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研究生(外文):Chen-Yen Guo
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Application Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Chen Yu
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic TransducerResonance FrequencyEquivalent ImpedanceResonance Current
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近年來,伴隨著高功率裝置的發展,功率超音波的應用層面亦趨之廣泛,其應用範圍包含超音波焊接、超音波切削、超音波洗淨、超音波聲化學…等相關領域。目前以使用壓電式超音波換能器來產生超音波最為普遍,此超音波換能器又稱為藍杰文振盪子(Langevin Vibrator ),但關於超音波換能器在不同應用環境下的工作特性鮮少被探討,尤其是當應用超音波換能器於液體介質中操作時,容器中液體介質深度的不同及超音波換能器置入液體介質中深度的不同,皆會對其共振頻率、共振電流、等效阻抗以及傳入液體介質中的功率具有相當程度之影響,換言之,在應用上若按照換能器規格提供的共振頻率操作並不一定可以適切運作或得到最大工作效率,必須依其應用工作條件而進行調變。本研究即以自製之驅動電路及實驗平台,調變頻率、電壓、水深及置入深度,而觀察共振頻率的偏移、共振電流、等效阻抗及傳入液體介質之功率,探討超音波換能器在不同應用條件下的工作特性。
In recent years, accompanying with the development of the high-power device, the range of high-power ultrasonic application becomes very broad. The power ultrasonic usually applies to welding, cutting, cleaning, and sonochemical processing, etc.
In general, the ultrasonic is produced by piezoelectric transducer, which also called Langevin Vibrator. However, the problem is that the characteristics of applying ultrasonic transducer in different environment was less discussed, especially, when the ultrasonic transducer works in the liquid medium, those influences of resonance frequency, resonance current, equivalent impedance, and the power transmitted into the liquid medium with different height of liquid medium in the container and different insertion depth of the ultrasonic transducer into the liquid medium.
In other words, if we just drive the transducer with the frequency specified, the ultrasonic transducer would not necessarily be excited to operate in the optimal condition. For proper operation, we have to match the application environment and modulate the operating frequency accordingly with a frequency adjustable driver circuit.
Water was used as the liquid medium in our experiment and a ultrasonic transducer driver circuit was made with it’s voltage and operating frequency adjustable. In order to the study the characteristics of the transducer in different application conditions, the experiment was planned with the different voltages, different heights of the liquid medium in the container, and the different insertion depths of ultrasonic transducer into the liquid medium.
The transducer application characteristics being significant influenced by different operating conditions were observed and adjusted if the heights of water in the container being able to further improve the power transmission can be concluded.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 文獻回顧 4
第二章 相關理論探討 9
2-1 超音波原理 9
2-2 等效電路探討 14
2-2-1 等效電容 16
2-2-2 等效電感 17
第三章 系統架構與研究方法 19
3-1 系統架構 19
3-1-1 壓電式超音波換能器選用 20
3-1-2 壓電式超音波換能器驅動機制 23
3-2 研究方法 24
第四章 超音波系統設計 25
4-1 超音波系統實驗平台建立 25
4-2 超音波換能器驅動電路研製 28
4-2-1 驅動電路架構說明 29
4-2-2 訊號產生電路 30
4-2-3 功率放大電路 35
4-2-4 超音波換能器驅動電路實體空載測試 44
第五章 實驗規劃 47
5-1 實驗條件與環境配置 49
5-2 實驗組合規劃與負載端之電流量測 51
5-3 各實驗組合之量測結果 55
5-3-1 固定輸入電壓_固定水缸之水深 56
5-3-2 固定輸入電壓_固定換能器置入深度 58
5-3-3 不同電壓水準之頻率&電流對應圖 60
5-4 各實驗指標之分佈趨勢 61
5-5 水中置入異物之實驗量測 66
5-6 實驗結果討論 70
5-6-1 傳入水中功率與水中等效阻抗關係探討 70
5-6-2 驅動電路設計原則探討 75
第六章 結論與未來展望 79
6-1 結論 79
6-2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 82
附錄 84
(a-1) 輸入電壓AC45V_固定水缸之水深 84
(a-2) 輸入電壓AC60V_固定水缸之水深 87
(a-3) 輸入電壓AC75V_固定水缸之水深 90
(b-1) 輸入電壓AC45V_固定換能器置入深度 93
(b-2) 輸入電壓AC60V_固定換能器置入深度 95
(b-3) 輸入電壓AC75V_固定換能器置入深度 97
(c) 不同電壓水準之頻率&電流對應圖 99
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