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研究生(外文):Po-Chia Huang
論文名稱(外文):Ground Reaction Forces and EMG Analysis of Different Landing Patterns
指導教授(外文):Mu-Shan Chang
外文關鍵詞:landing from platformlower body loadinghabit footEMG
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目的:本研究旨在探討排球運動中常見之兩種著地策略對下肢負荷上之差異。對象:以12名大專特優級排球隊男選手為受試對象,平均球齡為10+3.07年,平均年齡為21.25+1.42歲,平均身高為1.84+0.06公尺,平均體重為78.41+13.47公斤。方法:由兩塊測力板並搭配美國Delsys無線肌電測試儀器擷取著地階段之資料。每位受試者分別進行40公分高台下落後雙腳同時著地與雙腳不同時著地之動作測試。資料分析利用KwonGRF地面反作用力軟體與EMG works Analysis 3.6版軟體進行肌電訊號分析。以相依樣本t-tes檢驗兩種著地動作間是否有差異,統計水準訂為α =.05。結果:慣用腳雙腳不同時著地地面反作用力之參數明顯較慣用腳雙腳同時著地大,第二峰值大小(雙腳同時著地:1.55+0.43、雙腳不同時著地:2.13+0.69)、第二峰值負荷率(雙腳同時著地:17.18+12.23、雙腳不同時著地:28.33+21.57)皆達顯著差異(p <.05);下肢肌電(EMG)分析結果:雙腳同時著地慣用腳股直肌與雙腳不同時著地慣用腳股直肌(雙腳同時著地:0.14+0.06、雙腳不同時著地:0.16+0.08)達顯著差異(p <.05),雙腳同時著地慣用腳脛骨前肌與雙腳不同時著地慣用腳脛骨前肌(雙腳同時著地:0.17+0.06、雙腳不同時著地:0.11+0.04)達顯著差異(p <.05)。結論:一、著地型態的不同,對於慣用腳之負荷亦有所不同,就本實驗所得地面反作用力之參數,慣用腳雙腳不同時著地較慣用腳雙腳同時著地有較高之運動傷害風險。二、就本實驗所得之參數,股直肌與脛骨前肌在著地動作中為主要施力肌群,因此,在訓練過程中,可著重在此肌群,然而人體的肌肉系統皆息息相關,仍不可忽略其餘肌群,否則仍有運動傷害之風險。
Purpose:This research is dedicated to explore the differences, in terms of loading to the lower body, caused by two commonly adopted landing strategies in volleyball.
Objects:The research samples consist of twelve Division I volleyball players with an average length of playing of 10+3.07 year,an average age of 21.25+1.42 year, an average height of 184+6cm and an average weight of 78.41+13.47kg. Method:Data used in the current study were collected by two AMTI and wireless EMG test equipment. Each participant was required to jump from a 40cm high platform and land by using two landing strategies in question, landing on both feet at the same time and landing on feet at different time. The EMG data were gathered and analyzed by KwonGRF and EMG works Analysis 3.6. t-test was then utilized to examine whether the differences, in terms of loading and EMG analyses, caused by these two different landing strategies were statistically significant. Result:Our research findings indicate that participants show higher ground reaction parameters as well as EMG parameters when landing on feet at different time than those when landing on feet at the same time. Second peak vertical reaction force(Feet land the ground at the same time:1.55+0.43. Feet land the ground at the different time:2.13+0.69). Second peak vertical reaction force Loading rate(Feet land the ground at the same time:17.18+12.23. Feet land the ground at the different time:28.33+21.57)significant differences(p <.05). EMG result:Rectus femoris(Feet land the ground at the same time:0.14+0.06. Feet land the ground at the different time:0.16+0.08)significant differences(p <.05). Tibialis anterior(Feet land the ground at the same time:0.17+0.06. Feet land the ground at the different time:0.11+0.04)significant differences(p <.05). Conclusion:To conclude, the loading on lower body has been shown associated with landing strategies adopted. Test results yield higher parameters for those who land on feet at different time and, consequently, higher risk for injury. Finally, the major muscle groups used for landing, based on our experiment, are Rectus femoris and Tibialis anterior;therefore, more emphasis can be placed on these two muscle groups in the training process.

目 錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
目 次------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
表 次------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
圖 次------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ
第一章 緒 論---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究範圍與限制--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第五節 名詞解釋與操作性定義-----------------------------------------------------------------------6
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
第一節 著地動作之傷害相關文獻------------------------------------------------------------------12
第二節 著地動作之動力學相關文獻---------------------------------------------------------------14
第三節 下肢肌電活動分析相關文獻---------------------------------------------------------------16
第四節 文獻總結---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
第三章 研究方法與步驟------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
第一節 研究對象---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
第二節 實驗日期與地點------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
第三節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
第四節 實驗儀器與設備------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第五節 實驗場地與儀器架設------------------------------------------------------------------------30
第六節 實驗步驟與流程------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
第七節 資料處理與統計分析------------------------------------------------------------------------35
第四章 結 果--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37
第一節 地面反作用力參數分析---------------------------------------------------------------------38
第二節 地面反作用力參數比較---------------------------------------------------------------------40
第三節 下肢肌電活動分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------44
第四節 下肢肌電活動參數比較---------------------------------------------------------------------45
第五章 討論與結論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47
第一節 討 論--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47
第二節 結 論--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
附 錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------59
附錄一 受試者同意書---------------------------------------------------------------------------------59
附錄二 受試者基本資料------------------------------------------------------------------------------60

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