recognized, i.e. “Speaks second language in conversation level”, “Understands world knowledge”, “Multi-culture awareness”, “Cross culture adaptability”, and “Experience or chance to practice in global context”.

Next, university’s tourism and hospitality program with aims and objectives related to international or global perspectives in Taiwan are identified. Total of 20 lecturers are invited as interview respondent. Through content analysis, 13 items are identified as approaches utilized by department of tourism and hospitality. These data are also used in categorization. Total of 515 valid questionnaires were collected from the interviewed departments’ undergraduates. Overall, the result indicates that the undergraduates are most satisfied with approaches planned in attribute of “Multi-culture awareness” and least satisfied with “Experience or chance to practice in global context”. Universities are categorized into Proactive, Intermediate, and Reactive. Universities in Proactive category achieved higher mean value in student satisfaction than other category.

Human resources have implication to influence tourists’ experiences and tourism competitiveness. Rapid change in economy has transformed the world into a global village. Therefore, it is meaningful to explore the global competence that allows a person to function in the global tourism and hospitality. The purpose of the study is to identify global competence attributes in the tourism and hospitality industry. Second, investigate the approach of departments to ensure their undergraduates attain global competence attributes. Third, to investigate the degree of satisfaction in undergraduates with educational experience provided to attain global competence. Lastly, interviewed departments will be categorized based on their degree of practice in implementing global competence.
The present study applied literature analysis to achieve a contextual understanding and collected global competence attributes. The results show that five attributes are recognized, i.e. “Speaks second language in conversation level”, “Understands world knowledge”, “Multi-culture awareness”, “Cross culture adaptability”, and “Experience or chance to practice in global context”.

Next, university’s tourism and hospitality program with aims and objectives related to international or global perspectives in Taiwan are identified. Total of 20 lecturers are invited as interview respondent. Through content analysis, 13 items are identified as approaches utilized by department of tourism and hospitality. These data are also used in categorization. Total of 515 valid questionnaires were collected from the interviewed departments’ undergraduates. Overall, the result indicates that the undergraduates are most satisfied with approaches planned in attribute of “Multi-culture awareness” and least satisfied with “Experience or chance to practice in global context”. Universities are categorized into Proactive, Intermediate, and Reactive. Universities in Proactive category achieved higher mean value in student satisfaction than other category.

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..................................1
1.1 Background ........................................... 1
1.2 Objective..............................................4
1.3 Research Procedures....................................8
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................9
2.1 Tourism and Hospitality Education......................9
2.1.1 The Need of Global Competence in Tourism and Hospitality Education ....................................11
2.1.2 Curriculum Planning.................................13
2.2 Competence............................................13
2.2.1 Competence’s Curriculum in Education ..............15
2.2.2 Global Competence...................................19
2.3 Student Satisfaction..................................28
3.1 Methodology...........................................32
3.1.1 Data Analysis.......................................32 Literature Analysis...............................32 Content Analysis..................................32
3.1.2 Questionnaire Design................................33
3.1.3 University Categorization based on Their Degree of Practice in Implementing Global Competence ...............35
3.1.4 Data Collection and Sample..........................35
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT......................................37
4.1 University Education Interviewees’ Responses on Curriculum Development....................................37
4.2 Categorization based on Ranking of Universities’ Curriculum Development for Attaining Undergraduates’ Global Competence Attributes..............................41
4.3 Students’ Educational Satisfaction...................44
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION..................................58
5.1 Summary and Discussion................................58
5.2 Implications of the Research Findings.................64
5.3 Limitations of the Research...........................64
5.4 Recommendations for Future Research...................65
APPENDIX A ...............................................72
APPENDIX B................................................76
APPENDIX C................................................79

1. The Components of Global Competence..............26
2. Synthesis of Global Competence’s Attributes Across the Seven Research Studies.........................28
3. Coding Scheme....................................33
4. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients of Student Satisfaction Questionnaire................................34
5. Sampling Selection Criteria......................35
6. Demographics Profile of Interviewees.............38
7. Summary of How Universities’ Curriculum Development for Attaining Undergraduates’ Global Competence................................................40
8. Ranking of Universities’ Curriculum Development in Global Competence Attributes ...............................................42
9. Categorization of Universities’ Curriculum Development for Attaining Undergraduates’ Global Competence................................................43
10. Demographics Profile of Student’s Educational Satisfaction Respondents..................................45
11. Mean and Standard Deviation of Students’ Educational Satisfaction..................................48
12. Overall Mean and Standard Deviation of Students’ Educational Satisfaction..................................51
13. Mean of Students’ Educational Satisfaction related to Global Competence Attributes among Universities..............................................53
14. University Ranking of Students’ Educational Satisfaction..............................................55
15. Gender Differences within Students’ Educational Satisfaction..............................................56
16. Working or Internship Experience Differences within Students’ Educational Satisfaction..............................................56
17. Overseas Travel Experience Differences within Students’ Educational Satisfaction.......................57

1. Research Procedures...............................8
2. Research Framework...............................31
3. Students’ Educational Satisfaction of Universities in Attributes. ...........................................54

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