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研究生(外文):Jia-Wei Jian
論文名稱(外文):Design of Reconfigurable Digital Filters for Tolerating Multiple Timing Errors
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chou Chi
外文關鍵詞:timing errorsdigital filtersreconfigurable systemsVLSI design
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隨著人類的需求,電子產品不斷朝著輕薄短小的方向邁進,不僅要求小小設備可容納豐富的功能,也要省電。因此積體電路(integrated circuit)製程技術也不斷進步,促使單位晶片面積當中的電晶體數量大幅提升、工作電壓下降。但是採用先進的半導體技術會有製程變異及設備老化的問題,進而造成電路發生時序錯誤(timing error) 。而時序錯誤會對效能產生極大的影響,所以保持電路的可靠度成為一項非常重要的議題。
本論文將提出一種容忍多重時序錯誤之可重組數位濾波器設計,其擁有錯誤偵測(error detection)及錯誤容忍(error tolerance)之功能,使電路即使發生時序錯誤亦可持續正常運作並產生正確的輸出。雖然犧牲了少量的面積成本及功率消耗,卻可換取電路的可靠性,進而提升效能。文中也將此種容錯設計應用在各種數位訊號處理電路(Digital Signal Processing),並針對不同的路徑提出相對應的解決方式。

As the feature size of chips shrinks with semiconductor technology advancing, the size of transistors and their operating voltage keep decreasing. One of the major problems with advanced semiconductor technology is timing errors caused by process variation and device aging. With such problems, conventional worst-case designs suffer poor system performance.
This thesis proposes an aggressive design technique for VLSI digital filters for tolerating multiple timing errors. We have developed a methodology of designing reconfigurable VLSI digital filters that can tolerate multiple timing errors. The reconfigurable digital filters are resilient to any timing errors occurring at any stage and any time. When the timing error occurs, the system reconfigures the buffer cells of digital filters with little performance degradation.
We have applied the technique to two example digital filter designs, including an FIR filter and an IIR filter. The implementation results show that our proposed designs achieve tolerance of multiple timing errors with reasonable cost.

第一章 導論
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2時序錯誤與容錯電路 1
1.3論文架構 2
第二章 相關研究
2.1 Razor架構 5
2.2 RazorII架構 6
2.3 T-error架構 7
第三章 容忍多重時序錯誤電路設計
3.1設計目標 9
3.2電路架構 9
3.2.1 三個正反器組織的管線緩衝區 10
3.2.2兩個正反器組織的管線緩衝區 14
3.2.3 控制電路 17
3.3各種路徑電路 18
3.3.1 Linear路徑電路 18
3.3.2 Forward路徑電路 20
3.3.3 Feedback路徑電路 26
3.4應用於DSP電路 28
3.4.1綜合電路應用 28
3.4.2實際電路範例 30
第四章 實作測試與數據
4.1 Verilog模擬 35
4.1.1 Linear電路模擬 35
4.1.2 Forward電路模擬 37
4.1.3 Feedback 電路模擬 39
4.1.4綜合電路模擬 40
4.1.5實際電路模擬 41
4.2合成與佈局結果 42
4.2.1 Control電路數據 43
4.2.2 Stall電路數據 43
4.2.3 範例FIR電路數據 44
4.2.4 範例IIR電路數據 47
4.3 合成後之電路數據比較 50
第五章 結論
參考文獻 55

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