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研究生(外文):Cheng-Lin Liu
論文名稱(外文):Influences of the Advertisement on Cause-Related Marketing: The Gender Effect as a Moderator
指導教授(外文):Huey‐Pyng Shyu
外文關鍵詞:advertising appealadvertisement credibilitygender differencecause-related marketingadvertising media
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透過收回648份線上問卷,本研究分析得到一些結果,對於男性,在善因行銷廣告下,廣告主可信度無論在營利定位或非營利定位下,影音做為廣告媒介以及溫馨訴求作為廣告訴求可以得到較好的廣告效果; 若在廣告訴求為恐懼訴求下,則需考慮採用非營利定位為廣告訴可信度。對於女性,在善因行銷廣告下,則在廣告主可信度為非營利定位,廣告訴求為溫馨訴求,以及廣告媒介為影音較可以得到較好的廣告效果。
Cause-related marketing (CRM) could allow companies to link their philanthropic activities with the strategic marketing goals of the companies. In this study, 2×2×2 experiments are developed to know the gender difference in the CRM advertisement after a disaster via manipulating different oriented advertiser credibility (profit and non-profit oriented), emotional appealing (fear and warmth appeal), advertising media (printed and video), and use gender as the moderator in the study.
After 648 participators have finished the experiments at an online survey, this study acquire some results to analyze. To males, when at either oriented as advertisement credibility, it had better set the video for advertising media and sets the warmth appeal for emotional appeal that could get well positive performance in a CRM advertisement; And when at fear appeals with either media, it had better set the non-profit oriented as advertisement credibility. To females, it should consider use the non-profit oriented as advertisement credibility, the warmth appeal for advertising appeals and the video for advertising media that could get well positive performance in CRM advertisement.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 2
1.3 Research procedure 4
Chapter Two: Literature Review 5
2.1 Moderating effects of gender on advertisement credibility in cause-related marketing 5
2.1.1 Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) 5
2.1.2 Advertisement credibility 8
2.1.3 Gender effect on non-profit and profit organization in CRM 10
2.2 Moderating effects of gender on CRM advertising appeals 12
2.2.1 Advertising appeals on emotional advertisement 12
2.2.2 Gender effect on negative emotional appeal of advertisement 13
2.2.3 Gender effect on positive emotional appeal of advertisement 16
2.3 Moderating effects of gender on CRM advertising media 18
2.3.1 Types of media display (printed v. s. video-generated) 18
Chapter Three: Methodology 22
3.1 The conception model 22
3.2 Research hypotheses 23
3.3 Research design 24
3.3.1 Experiment design and method 24
3.3.2 Procedure 25
3.3.3 Definition and measurement of variables 25
3.3.4 Design advertisements and questionnaire 30
3.4 Data collection and analysis methods 35
3.5 Pretest 37
Chapter Four: Analysis and Results 40
4.1 Sample characteristics 40
4.1.1 Returning of samples 40
4.1.2 Samples structure 40
4.2 Manipulation check 42
4.2.1 Advertisement credibility manipulation check 42
4.2.2 Advertising appeals manipulation check 42
4.2.3 The relate analyze of effects of advertisement 43
4.3 Reliability analysis 44
4.4 Hypotheses Testing 47
4.4.1 Gender as a moderator on advertisement credibility has different effects of CRM advertisement 47
4.4.2 Gender as a moderator on advertising appeals has different effects of CRM advertisement 49
4.4.3 Gender as a moderator on advertising media has different effects of CRM advertisement 51
4.5 Gender as a moderator of advertising analysis 53
4.5.1 The analysis of advertisement for male 53
4.5.2 The analysis of the advertisement for female 60
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Suggestions 68
5.1 Conclusion and discussion 68
5.2 Managerial implications 70
5.2.1 The better manipulations for males 70
5.2.2 The better manipulations for females 72
5.3 Limitation and directions for future research 74
5.3.1 Limitation 74
5.3.2 Future research 75
References 76
Website references 89
Appendix 90
Formal Experiment and questionnaires 90
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