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研究生(外文):Meng-Shang Tasi
論文名稱(外文):Understanding Online Shopping loyalty-Switching cost and Loyalty
指導教授(外文):ShihWei Chou
外文關鍵詞:LoyaltySocial exchange theoryJusticeSwitching costs
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In Taiwan, online shopping has become an important way of shopping. Network, developed with the convenience of paying, accelerating the development of online shopping as well as the convenience of online shopping. The coexistence of physical and virtual stores so that customers can have a more selective, and personal information and online shopping delivery service features, loyal consumers shop online more important factor. However, although online shopping has been popular for a long time, but there are still many shopping sites because of poor management and decline. For successful profitable shopping sites, how to use effective web site management strategies to obtain customer loyalty is the subject of this study was to investigate. This study suggests that affect consumer loyalty will be rational and emotional factors in individual double impact. In order to understand the specific relevant factors, this study applied social exchange theory as the core, using dedication and constraint views Perspective related factors affecting loyalty. This study will be economic benefits, decision quality, IS service value perceived efficiency factors, for customer loyalty has a positive influence. Justice while shopping website will serve as a consumer switching costs considerations. In this study, interactional justice, procedural Justice, distributive justice as a consumer switching costs, and found that the aforesaid Justice has a positive effect for the conversion costs, but also to have an indirect impact on customer loyalty. This study conducted a questionnaire survey research in order to make this research collected more effective questionnaires. The sample used in this study is used mainly with online shopping, 549 questionnaires were collected after screening and remove invalid questionnaires, recovered a total of 368 valid questionnaires. The results showed that virtual online shopping store which has a certain charm and appeal, will affect consumers'' perception of effectiveness of customer loyalty.
目 錄
目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V~VII
(一) 研究背景-------------------------------------------------------------------------1~3
(二) 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------------------3~4
(三) 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------------------5
(四) 研究範圍----------------------------------------------------------------------------6
(五) 論文架構與研究程序---------------------------------------------------------7~8
貳、文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9~25
   (一) 線上購物-----------------------------------------------------------------------9~10
   (二) 社會交換理論---------------------------------------------------------------10~11
   (三) 忠誠度-------------------------------------------------------------------------12~16
(四) 專屬觀點--------------------------------------------------------------------------16
(五) 轉換成本---------------------------------------------------------------------21~22
(六) 限制觀點---------------------------------------------------------------------22~23
(七) 公正性-------------------------------------------------------------------------23~24
   (一) 研究模型說明及變項說明-----------------------------------------------26~30
(二) 研究假說推導與建立-----------------------------------------------------30~34
   (三) 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量-----------------------------------------35~36
(四) 問卷設計---------------------------------------------------------------------36~38
(五) 研究設計與研究樣本----------------------------------------------------------39
   (一) 研究樣本之資料收集說明-----------------------------------------------40~41
   (二) 資料收集與敘述------------------------------------------------------------41~43
(三) 測量模式分析---------------------------------------------------------------43~49
(四) 結構模式分析與研究假說分析結果----------------------------------49~51
   (一) 研究發現---------------------------------------------------------------------52~53
   (二) 研究貢獻---------------------------------------------------------------------53~54
2.林美孜報導,資策會MIC ,2012,取自網路:http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/CH
5.陳柏谷,資策會數位教育研究所,2011 ,財團法人資訊工業策進會執行數位學習與典藏產業推動計畫專案-科技趨勢。
8.資策會 FIND (2011),2011 年 12 月底止台灣上網人口,取自網路:http://www.find.org.tw/find/home.aspx?page=manyandid=314 。

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