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研究生(外文):Qian-Yi Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Brushless DC Motor Drive
指導教授(外文):Yao-Ching Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:permanent magnet synchronous motorvoltage space vector pulse width modulationspeed control of variable voltage
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本論文研究的無刷直流馬達之驅動器,利用TI的DSP TMS320F2812為數位控制器以實現無刷直流馬達之速度控制系統。輸入電源為220V的交流市電,經橋式整流器,以及一交錯式降壓轉換器,使成為可調變之直流電壓。利用此直流轉換器,可以降低啟動以及低速時馬達驅動之直流電壓以降低電流峰值。另外,利用電壓空間向量波寬調變來做為三相換流器上功率電晶體之切換控制,並根據無刷直流馬達數學模型,建立變電壓速度控制系統。本論文最後經由實作,來驗證所提出的無刷直流馬達驅動速度控制之可行性。

Electric motors have become one of the most important mechanical power source in modern industry and daily living. In recent years, the requirement of energy saving has been demanded eagerly; therefore, electric vehicles are rapidly developed to reduce the reliance on fossil fuel in transportation department. Resultantly, low-weight, small-volume and high-efficiency electric motors have become the focus of researches. Comparing to other types of electric motors, permanent magnet synchronous motor possesses many advantages such as small volume, high power density, and high efficiency; therefore, it has been widely utilized in industrial applications in recent years. However, this is kind of ac motors, which suffers more complicated control requirement than dc motors. In order to obtain better speed and position control features, more elaborate algorithms and some feedback sensing devices are necessary.
In this thesis, a permanent-magnet synchronous motor driver with speed control based on a DSP TMS320F2812 digital controller is implemented. The rectified 220V AC mains is regulated by an interleaved buck converter to provide a variable DC-link voltage. The variable DC-link voltage is able to provide suitable drive voltage to decrease the peak current value when the motor at startup and slow speed. The power transistors in the three-phase inverter are driven by voltage space vector pulsewidth-modulation . And the control system fulfilled by field oriented vector control based on the motor mathematical model. The driving system is verified through experiments to prove the feasibility of the speed control algorithm.

誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 IV
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 文獻探討 2
1-4 內容大綱 4
第二章 無刷直流馬達基本原理 5
2-1 電動機種類介紹 5
2-2 無刷直流馬達介紹 6
2-2-1 無刷直流馬達與有刷直流馬達的比較 6
2-2-2 無刷直流馬達與永磁式同步馬達之比較 8
2-3 霍爾感測器 11
第三章 無刷直流馬達數學模式 15
3-1 座標軸轉換d-q數學模式 15
3-1-1 三相座標軸與兩相座標軸轉換 16
3-1-2 同步與靜止座標系統轉換 17
3-2 無刷直流馬達數學等效推導 18
3-3 無刷直流馬達的兩軸模式 22
第四章 無刷直流馬達驅動與控制方法 27
4-1 無刷直流馬達驅動 27
4-1-1 三相電流180導通方式 28
4-1-2 兩相電流120導通方式 32
4-1-3 SPWM 36
4-1-4 SVPWM 38
4-1-5 霍爾元件感測器 42
4-2 純量控制 44
4-3 直接轉矩控制原理 45
4-4 向量控制原理 49
4-5 變電壓速度控制 50
4-6 PI控制器 53
第五章 硬體架構 55
5-1 控制電路架構 55
5-2 三相橋式整流器 56
5-3 交錯式降壓式轉換器 57
5-4 三相六開關橋式電路 60
5-5 數位控制核心 60
5-5-1 電壓回授電路 61
5-5-2 電流回授電路 62
5-5-3 隔離驅動電路 62
5-5-4 捕捉模組 63
5-6 光編碼器QEP回授電路 64
5-7 串列通訊介面SCI模組電路 65
5-8 軟體規劃 66
5-8-1 主程式規劃 66
5-8-2 Timer中斷副程式規劃 69
第六章 實驗結果 71
6-1 實驗結果 71
6-1-1 交錯式降壓式轉換器之量測 71
6-1-2 速度感測器之量測 73
6-1-3 三相換流器之量測 74
第七章 結論與建議 85
7-1 結論 85
7-2 未來研究方向 85
參考文獻 86

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