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研究生(外文):Chai-yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):The influence of e-WOM source persuasion and technology product purchase
外文關鍵詞:word of mouth sourcesword of mouth persuasionelectronic word of mouthpurchasing behavior
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Today, the users of internet are more and more in Taiwan, and most their purpose is that search information. The Internet pushes the development of community media. There is a new way in the traditional word of mouth through the network to produces "electronic word of mouth". They first search information of product and other consumer experience before consumer make purchasing decisions. In the platform of word of mouth, evaluation of product and others’ recommendation are as a very important basis that consumers evaluate the purchasing decision. The network platform of word of mouth is an important medium through electronic word of mouth.
Recent research only confirmed that source of eWOM would influence consumers` attitude and behavior. There was not confirmed the relationship between sources and persuasive of WOM. In this study, using anonymity investigation of eWOM to determine that persuasive of WOM influences attitude toward of platform of WOM on theory of reasoned action background. And, this study divides sources of electronic word of mouth into two kinds of groups that are "blog" and "forum" to compare and to explore consumers` purchasing behavior of technology products.
In an experimental, we found that persuasive of WOM is the major judgment by the content of the message. Persuasive of WOM also affect customers’ attitude toward in the platform of WOM. The attitude toward of platform of WOM significantly affects customers` attitude of product and purchasing behavior. In the ANOVA analysis, there is difference on browsing reviews in Forum and Blog, and it is that persuasive of sources of word of mouth affect attitudes, and the mean on browsing comments of the blog is more than comments of Forum. Contrary, the attitudes of source of WOM affect purchasing behavior. The experimental results show that the forums more affect consumers to purchase products than blogs.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
壹、 緒論 1
一、 研究背景 1
二、 研究動機 3
三、 研究目的 4
四、 研究流程 5
貳、 文獻探討 6
一、 態度與行為(Attitudes & Behavior) 6
二、 口碑 (Word-of-mouth) 10
三、 電子口碑 (Electronic word-of-mouth) 13
四、 口碑說服力 (Word of mouth Persuasive) 25
參、 研究方法 31
一、 研究模型 31
二、 研究假說與操作型定義 31
三、 研究設計 40
肆、 研究結果 49
一、 敘述統計分析 49
二、 信度與效度分析 50
三、 研究假說驗證 55
伍、 研究結論與建議 62
一、 研究發現與討論 62
二、 研究貢獻 63
三、 研究限制與未來研究建議 65
參考文獻 67
附錄一 實驗設計 77
附錄二 正式問卷 79
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